Danzo has been in a particularly bad mood recently. It is known that this disabled old man has always been coveting the position of Hokage.

But fate always plays tricks on him.

In the first ninja war, it was heartbreaking that I missed the position of Hokage with just a little hesitation.

After the Third Ninja War, he lost his mind again and ruined the elite at the root, causing the fourth generation campaign to be eliminated before it even started.

It was already very painful to watch a brat ascend to the position of Hokage, and there was also a ghost-like enemy in the outside world staring at him.

A large number of special instruments arranged in the outer experimental base were looted, and even the base itself was directly destroyed by unknown ninjutsu.

A lot of property suitable for circulation was also taken away. What's even more frightening is that the base next to Konoha Village was also ransacked. It was really a rabbit sleeping with a shotgun under his pillow--how audacious!

No one could ever bully him like this, no one!

Angry, he quickly began to transfer a large number of precious materials in the middle of the night, including the first-generation cells, the Sharingan Byakugan of unknown origin, and the sealed books he had collected.

As long as one of these things is exposed, I can find a decent way to die.

Now only this main base can give yourself a sense of security. It is located under the No. 13 training ground inside Konoha. At full speed, you can escape to the Hokage Tower for help within ten minutes.

Three sensory barriers cover the entire area from the sky to the soil, eight defensive barriers can withstand S-level ninjutsu for at least ten minutes, and there are countless traps and sealing runes, even the space disruption barrier.

This was specially prepared for the brat Namikaze Minato. Flying Thunder God's terrifying Danzo had seen it before. It was really a time and space ninjutsu that made people dare not even sleep.

After reaching this point, he relaxed a little and scolded his incompetent subordinates.

After Ryoma Aburame disappeared, there was no one here who could take charge of his own role. Yamafaze and Aburame Takegen were still young, so they could only barely act as guards at this time.

The other members of the root team were in dire straits, and several responsible persons were held down by their necks and cursed wildly.

The roots may not be the strongest. But in terms of privacy, it is definitely second to none.

However, secret strongholds have been breached one after another recently. There is an insider. There is definitely an insider.

Danzo immediately thought of two people who knew the root situation and were not in Konoha at this time.

One is Aburame Ryoma who was trapped in the Kingdom of Rain before, and the other is Orochimaru who is currently investigating in the Kingdom of Rain.

But the next second Orochimaru's name was deleted.

Although this man seemed cold and inhumane, Danzo knew that Orochimaru had feelings after being trained as a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi for many years.

Even if he is dissatisfied with Hokage, he will not do this behavior. At most, he will do some deviant things in the eyes of the world to release his temperament.

What's more, even Orochimaru shouldn't know the locations of so many bases in the root.

So Ryoma Aburame rebelled? Or did the enemy bypass the root ban and obtain intelligence?

The feeling that everything was unknown made Danzo very uncomfortable and frightened.

At this time, he didn't dare to go out easily. Danzo-sama, who is determined to ascend to the position of Hokage alive, regards his life as very precious.

He will definitely not be a hero when there is no need to sacrifice. His survival is the best choice for Konoha.

As for informing Hiruzen, he remembered the scene when he was beaten when the mission in the Land of Rain failed.

At that time, the monkey was really murderous, and those warning words often echoed in his mind.

Hiruzen would kill him, no joke.

He said that if there were any bad rumors about the Will of Fire, he would definitely be killed.

That was the old man's reversal, and he had promised that such things would not happen at the time, but the enemy was too ungrateful.

Although there were no first-generation cell experiments in those laboratories, there were too many shady things.

It's not like Orochimaru is the only one in Konoha who does research, and their work at the root is not bad either.

Orphan blood inheritance limit. Torture chamber. Wait, wait, etc.

None of these words can be washed away, the will of fire? There is only darkness and no fire.

This made it a thorny issue whether to tell the third generation Hokage who was about to abdicate or not.

Can the other party forgive me? Well, the possibility is too low.

Can the newly appointed fourth generation accept this? There should still be some life before the Uzumaki clan's limbs are exposed, but if that stupid green guy wants to deal with him, will Hiruzen stop him?

So... just allow yourself to continue investigating.

I believe that the adjusted roots can still play a role in protecting Konoha, and Danzo Shimura will never give up his position as Hokage.

A few days later, Orochimaru arrived in front of the gate of Konoha.

Looking at the hustle and bustle of Konoha Village, I feel a strong sense of fragmentation.

The place is bustling with people and seems full of life, showing its past glory.

But there is an inexplicable feeling that the changes in Yuyin Village are more full of the beauty of life changes. The earth-shaking changes there every day are even more fascinating.

Then Orochimaru shook his head. He didn't expect that his mind would be infected by that bastard Noah in just a few months. It was really dangerous.

Obviously he is a ninja who grew up in the Will of Fire, but he doesn't agree with the Will of Fire that much.

Who knows that what he yearns for cannot be achieved in the Will of Fire, not to mention that the foundation of this will has long since collapsed after seeing the situation inside the experimental base at the root.

The cells of the first generation were approved by Sarutobi-sensei, so is Mito-sama's body tissue the same?

The Sandaime in Orochimaru's heart was crumbling, especially after taking a few lessons from Noah on a whim.

I also understand rights, class, these common knowledge of mankind.

Only the Akatsuki organization's practical implementation can give life to the so-called will. Teacher, what you did is really not good enough.

Master Orochimaru welcomes you back safely, please register here.


After registering casually, before the guard could salute Orochimaru, Orochimaru was already furious, and his murderous intent crawled into the darkness like tentacles.

There was a cold gleam in his eyes, and the ANBU looked really closely.

He had nominally received an A-level mission to investigate the Rain Country's intelligence. Now he should go to the Hokage Tower to find the teacher who was worried that he had gone too far.

Suddenly I felt that the Hokage's mind was just like this. The mere position of Hokage was really boring compared to the plan of the guy who would come later.

After Orochimaru left, two more people, a man and a woman, came to Konoha Village.

Women had special registration as ninjas and turned out to be representatives of the Land of Rain.

Another ninja village from a small country came to watch the ceremony. The gatekeeper of Konoha proudly asked the other party to make a detailed registration and warned the other party not to use ninjutsu rashly in the village.

As for the somewhat sick man, he is an ordinary person and has no sense of chakra in the barrier.

I'm Adam, a travel writer from the Land of Rain.

Adam? What a weird name.

It's been super annoying lately and the updates are unstable. Sorry everyone.

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