Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1170 Meeting of Senior Brothers and Sisters


Jiraiya was shocked by this sentence as soon as he left the house. He still remembered how many disciples he had taken on.

The little girl, Yu Ren, has paper flowers on her head.

Let his memory come to the three years after the Second Ninja War.

Xiaonan, you. It's you, hahahahaha.

Well, it's been a long time, teacher. I'm now the representative of the Rain Ninja Village, and I'm here to observe the fourth generation's succession ceremony.

Xiaonan showed a happy and bright smile as before.

The white-haired man in front of him was the teacher at the beginning between him and his two good friends, the one who gave them hope to live.

Even now, they are very grateful to Teacher Jiraiya.

As a true-hearted person, Jiraiya was naturally overjoyed to see his former disciple appear.

The amount of effort he put into the three Rain Country disciples was no less than Namikaze Minato.

There was no utilitarianism at all when he accepted his disciples, including the Eye of Reincarnation, which was only discovered after he accepted his disciples.

As for teaching ninjutsu, it was indeed because of Nagato's eyes that he made up his mind.

As a pure teacher, I am simply happy for the beauty of reunion.

In the ninja world, being able to see each other alive after a long time is something worth celebrating.

He didn't even shy away from the fact that the other party was a rain ninja.

You must know that even though he is one of the Sannin who is the direct disciple of the Third Generation, it is very taboo to rashly accept three students from other villages.

Jiraiya didn't tell Sarutobi Hiruzen about it after returning to Konoha, only Tsunade and Orochimaru knew.

Since they are not fools, they will not really tell Sarutobi-sensei these things, but now that Konan has come to find him, he will not hide.

Jiraiya, who considers himself a hero, very calmly started to greet Konan after a long absence.

Konan, you are becoming more and more beautiful now. By the way, Nagato, ah no, is Yahiko here?

Jiraiya then thought about it and thought that he had already emphasized the specialness of the Immortal Eyes to the other party, so Nagato would probably not come to Konoha.

As a third-generation disciple, I know very well how sinful the darkness in Konoha Village is under the firelight.

Whenever the Immortal Eye reveals any information, Konoha will be willing to sever ties with him to obtain these eyes.

Because those eyes are worth it.

And his teacher Sandaime Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely use the will of fire to persuade him and ask him to think about the overall situation of the village.

This kind of overall view that goes against the pride I hold in my heart has appeared several times.

But he was also an emotional person, and he had neither the means nor the confidence to run away from the village as freely and freely as Tsunade, so he was always stuck in a painful position.

The matter of becoming Hokage has been deleted from his mind, and Konoha Village needs a more capable and sunny successor.

Minato truly understood the thoughts in the firelight of the Will of Fire. Under the rays of the little sun, the darkness will gradually fade away, and Konoha Village will usher in new life.

This is something he cannot do and can only entrust to his disciples.

I am the representative of Yuren Village. The two of them are still in the village doing construction.

Jiraiya nodded seriously after hearing Konan's explanation. Yahiko did have a leadership temperament.

Standing in front of the bookstore and chatting was definitely not a good choice. The clerk behind him had a murderous look in his eyes, so he took Xiaonan away from here.

His kennel in Konoha was obviously uninhabitable. As an old man who went out to collect materials all year round and only came back during the war, he never lived in the village.

Usually he stayed in the hot spring street, and occasionally he would meet his disciples for a meal.

But now it would be a bit crazy to take Xiaonan to hot spring streets or places where the service industry gathers.

Jiraiya, who was a little shy in front of his disciples, decided to take her to Minato to have a meal together.

Let's go, I just want to take you to recognize my senior brother.

The Fourth Hokage? I'm really curious.

Konan had no other opinions about the teacher's arrangement. Instead, she was full of curiosity and sympathy for Minato Namikaze, her senior brother.

According to Teacher Noah, the fourth generation Hokage is destined to have a tragic ending after he takes over.

Because if the Yondaime really cared about all the Konoha villagers, he would need to extract decent benefits from the traditional ninja clan in order to satisfy more civilians.

Because as more and more ninjas appear in the civilian class, the conflict of interests between the two will become greater and greater. It is impossible to eliminate this real conflict of interests by relying on personality charm alone.

If he were at the ninja level, he would just maintain the status quo.

But the reality under the current situation is so unbearable. Young people are like the vigorous sun. Will he turn a blind eye to the hidden evils?

Not to mention the inhumane experiments and crimes secretly committed by Konoha. Just the oppression of the lower class by the same race with clearly defined classes is a trigger for the future.


At that time, Yahiko asked Teacher Noah what to do?

Teacher Noah said this.

The fastest way is to use power beyond the entire ninja world to suppress any objections like the first Hokage did. Then naturally the whole village can do whatever they want with it.

Even the four countries can be subdued, let alone these ninja clans who are united.

When Madara Uchiha was around, no one dared to explode. The two heroes really did everything they wanted to do.

Or like the Second-generation Hokage, he uses ultra-high political tactics to continuously divide and disintegrate the power of the ninja clan itself.

Then we will vigorously develop the transition of the civilian class to dilute the proportion of ninjas, vigorously study the methods of confrontation within the boundaries of blood inheritance, and finally encourage intermarriage and other means.

If the Second Hokage could live forever, then Konoha might really be managed by him as impeccably as an iron barrel.

Yahiko asked what the Third Hokage's method was?

Lift some of the suppression of the ninja forces and form a unified class to support the rule of the Hokage family.

Finally, the will of fire was used to form a bond of inheritance within the village to unify the thoughts of most of the civilian class and the lower-level ninja clan.

Then use Danzo's roots to intimidate him. Although the method of one positive and one negative is not as powerful as the second generation, it can still be maintained.

It's just that this will cause greater internal losses. If there are external forces, it will suffer big losses, such as the 3rd Ninja War.

What about Yondaime?

It will be difficult for the fourth generation to do anything if they come to power. Because the power of the Elder Council was unprecedentedly large, the Hokage's authority was repeatedly compressed.

The industrial layout and regional divisions of the Ninja clan have also been completed, and there is not much room for them to gain a foothold.

The last resort to break the situation is the Uchiha clan. Conquer the Uchiha, and then use this ninja clan to balance Hinata, Inorakacho, etc.

The main difficulty is that the mess left by Hiruzen Sarutobi was too outrageous. In the early days, in order to stabilize his position as Hokage, he had to divide his power to a certain extent. But when the fourth generation comes to power, he will find that there are a few more bosses on his head.

If the means are not enough, the transition of his power will take a long time. If something unexpected happens again, you may not live until you get all the rights.

This is Noah's opinion. He is a bit weak in strength, not very courageous, and not good at evading his mouth.

In short, according to Teacher Noah's words, the internal situation that senior brother Namikaze Minato will face will be very tricky and complicated.

Along the way, we arrived at a small courtyard while chatting.

Minato, are you home!!

boom! The door was violently opened.

Jiraiya-sensei, why did you go to the hot spring street again?! The Third Generation specifically asked me to tell you not to, uh, your daughter?

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