Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1174 Orochimaru’s misanthropy becomes more serious

Anyway, under all the guidance, this group of Kirigakure was under increased surveillance, and there were particularly many ninjas in the root.

Forget it, leave it to Minato to deal with in the future.

Well, if you have nothing to do recently, please stop running around in the Ninja Village. Give Minato some guidance when you have time.

Okay, I'm going down, Hokage-sama.

Orochimaru bowed respectfully and left, his words and attitude impeccable.

It was this attitude that made the third generation frown, and the gap seemed to be getting deeper and deeper.

But he had no choice. The old man who only wanted to be laid off after the final excessive handover no longer had the energy to deal with the relationship with his disciples.

After leaving the Hokage Tower, he ran into Danzo.

Orochimaru, come with me.

In the dark underground space, the same information was given to Danzo.

Although most of his people were dead, Danzo did not completely lose his mind. He just asked the roots to observe the representatives of the Kingdom of Water more.

Now the tougher stuff is ahead.

We must hurry up with the first-generation cell experiments. It is best to produce some results in the near future for the third generation and the elders to take a look. Only in this way can we obtain future support.

When that brat Minato Namikaze comes to power, he may not continue to support our experiments.

This is something that Danzo has been troubled by recently. That brat has an innocence that no superior person has ever had.

Without the support of these experiments, how could Konoha have such a strong strength? Do you really think that the forbidden techniques in the Book of Sealings were all slowly developed!

It is very difficult to maintain an underground organization without the funds allocated by Hiruzen, not to mention that it suffered heavy losses some time ago.

Countless scientific research equipment and property were looted. Simply put, Danzo was poor and had no one left.

In the future, even recruiting people for the Roots will become very difficult, because most of the Roots select people from the ANBU.

There are also a small number of geniuses that Danzo wants from various ninja clans under the banner of Konoha.

As an armed force directly under the Hokage, Anbu cannot intervene without Hiruzen's nod. As for whether Namikaze Minato will continue this tradition

It's impossible to think about it. There is no difference between a shadow and a puppet without the power in his own hands.

Hiruzen, that hypocritical guy, has to do the work of evading the power of Hokage. He is not good at this.

In short, the success of Orochimaru's research is a good breakthrough. For the sake of the overall situation, the elders will do what he expected.

Orochimaru felt a little funny watching Danzo arrange experiments and plans to evade Namikaze Minato.

Shouldn't you people turn into the will of fire and start burning? How can you illuminate the darkness of the village without burning?

How can I see you all continuing to take root in the soil and continue to grow twisted, and then push others into the flames?

Orochimaru thought of Noah's analysis of the Will of Fire and felt that he was right. This village had been occupied by a rotten old man.

Teacher asked me to assist Namikaze Minato. If Elder Danzo can't come up with any more generous bargaining chips, don't contact me.

Orochimaru, you!!

Isn't the Leaf Village going to be under the leadership of the Hokage?

what would you like!

The Sealed Book.


Then please ask Gao Ming. Not everyone has the courage to fight against the new Fourth Generation, even me.

Danzo began to hesitate, the sealed book was not an ordinary thing. Even I don't have the authority to get it.

But what others don't know is the risk of falling out with Hiruzen. After so many years, they have used various methods to copy most of the book.

In other words, the book of seals here has basically collected all the real forbidden arts, which is also the foundation of the root.

Danzo-sama, please think carefully. The Third Hokage is my most beloved teacher, and the Fourth Hokage is also my nephew. How can it be possible without paying a little price~~

Those vertical pupils scanned the ambitious man in front of him unscrupulously, and his tone was as relaxed as talking about the family's shortcomings.

Asking for the Book of Sealing was Orochimaru's impromptu idea. Noah used a lot of cherished secrets and things that involve the end of ninjutsu to exchange for things. Why do you want to exploit me?

Orochimaru had also heard lessons about the value of labor, so he also began to pay attention to his own worth.

Prostitution for free? Don’t even think about it, it’s a seller’s market.

Danzo was shocked and angry, this Orochimaru dared to talk to him like this.

It's really like a tiger's fall. It seems that there has never been a time when I dominated the ninja world.

On the contrary, the other party has a great reputation in the ninja world. Even more angry, damn it!

When he became an elder, the other party was still a brat born as an orphan. If he hadn't been lucky enough to be with Sarutobi Hiruzen, how would he have achieved what he has today.

At the same time, I also understand that it is a good thing to ask for benefits, so I can talk about it. The most fearful thing is that the other party will turn to Namikaze Minato's side without wanting anything.

When this takeover is completed, the experimental materials in Konoha Village must also be arranged, so that Orochimaru can be completely dragged into the water, and then he will be able to do whatever he wants.

Tolerance, a ninja is a person who can endure everything.

Okay, I'll give you three days after the handover ceremony.

Orochimaru gave a calm smile.

The experiment requires funds and materials. Just notify me when these are completed.

Clay was scattered all over the floor, and Danzo was so angry that he smashed a table again.

Hiruzen! Orochimaru! Namikaze Minato! You will regret it!

Orochimaru walked into the sunshine happily, as long as he looked beyond Konoha Village, there would be endless possibilities.

He became more and more impatient and started scheming with the idiots in the village. Obtaining the Book of Sealing and studying hard was the right way.

Noah said that the Nidaime had the opportunity to explore the true nature of the ninja world, but it was a pity that he was hindered by the position of Hokage.

He couldn't make the same mistake again.

For some reason, Orochimaru felt more and more irritable when he returned to the village.

In other words, it is lonely. The land here is very prosperous, but there is no fertile soil for science.

A few days later, the Sandaime gave another message. Jiraiya had not been to the hot spring street for a long time, and asked Orochimaru to see if something had happened to this guy.

Well, Hiruzen Sarutobi still cares about his disciples.

It was obvious that he was the one who didn't let Jiraiya go before, but he was the one who was worried if the other party really stopped going.

This is the mentality of an old father who would be more worried about his stupid son who often gets into trouble.

The rare friendship made Orochimaru, who was writing mathematics, go out once.

Without knocking on the door, he entered the dormitory directly.

Hmm~ Jiraiya. What about you?

Jiraiya, whose white hair was as messy as a dog's gnawing, turned over. A pair of dark circles were clearly hanging on his face.

It's okay, I've been a little obsessed with reading lately.

A book written by an author from the Land of Rain is very good. Well, it is very good.

The author of Coming from the Land of Rain?

Orochimaru knew who it was, that man had always been very good at messing with people's mentality.

In addition to those top-notch materials, some of the things the other party often said fascinated him even more.

Orochimaru always thought that Noah seemed to be imbued with an exaggerated illusion, or spiritual magic.

The details will have to wait until he stays with the other party for a longer period of time before he can figure it out.

It's time to go to the Hokage Tower. The day after tomorrow is the succession ceremony.

Ah!! So fast! Aren't there still 6 days left!

It seems you really like that book.

Sure enough, Noah must have recorded that strange spiritual will in the book again!

Orochimaru's curiosity was aroused again.

I'm really sorry that updates have been very volatile recently due to work reasons. I can't control my future, I can only survive as much as possible.

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