Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1164 Kirigakure feels like he’s been played

When the ninja world is in a post-peace era.

Kirigakure Village.

The Sandaime Mizukage was looking through the information in his hands alone, and the surrounding guards were all withdrawn.

He didn't trust anyone at the moment, and the troubles that he was worried about had been coming to his door recently, which made the somewhat elderly Kage start to feel tired in his bones.

Maybe it's time to think about the successor. Only Yagura in the village has good abilities and is mature and stable.

The most important thing is that the opponent is a neutral faction, who can combine the power of the water shadow series and the elemental master series, but that baby face really can't show much majesty.

The new pattern after the third ninja world and the current situation in the Kingdom of Water made him feel a little scared.

The glory of Kirigakure Village cannot stop with me~~

This is a mental imbalance caused by the passage of time and the decline in strength. He himself knows the reasons very well.

The unknown third generation Mizukage has never had any outstanding achievements, because he is indeed the weakest one among the five Kages.

The Third Kazekage is known as the strongest Kazekage, and his record is average, but Suna Ninja Village boasts of being very powerful. This shows that his personal strength should be good, and the unity of this Ninja Village is also reflected.

The Third Raikage is really strong, and not everyone can do this crazy operation of breaking off the queen by himself. Even in the era of the first generation, it was a very explosive operation.

The third generation of Tsuchikage, the inheritance of Dust Release increased that little dwarf's attack power to an absurd level.

The Third Hokage, the boss of the Strongest Ninja Village is also extraordinary, but someone maliciously named him the Strongest Hokage and made him laughable.

And I can only say that I have barely reached that line, and the blood inheritance limit is not very strong. This is also the reason why Yuanshi's bad old man can compete with him.

Looking for a successor? This thought came to mind more than once.

But all this will happen only after the black hand is found.

The so-called Black Hand was the source of those outrageous things during the Third Ninja War.

I have read through the information from half a year ago countless times and still can't find a clue.

Is there really no trace left?

The entire Dark Water Team was wiped out, and five jonin and a dozen genin were missing at the same time. Some members of the sealing class committed suicide or disappeared for unknown reasons.

The most important thing is that the three tails have returned to nature. The problems here are shocking.

At that time, the hatred for Konoha was inexplicably high in the village, and even the third generation Mizukage and Genshi could not control the atmosphere in the village.

This is incredible.

He was the personal bodyguard of the first Mizukage and was considered an old man in the village. And Master Yuan was an elder who had gained prestige during the first generation.

Although the power struggle between the two of them caused some divisions in the village, they should be able to completely control the village when they join forces.

But it happened that the village was out of control during that time.

The tailed beast is the village's most valuable strategic resource.

It disappeared in the middle of the war, and the plan to put the seal back on the Konoha ninja and attack the opponent's core was successfully implemented, bypassing his and the Yuanshi's authority.

Such a nonsense plan was executed very smoothly in the early stage, until it completely disappeared in the Country of Grass.

The core strength of Kirigakure Village was destroyed, leading to the final withdrawal from the Third Ninja World War.

The Third Mizukage and Yuanshi had confirmed to each other that it was not the other's work, so what other third-party forces were secretly causing trouble?

This is Uchiha Madara's ability. Although he can only use White Zetsu, he can also control a village with the help of the transcribed Sharingan phantom book.

Moreover, there is no need to consider the finishing touches for this throwaway plan, so it leaves flaws without caring.

It can be said that he is arrogant to the extreme, even in every game he plays, he is extremely domineering.

What's even more embarrassing is that the third generation Mizukage is suspicious in the village, and someone from the outside world is already eyeing this place.

That was Obito Uchiha.

Because Lin's death was inextricably linked to Kirigakure, this guy squatted outside the Kirigakure village after taking revenge on the roots of Konoha.

Although he didn't lose his mind and rushed to Kirigakure Village to kill people, he also ruined many Kirigakure's actions.

The Sandaime Mizukage could always receive news that someone was missing, and the whole village fell into a strange atmosphere.

Damn it, when will Kirigakure Village get out of this predicament?

Kirigakure Village can now get out of the predicament, and Obito is ready to leave here.

With the help of Kirigakure's ninjas, he continued to hone his Sharingan and Wooden Style. Now that he felt a little accomplished, he was ready to leave here and go to Iwagakure Village to practice.

The ninja village that once destroyed half of his body was also one of the murderers.

Revenge and instigating the situation in the ninja world is what Obito is currently doing.

The ninja world cannot restore peace just because the war is over. That is a false peace, and he, Uchiha Obito, does not recognize it.

The cruel real world should continue to be turbulent. Let the dark side of human nature be exposed.

In short, this world is wrong and should not exist.

Once he has completely mastered the Kaleidoscope and Wood Release, he can gather his manpower and return to the Rain Hidden Village to control Madara's legacy.

If he doesn't have his own team, he doesn't have the confidence to take over the Akatsuki organization yet.

Although the Mangekyō Sharingan gave him immense confidence, Nagato, who was able to control the Rinnegan, had always been a serious concern for him.

Under Noah's operation, it was no longer possible to use strategies to make the carrier of the Samsara Eye fall into the Moon Eye Project, which was really a headache.

The advanced Sharingan will definitely have some restraint on genjutsu and space-time ninjutsu, and his wood escape is not at the level of the first Hokage.

So it would be safer to find a few subordinates to fill up your own power.

As for Konan and Yahiko, he didn't put them in his eyes at all, they were just Nagato's pendants.

Sansho fish Hanzo? Just dry bones in the grave. How can an old man resist this eye?

Even Noah, whom Uchiha Madara had repeatedly warned before his death, was nothing more than this. What could he do with his seriously injured body?

People who don't have chakra are not much of a threat, things that can be solved with a genjutsu.

Ame Hidden Village, Akatsuki Organization. Soon it will all be mine.

Regarding this idea, Hei Jue, who has been recuperating underground, said that he could not persuade him, not at all.

He even suspected that Obito's only eye was blind, or that half of his brain was given to Kakashi by Link, which made him even more stupid.

Using illusion to control that monster, Uchiha Madara gave up the ridiculous idea the first time he saw the other person.

Can you really not see the fighting power of that monster Noah?

Oh, right. The only time Obito saw Noah take action was when the monster was panting and chopping down a jounin at the root of Konoha.

Using exquisite swordsmanship, he cut off the enemy's head after dozens of moves.

Obito's comment on this was that he might have been a master before, but it was all illusion in front of this eye.

What a sin~~~~

That bastard Noah couldn't even plan this, Hei Ze suddenly thought of this.

It can be seen that the other party really understands Uchiha and Obito's thoughts.

No matter how Black Zetsu's insidious reminders failed to wake up this fool, who said that his current identity was just the product of Uchiha Madara's will.

Obito really uses himself as an obedient and slightly more advanced White Zetsu, and it is impossible for him to listen to his own opinions.

Recalling the results of his observations over the past thousand years, Hei Jue came to a clear understanding.

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