Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1169 The Legend of Gen Xing Ning

This kid is only 16 years old, he has a bearded face and a weathered appearance. If it weren't for such obvious body hair features, Noah really wouldn't have recognized him.

Well, the characteristics of the gift I bought are also very clear, it is for the little girl.

Children in the ninja world are really precocious, especially when it comes to hazy love.

It seems that the love in One Piece is all about youth. Although it is exciting, it is not as green as Naruto.

It's really a sin to love without permission in Naruto. It's basically a group of underage kids falling in love.

Forget about the national idol like Sasuke, there are also many like Obito and Rin.

Facts have proved that even the most ruthless professional ninja seems to be indifferent when it comes to love.

Sakura dared to try to be a rebellious nin in order to follow in Sasuke's footsteps. This kind of stupid behavior is really weird.

Obito wants to destroy the ninja world for Rin. This is a reason that Rin herself, Kakashi and the fourth generation could not imagine.

So I understand it very well when I see Asma buying gifts to please girls.

Maybe Noah's gaze for a long time aroused Asuma's alert, so the young man took the initiative to chat with this ordinary person who seemed to be rather bookish.

Young people always want to do something, just in case they can catch a spy.

He had also been on the battlefield in the previous Third Ninja War, and despite everyone's obstruction, he still participated in the finishing work of the Battle of Mount Kikyo.

He thought he had some qualifications to prove himself, but it was tiring to carry the label of being the Hokage's son.

It's just that he underestimated the rich communication experience of the man in front of him, and he was led astray in a few words.

Mr. Adam, is it true that you said that this kind of gift does not have any favorability bonus for girls?

Of course, if you are pursuing a female ninja, there is really little point in giving these trinkets. Why not try asking her out for some delicious food at night.

Noah started to fool this somewhat immature, silly son of the Hokage family in a serious manner.

You don't need to guess to know that this child has already begun to pursue Kurenai Yuhi. There is really no scumbag among the Hokage, they are all innocent and terrifying.

So Noah, who has the information about Yuri Hong, is in every possible way, and he analyzes a wave of love based on this little brother's description of the goddess in his heart.

Asuma was shocked that this author from the Land of Rain was really amazing.

The Japanese-style poems are one after another. No matter how you listen to them, they are the most beautiful yearning for love.

Not only did he have a deep understanding of love, but he also pointed out several paths for him, and the words he said afterwards were so profound.

He is truly a cultural person through and through.

So the two continued to communicate, and Noah left with an excuse after establishing his image as a love mentor.

Talking to the son of the Hokage for too long will attract the ANBU's attention, so let's wait until later to say something powerful.

Noah left the child the address of his hotel and left.

After breaking up with Asuma, Noah also found it strange that the first step in spreading fire in Konoha was to be an emotional mentor.

Moreover, this son of the Hokage is very rebellious, so it would be good for him to awaken first.

Anyway, this child has always been determined to transcend his own class, and even joined the Twelve Guardian Ninjas for the inexplicable concept of loyalty to Jade.

This mysterious operation really dumbfounded everyone.

If that's the case, then it's okay that Jade is for the peace of the world. I'm really optimistic about this child's development.

Next is Ichiraku Ramen.

This sign is really memorable.

Noah would have wanted to take a photo here if he wasn't afraid of being too unique.

As a legendary restaurant, apart from not being able to shine, it has unparalleled blessings in conveying feelings.

I don’t know how many big figures who changed the ninja world have visited.

A bowl of tonkotsu ramen felt very good, but even though it was very good, he still preferred to eat meat.

Watching people coming and going before leaving after eating, this kind of store is very similar to a work meal.

While eating noodles, Noah saw many famous characters in the original novel hurriedly finishing a bowl of noodles and leaving.

The art of hand-cooking ramen is both delicious and fast.

Noah didn't bother anyone who came to the store to eat noodles, including hand-made noodles.

After finishing the food quietly, he left silently. There was already a big fish today, so he couldn't be too greedy.

Next we walked to the door of a bookstore.


This is it, the largest bookstore on the commercial street.

The blue stand next to it also said the release promotion of Gensho Ninjaden.

It can be seen that the owner of this store still knows the rules of how to survive in Konoha. Jiraiya's books, no matter whether they are good or bad, need to be vigorously promoted.

When he entered the store and saw the novels piled there, Noah was a little surprised. Is this book selling well? Otherwise, why would there be so many piles?

Sir, do you want to buy a copy of The Legend of Nessing Ninja? The store is doing an event, buy one and get one free~~

The one I was given is still the Genshin Nindenden, right?


I understand, this is because the book cannot be sold at all, so all the goods are put out for clearance, half sold and half given away.

Then let me take a look first.


The clerk immediately left dejectedly. Many people come in to buy books after seeing the promotional board at the door, but they basically give up buying after reading it.

This book really cannot be sold. I don’t know why the boss has put so much effort into promoting it.

After opening the work, Noah understood why he couldn't sell it.

First of all, the author uses a pseudonym, not Jiraiya's real name.

Secondly, the story is very untrue.

The story of a boy named Naruto who strives to pursue his dreams.

The main line is very clear. I relied on perseverance to pursue everyone's recognition along the way. The whole story is a growth history with the Will of Fire as the core.

But no one reads such a book, and readers get no value from it.

The real Naruto has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, has the Nine-Tails as a jinchuriki, has the chakra of Asura, and has the Sannin as his teacher.

In the absence of these, readers don't understand why the enemy can be defeated purely by perseverance and shouting slogans, and how can one escape with words?

Jiraiya chose the wrong track. The intimate paradise is his final destination.

I bought this book.

You really bought it!?

The clerk almost burst into tears. It’s really not easy. This book has been on display for a long time. Every copy sold is a huge joy.

It was agreed that buy one get one free, so the two books were bundled in the highest standard packaging to look the most luxurious.

“Welcome to visit us next time.”

The clerk who watched Noah leave still feels unreal. He had also read that book, and all he could say was that it was a pity that there was a publicity space at the door.

At this time, a man with white hair walked in, and at first glance he noticed that there were two books missing from the pile of books.

Unfortunately, he came to the bookstore as often as the hot spring street, just to see if any miracles happened.

Sure enough, he knew that even gold would shine!

Brother, the sales of Genshin Ninden are pretty good. Hahahahahaha.

The clerk looked at the man with a business smile.

Of course, the reader just now praised this book as a rare good book. Now we are doing an event to buy one and get one free.


The white-haired man immediately turned around and left. He wanted to find that classy reader and have a good conversation.

As a result, he was blocked by a little girl as soon as he went out.

Long time no see, Jiraiya-sensei.

That’s all for today, I’ll try to write more tomorrow.

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