Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1172: A direct blow to Jiraiya’s heart

At night, Noah read the entire book The Legend of Genshin Ninja in the hotel.

As expected, you can see the end after watching the beginning.

The emotion in it is still very full, and it seems that he has said everything he wants to do.

A young man gradually grew up through hard adversity through his belief in not giving up, and gained the bonds of everyone to become a hero who changed the world.

Some words are also very igniting, such as the eternal pursuit of handsomeness and never giving up in the face of an enemy that is too powerful to defeat.

The writing is really not bad. If it were not, I wouldn't be able to write the hit Intimate Paradise series later on.

The reason why sales are not good is that the sense of involvement is not good. Most of the people who have money to buy books and read them are people who have experienced social beatings.

We all have experienced the fact that hard work and perseverance have resulted in no success. When reading this kind of chicken soup-based novel, we will instinctively feel uncomfortable.

But if you meet people with the same emotional attributes, you will have a strong emotional resonance.

Both Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto were deeply impressed by this book.

Metkai and Xiao Li are also a little inclined to this approach, but their inner determination does not require such encouragement.

Jiraiya's heart is basically revealed in the book. It has to be said that it is childish and ridiculous, but it is also worthy of admiration.

It's really remarkable that you still have a pure heart in such a world.

But the weakness in it is also undoubtedly exposed. Generally speaking, it is still affected by the prophecy of Destiny Child and does not see the efforts of adults.

Basically, the world is changed from the perspective of a boy. Does he feel despair about the adult world, or does he hope that the child of destiny can bring miracles.

The consciousness of a strong man is inexplicably distorted, but the heroic spirit can still be seen in it.

The more such a hero is, the more stubborn he is. I hope I can have a chance.

Noah, who had finished reading Nesho Shinobuden, fell asleep. Although the book was very thick, there wasn't much worth savoring.

Jiraiya was sad.

During the day, Xiaonan took the book called Gadfly from his hand and glanced at it casually for a few times before throwing it aside.

He didn't like this strange unfolding story very much.

A young man named Arthur seems to want to help farmers and a country live a better life, and he enjoys this cause.

But when the conversation between the priest and the young man begins, it seems that the story has slipped into a very strange situation.

The first words I dislike are religion and priest.

Religion also exists in the Ninja Continent, and the routines are almost the same as in this book.

There are many small countries such as the Ghost Kingdom that integrate politics and religion, and they feel like a group of people who are talking about it. People in that kind of country are also ignorant.

There is also a Fire Temple in the Land of Fire, and there is also the matter of solving people's doubts. It's just that it is suppressed less conspicuously among the big countries.

From Jiraiya's point of view, being ruled by something like this would lead to very rigid thinking. This young man named Arthur believed in religion and tried to break the rules.

It's so awkward that it makes people feel uncomfortable.

The second word that made him put down the book was jealousy.

Because the emergence of jealousy made Jiraiya feel disgusted. Since it was for a noble cause, how could he be jealous? Just because his love rival had excellent abilities, he was worried that he would take away his beloved girl.

Love is beautiful, career is beautiful, and this young man is tarnishing these two beautiful things.

In his eyes, great things will be dead if they die. If not, just press on with perseverance.

There will always be unbreakable bonds that will pull you forward.

So he just read the beginning of this book and gave up. It didn't seem to have much appeal.

It's completely different from Genxing Nindenden, as if the author wrote it specifically for himself.

But I couldn't sleep at night, thinking about the story over and over again.

It seems that ordinary people are like this: greedy, jealous, and cowardly.

The fantasies about women in adolescence, the possessive desire for hazy love, and the desire to talk to those close to you.

But without unwavering determination and the awareness to abandon life and death, how can such a person fulfill his ideals and realize his vision of making the country a better place?

And as a ninja, he understood that since this matter needed to be kept secret, telling the outside world about the secrets would eventually lead to disaster.

It seems that the priest himself is with the existing country.

Well, let's look at it again. After all, it's also a work by the author recommended by Xiao Nan.

Finding an excuse that was not a reason, Jiraiya stood up and turned on the light in the room.

Hmm. As expected, the next development worsened as expected.

The priest betrayed the trust of the youth, and the whistleblower led to the arrest of a group of young people with dreams.

The young man who was released from prison even discovered that the priest had an affair with his mother and that he was actually the priest's son.

The broken faith caused the young man to fake his death and escape.

Jiraiya fell silent after seeing this paragraph. The author destroyed everything about this young man in a brutal way.

Moreover, the dark word derailment also appears in the novel. It is really unscrupulous. The contempt and contempt that such a person of origin received in the Ninja Continent is even more indescribable.

Family affection, love, and trust are all as shattered as a broken cross.

What would Naruto do if it was his own?

Believe in your beliefs, never give in even if you are knocked down countless times, and then gain everyone's recognition by rescuing everyone from prison.

Even if you encounter misunderstandings, you will use your own way to solve these mysteries, and you can draw great strength from them.

In the end, he changed the country with himself as the center, and made his biological father understand and face all this.

Changing this country is my belief and other handsome words, and the beloved woman will also enter the marriage hall because of Naruto's courage.

This. This is unreasonable.

There was no ninjutsu in that world, and there was no body that would not fall. But there seemed to be no difference between the pistol and the ninjutsu.

Jiraiya felt extremely irritated when he saw this, what on earth is this book talking about!

Why can't the protagonist do what he wants to do with his own determination and perseverance? Why do so many human evils appear?

Why are the setbacks encountered by lofty ideals so painful?

Jiraiya continued to watch and felt even more pain. The pain after being brought in was like a thorn in his heart.

More than ten years later, the middle-aged man returned to his hometown carrying the spirit of revenge. During his escape, he suffered inhumane torture. Dignity and soul have been trampled on countless times.

Seeing this, Jiraiya almost felt suffocated.

It seems that after experiencing all this, the middle-aged Arthur returned to his hometown and continued to change the country's ideals even greater.

Even though he still tortures the heart of his biological father who has been promoted to bishop with a desire for revenge, using this method to vent his hatred, he is also torturing himself.

Seeing this process, Jiraiya suddenly shed tears, which is understandable. The deeper the love, the deeper the hurt.

Even the returning love line is not that attractive. It just makes this self-proclaimed immortal man's eyes sore when he opens his scars in front of the woman he once married.

When he was finally arrested, weighed, and put himself and the gods on the scales, even the most powerful people could not control their heartbeats.

Especially when the climax of the scene of signing the execution was staged, Jiraiya was completely involved.

There is no need to modify Gadfly according to the habits of the ninja world. The integration of politics and religion has also appeared in the ninja continent.

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