Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1171 Xiaonan’s fire transmission failed

The red-haired woman suddenly paused mid-sentence.

There was a little girl following Mr. Jiraiya!

Although she always couldn't stand the behavior of the wretched uncle, she probably wasn't so depraved as to kidnap a little girl and come back as a ninja from the Land of Rain.

I still have to save some face for Mr. Jiraiya.

As for the female ninja in the Rain Ninja Village who looks quite cute, it is most likely not someone's illegitimate daughter.

But half of what he said already made Jirai lose face.

When he was in the Country of Rain, he had never been to a place like Fengqing Street.

One is that the child is still young, and he is not so hungry that he would abandon three little devils to get materials. The second is that the service industries of the Rain Kingdom are all located in the capital of the Rain Kingdom, so it is troublesome to go there.

Therefore, he did not show his obscene side in daily life, not to mention that the masterpiece book has not been written yet, and Jiraiya's name is still very orthodox and strong.

Xiaonan and his three disciples still don't know that Toad Immortal's personal style focuses on one color.

This time, the air was filled with the smell of embarrassment, and the Immortal who had not yet evolved to the later stage felt a bit social.

Fortunately, a young man with blond hair came out of the house to smooth things over.

Teacher Jiraiya is here just in time. I have something to ask you.

Little Taiyang is so heart-warming, and he saves face for his teacher in such an understatement.

To be able to become the brightest representative of the new generation, his high emotional intelligence is really not an exaggeration.

He discovered his significant other at a young age and began to pursue her. He won the beauty's heart with a heroic move.

Every day, he takes pride in his teacher's face and cares equally about the ninja clan and civilians.

No wonder Jiraiya was so proud of him, even more than ten years later, he kept mentioning it.

After that, they exchanged a few brief greetings and then went into the room to talk in detail.

Minato and a curious Kushina also chased after him.

Hmm~·This is one of the disciples I accepted in the Kingdom of Rain. Her name is Xiaonan, and she should be considered your junior sister.

Hello, junior sister Xiaonan.

Namikaze Minato still greeted Konan very gently, and did not show any strangeness because of the identity of the other party's Amano ninja.

With this level of identity, the relationship between the families became warmer. After all, they all learned from the same family.

After learning that Xiaonan came to watch the ceremony as a representative of Yu Ninja Village, everyone thought it was normal. Now there are many representatives from various countries.

Representatives of the four major countries arrived in Konoha a week in advance. There was no grand finale appearance at all, but he went out for walks from time to time, which made the ANBU people anxious.

Afterwards, they had a casual meal together, and Kushina gave up her reserve as a quasi-Hokage wife.

He patted Konan on the shoulder boldly and said that she would be the one to protect her in Konoha Village from now on, using the name of Blood Red Pepper as a guarantee.

The Uzumaki clan's perception ability is very strong, and they instinctively feel that the other party does not have any malicious intent.

Minato and Jiraiya rolled their eyes, it was best not to pull Kushina casually.

Her identity is more sensitive than Namikaze Minato, and if she communicates too much with ninjas from other villages, it will hinder Konan.

Elders like the Sandaime and Danzo would really not let go of any ninja who tried to get close to the Jinchuriki.

Even after Minato officially takes over as the fourth generation, the four or five people in the elders still have the ability to influence Konoha.

During the chat, Konan also talked about the recent developments of Nagato and Yahiko. The Akatsuki organization has completely established a firm foothold and is now in a deep cooperation with the Rain Ninja Village.

Jiraiya usually doesn't look serious, but he still sees some situations very clearly.

Sanshouyu Hanzo is probably not that easy to talk to.

Hanzo-sama is a very kind person. Although he is getting older, his thoughts are becoming more and more open-minded.

Nagato and Yahiko slowly moved into Amegakure Village under Hanzo-sama's strong invitation.

It also has great trust in young people. The Xiao organization is constantly helping the people of the Kingdom of Rain rebuild their homes with high amounts of funds, so that everyone's lives can be on the right track.

Recently, Hanzo-sama also created a Will of Rain in our country to show his determination.

After hearing the Will of Rain, Jiraiya was dumbfounded, why was this so different from the Hanzo in his memory.

Is this old rival's style of painting an illusion?

How does it sound more advanced than Will of Fire?

And Namikaze Minato was even more energetic. He didn't expect the leader of the outer village to have such a high level of awareness.

It hit his mark right away. People who like perseverance and endurance will have the least resistance to such words.

Junior Sister Xiaonan, if you finish writing Hanzo's Will of Rain, can you send me a copy?

No problem at all.

After that, he accidentally talked about the simple idea of ​​​​the initial goal of having everyone fed, and was greeted by Minato's exclamation.

Ah, this is such a great ideal.

Namikaze Minato is slowly handing over the responsibilities of the Hokage, and also has a general understanding of the living environment of ordinary people outside Konoha Village.

People who can live in Konoha Village are people with few assets and don't have to worry about eating.

However, the living standards of most farmers in the outside world really depend on the sky as well as people.

The ideal of feeding everyone in the Land of Rain has gone beyond the responsibilities of the ninja organization.

How can this be done?

Xiao Nan explained the land distribution matter calmly.

Lord Hanzo personally went to Daming City to hold friendly negotiations with the nobles, and finally handed over the land to us for management.

As long as the farmland is fairly distributed to each farmer according to their needs, they then pay a fixed tax and finally keep their own part.

After briefly talking about the progress of the Rain Country, Minato Namikaze gave up on the idea of ​​implementing this plan.

This is not something that a Hokage can do, it is something that even the great names of the Fire Country would find difficult to do.

Due to the twists and turns, he felt that there might be something very unusual behind it, so he didn't ask for details.

I'm afraid it's a very fatal problem.

Namikaze Minato's vigilance and emotional intelligence are really a bit scary.

If Xiaonan really wanted to say more if asked, it would be a pity.

At this time, Jiraiya started bragging to everyone that his new book was selling well.

Minato Sen doesn't know that there are still many people in this village who like to read my books.

It's a pity that I ran into Xiaonan when I was looking for readers. Otherwise, I would have had a good drink with him to see how he admired me as an author.

I knew Jiraiya-sensei that your work would definitely be appreciated by the world. I like this book The Legend of Genshin very much.

This time, Namikaze Minato said it was very normal, and the work written by the teacher was very good.

Jiraiya burst out laughing when he heard his disciple's sincere praise, feeling that he could finally hold his head high in front of these people and could proudly say that he was a great author.

Kushina's face was filled with surprise. Although Minato liked that novel, she found it so boring.

That idiot Minato also said that if we have a child in the future, if it is a boy, we will name it after the protagonist of the teacher's novel.

She really didn't want her child to suffer so much.

Speaking of novels, Xiaonan took out two books from his arms.

Jiraiya-sensei, this is a book written by a travel author from the Land of Rain. You can correct it.

See if there's anything he can improve on, he wants to be a great author like you.

This is a book specially written by Noah to tell Jiraiya that heroes are not so fake.

Youth, perseverance, and slogans are all a beautiful fantasy.

The protagonist of this book and the guy named Naruto are completely opposite heroes.

The protagonist is already a middle-aged man when he appears, hiding his identity and background of being both noble and humble at the same time, and has experienced betrayal, suffering, and an unbearable past.

He speaks vulgarly and rudely, and has a burning fire of revenge and jealousy. In the end, he was a real ordinary person who passed away like a hero.

This is a true and tragic story.


I didn't get tickets for Mayday today, and I had a lot of fun reading novels in the afternoon, so there are few updates. I'm sorry everyone.

The last book is just a special attack work used to snipe some people who are immersed in fantasy, and will not be sold widely. Future works will definitely be focused on entertainment and communication.

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