Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1166 The troubled Sannin and the even more troubled Danzo

Konoha Village.

The whole village was busy, and this long-lost busyness actually brought some happiness to the village after the war.

The new appointment letter from the daimyo has been sent, and the preparatory work for the Fourth Hokage's appointment is proceeding smoothly.

Peaceful transition began with only one official candidate.

This handover ceremony also attracted the attention of the entire ninja world, and countless spies and intelligence officers had already begun to act.

After the war, Konoha still maintained a high degree of martial law, and even increased internal patrols due to frequent security problems.

As a result, it has become countless times more difficult for other ninja villages to obtain information about Konoha.

However, martial law cannot continue during the Hokage handover ceremony, as there are so many people and dignitaries attending the ceremony.

Konoha will maintain a more open attitude when it is necessary to show the style of a great power, and the new Hokage should also take this opportunity to show his courage.

The other four ninja villages will also send people from official channels to watch the ceremony. After all, no country has admitted that they have launched a war.

Everything is a misunderstanding, and it is reasonable to witness the fourth generation Hokage now.

It's also a good time to spy on Konoha's reality openly. Assessing the enemy's losses and status after the war is very critical for all countries.

Ninja villages in small countries will also send people to watch the ceremony. This is a pure expression of goodwill.

Even though the land and villages in our country have been beaten to pieces, it is still necessary to pay homage to the new dock in order to survive.

Who knows what kind of temper Namikaze Minato is, what if he is a small-minded person.

As for the evaluation that the reputation is very good and people-friendly, people still don’t believe it.

After all, the strongest Kazekage disappeared at the beginning of the battle, the strongest Hokage was beaten to his doorstep, and the strongest Raikage died in the early stages. The reputation these ninja villages set for their bosses is not that reliable either.

They are all people who have suffered losses. There are many liars in the ninja world.

In the Hokage Tower.


Exhaling a puff of smoke, Sarutobi Hiruzen was in a very complicated mood.

When he really had to step down, he admitted that he was still a little nostalgic. The name Naruto has been integrated into his bones.

He preferred to be called Hokage-sama instead of Elder Sarutobi.

To put it more darkly, the will has been soaked in the desire for power for too long and is reluctant to let go.

Fortunately, he is not so greedy for power. I hope Minato will lead Konoha Village to greatness again in the future.

At this moment, let yourself stand on the last duty.

The control of Konoha Village is all under my own responsibility. The tight situation outside and inside is a test of the ANBU's dispatching ability.

Minato is still young at this point, so he should let himself use his remaining energy. There are also some sensitive and difficult things that are blocked by oneself.

Is Orochimaru back?

The ANBU stepped out of the shadows and replied respectfully.

Lord Orochimaru said in his reply that he will be back in a few days.

Very well, let me know as soon as you see Orochimaru come back.


Although Orochimaru had temporarily left the village for half a year out of consideration for friendship and felt very sorry for him, but in order to avoid any accidents, he had to remain highly attentive as long as the last step was not completed.

Naruto's consciousness makes him always do some cold-blooded things, and he should apologize to his disciples in the future.

Where's Jiraiya.

Jiraiya-sama spends most of his time in the hot spring street collecting materials.

Sarutobi Hiruzen blushed, why is this bastard so embarrassed every time.

Ahem, let him calm down.

Forget it, it's useless for you to say it. Go inform Kushina and tell her that Jiraiya is ruining Minato's reputation and ask her to take care of it.

This bastard didn't even look at what time it was. His disciple was about to become the Fourth Hokage, but this kid went to the hot spring street to do such bad things.

If someone recognizes him, his teacher, the Third Hokage, will be harmed, and his disciple, the Fourth Hokage, will also be harmed.

Is it possible for a person to single-handedly lower the moral level of an entire village?

It’s really frustrating, but Orochimaru made me worry less before.

Tsunade, is she back?

Tsunade-sama said she won't come back and told us not to look for her again. If she goes again, she will kill us.

Hiruzen's expression darkened, Konoha was sorry for her and the Senju clan.

There are some things that a non-Hokage would not understand. After he dies and goes to the Pure Land, he will apologize to the first and second generation adults.

Okay, you go down.


After the ANBU withdrew, Sandai continued to look at the information in his hand, which was provided by the root.

Yes, he dismissed Nomura Danzo from his position before the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, but after the war ended, many things needed to be done by a person without a sense of morality.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen acquiesced to the reinstatement of his old friend's position. This ecological model between them has made it impossible for anyone to live without the other.

For example, monitoring the movements of major ninja clans in Konoha Village can be done by ANBU, but there is no need for ANBU to bear the bad reputation if there is a root existence that takes endless blame.

The root belongs to the Anbu in name, but these ninjas all know that the elder Shimura Danzo, the elder of the root, hates gods and ghosts and has no bottom line.

Then the anger caused by overt and covert surveillance will only be poured into a punching bag.

Hiruzen was still very satisfied after seeing that the families such as Inokacho and the Elder Group had given good signals to Minato Namikaze.

This shows that the fundamentals of the Hokage series are still stable. Although there was a little impact in the third Ninja War, it has calmed down.

The Hyuga clan remains neutral. Very well, it's best if they don't move.

In the end, the Uchiha clan, Sarutobi Hiruzen's brows frowned deeply.

Still looking dazed, the call to seize the position of Hokage by force has never stopped. This kind of stupidity has been around since the founding of the village.

I hope that after Minato comes to power, he can improve relations and absorb the Uchiha clan into the village again.

Until now, Sarutobi Hiruzen was only worried about this old and difficult problem, and had no drastic thoughts.

After seeing the situation inside the village, I felt that it was rickety but too big to fail. The legacy left by the first two generations of Hokages to the village was too profound.

With Minato's affinity and ability, he can definitely make this village glow with the same vitality as young people.

Wait, is Danzo too quiet now?

At this time, shouldn’t we come out and talk nonsense about people whose noses are not noses and ears are not ears?

Danzo has never concealed his ambition, could it be that he has changed his gender this time? Or something happened?

If it weren't for the busiest and critical period, he would really like to raid the root base to see if that bitch is doing something outrageous again.

Little did he know that the Shinobi World's Darkness, who had resumed his position as elder, was furious.

Trash! A bunch of trash!

So many people didn't even leave a single piece of information. How incompetent is this!

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