Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1165 Obito’s brain is not enough

Hagoromo~~ Do you know that the bloodline of your eldest son and second son has the ability to bring wisdom?

Since Madara's death, Obito has completely let go of his IQ. It may take a big pill breathing on him to wake him up.

But now he had something serious to inform this silly boy, and a pitcher plant just popped out of the ground.

Obito, the Third Hokage is ready to abdicate.

Obito, who was showing off coldly in the woods, suddenly trembled.


Recalling what he had said countless times, he felt very divided. His dream back then was to become Hokage and be recognized by everyone.

Obito at the end of the world, genius Kakashi, and the most beautiful Lin.

There is no going back, nothing can go back.

Lin, Kakashi, and his former self all died in the forest of the Land of Grass.

The successor is your teacher, Golden Shine Namikaze Minato.

Teacher? Is that teacher always one step late? His dream is also to become Hokage. Now he has got his wish, right?

He said he got what he wanted, but the deep resentment in Obito's eyes made people feel heart palpitating.

The speed ninja who is always one step late is ridiculous. His hatred for Minato was only surpassed by Kakashi's.

Aren't you going to go to Konoha to witness this scene?

The Sharingan rotated slightly, as if he could see the scene of Konoha Village in the distance.

No, it's not the time yet. When the time is right, the moment when I meet the teacher will be unforgettable.

I will make Konoha pay the price when the time comes, and no one can be happy!

The decisive tone showed Obito's attitude.

Although his heart for revenge is burning, the flying thunder god's technique is not something he can handle at this moment.

The only thing that can restrain time and space is time and space. The special skill of Flying Thunder God makes Obito unsure about killing his teacher.

You have to wait until the opponent reveals a flaw that cannot be concealed before it is time to take action.

Now returning to Konoha to witness the handover ceremony will only make me more painful, and when I see Namikaze Minato, my emotions will be difficult to suppress, and there is a high possibility of being exposed by then.

The time of Konoha's succession ceremony will be the moment when all the masters of this Ninja Village gather. He doesn't even dare to enter Kirigakure Village, let alone Konoha Village.

In order to resurrect Lin, please be patient for the time being. Sooner or later there will be a chance that this village will be reduced to ruins.

Obito, who didn't want to mention this pain point, had to change the topic.

What happened to the rebellious ninjas I asked you to find who left the ninja village?

Because of Noah's appearance, the Akatsuki organization has now become a ninja organization with a very complete framework, rather than a mercenary organization.

Therefore, in order to run the organization normally after taking over, Obito needs to bring in some reliable and powerful ninjas to complete the plan.

Capturing tailed beasts, provoking war, etc. are all part of Eye of the Moon's plan.

A powerful rebel who has no worries and can be easily controlled is the first choice.

In the original work, it was only after the Night of the Nine-Tails that the blackened Nagato took the lead in recruiting people, and Obito participated in the recruitment.

Now because of Noah's changes, this step begins to advance.

Hei Jue said that he had only found two relatively reliable ones, and the first one was the Red Sand Scorpion.

A genius boy from Sand Ninja Village and the grandson of Chiyo. It is said that he has inherited the essence of this family's puppetry and is expected to surpass his predecessors.

However, he also disappeared mysteriously before the Third Ninja War. Some people said that he and the Third Kazekage were sniped by Konoha.

Still relying on Hei Jue's excellent intelligence ability, he noticed the clues and followed the traces to discover this person's flaws.

The inside story was even more interesting to Heijue. The body of the strongest third generation Kazekage was being dismantled in a laboratory in a small country.

The genius who was sniped by Konoha was studying the development of human puppets with great interest.

You must know that this beloved grandson is also a very important reason why Chiyo launched the surprise attack on Konoha. This directly kicked off the third ninja war.

The Sand Ninja Village was a village-wide stud. This kind of wisdom in warfare made them almost wipe out the village.

The result turned out to be such a ridiculous development, this Red Sand Scorpion can be called the invisible MVP.

In particular, this cold and ruthless character is perfect for executing the Eye of the Moon plan, so I highly recommend him to Obito.


Obito is somewhat allergic to the word genius, especially young geniuses.

Why are the ninja world full of geniuses? What kind of genius can there be in a shabby place like Sand Ninja Village? Is he as talented as Kakashi? This word is really used cheaply.

This word always reminds him of his dark history at the end of the crane in Konoha Village.

But I am no longer the last person I used to be!

Obito's disdainful sneer made even a genius surrender in front of my eyes.

Scorpion of Red Sand. Find him. Then I will take the time to weigh the opponent's strength. If he meets the qualifications, I will bring him to the Akatsuki organization. I hope he will not disappoint me.

Black Jue

This kid seems to have a strange hatred for geniuses. And the inferiority complex has still not changed, and I am stuck in a diode of inferiority and conceitedness.

It is an old problem of the Uchiha family that the stronger the eyes, the more serious the condition.

The second one is the Taki-nin rebel named Kakuzu. He's an old guy.

An elite member of the original Takigakure Village, it is said that they were ninjas who existed when the village was founded.

According to the other party's occasional bragging at the money exchange, he was a super strong man who had assassinated the first Hokage without dying.

This news is doubtful. Even if Black Zetsu has been active in the dark side of the ninja world, he will not pay attention to this little shrimp.

Kakuzu must assassinate Uchiha Madara without dying, so he can sit on a rocket.

Senju Hashirama acted decisively, but he also spared many ninjas who were not a threat.

This person is now very famous in the underground world, and is even an immortal legend.

He loves bounty missions and keeps wandering in the darkness greedily collecting rewards without getting tired.

Obito didn't have such a big reaction to the angle information. He was just an old guy who had survived until now by relying on secret techniques.

And putting your goals above money is enough to make the truly strong despise.

Take note, wait until I get familiar with the use of Mu Dun and invite him together.

After saying that, Obito was ready to go to the Earth Kingdom to cause trouble, but he kept thinking about the information about the Hokage's handover ceremony, could he really hold back?

Finally, after more than two months, Obito stopped killing Iwagakure.

Ohnoki has been consciously patrolling the village recently, and it seems that he discovered our existence.

It's time to change the flowers on Lin's tombstone, so let's move to Konoha to collect information first.

Hei Jue almost vomited blood, you little brat, why are you so unsteady? Is the person who categorically said he couldn’t leave 2 months ago a dog?

It is difficult to become a great tool; it is difficult to become a great tool.

They all decided to take complete revenge on Konoha, why are there always no plans for taking action?

He had no choice but to go to Konoha with Obito, hoping nothing would happen this time and praying not to encounter a certain monster.

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