Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1163 The third generation is about to retire

Chakra? Six Paths Immortal? science?

The terms that are suddenly connected together make people feel chills running down their spines, but they are probably not true.

Orochimaru once again spread his thoughts, and it seemed that there were some contents that he really couldn't think about in detail.

The Six Paths Sage was looking in the direction of the Land of Rain in the gap between life and death, quite speechless. The ninja world had never heard his name so frequently.

Why does this Noah have to bring himself with him for everything? He is so helpless.

Moreover, the chakra, the fruit of the sacred tree, and Otsutsuki's bloodline were all hinted at in a very subtle way by the other party. He is really a crazy person.

Judging from the other party's temperament, he will definitely fight fiercely with the Otsutsuki clan in the universe.

It is this basic stance that the enemy of my enemy is my friend that brought Noah to his world.

I hope everything can end in this era.

Inside the high tower of the Kingdom of Rain.

Orochimaru didn't want to listen to this bastard's lies, but Noah always came up with some terrible ideas at critical moments.

But just thinking about this thing makes people tremble all over.

He might be manipulated again. Because this guy understands his own weaknesses too well and understands scientists too well.

It is absolutely impossible to explore the truth by just one person. It is at least the pinnacle of science of an era.

Whether it is strength or science, it is very suitable to take the path of gathering the power of the crowd.

A steady stream of geniuses continue to provide fresh ideas and concepts, and the person who weaves the teaching materials has personally laid the foundation for the birth of a technological kingdom. Don't you think this kind of thing is very meaningful?

And you, my friend Orochimaru! have grasped the root of the Age of Creation.

No matter what the two people talking to each other thought, just those who were listening felt their blood boiling.

After hearing this, Orochimaru felt that it made sense. The title of the founder of science was still somewhat attractive.

Leng Jun, who is not so perverted as to become Orochi Princess, still has a certain pursuit of reputation.

What if, what if the Akatsuki organization really achieves world peace?

Then I no longer have to hide my identity as the founder of modern science in the ninja world. What's the feeling of being a little flattered? Have I fallen into a genjutsu again?

Actually, Teacher Yuan Fei is far behind you.

Leave the teaching materials to me.

It's just that you'd better invite a few more people to share the work pressure.

Do you need me to give you a few tips?

So insidious~~ Orochimaru now feels that he is trapped, so why not drag a few more people into the water?

Such a subjective initiative, he is worthy of being the villain who connects the early plots, and he is straightforward when selling people.

The core talents of several other Ninja Villages were marked on the scroll, and a familiar name was also seen, the Scorpion of the Red Sand Ninja Village.

But why are the products sold from other ninja villages?

I am a working ninja of Konoha, not a rebel ninja.

It's normal to help your own village weaken the strength of other countries.

These are the things our Danzo elders from Konoha have worked hard to sort out. If we have the opportunity, we can communicate more.

There's a lot of good stuff at the roots.

Orochimaru finally sold a Konoha ninja, the legendary Shimura Danzo of the Dark Ninja World.

It was this bastard who caused him to fall into the Kingdom of Rain. It was impossible to say that the insidious old man didn't know how dangerous the Kingdom of Rain was. ,

So a little revenge shouldn't be too much. Even if Elder Danzo died accidentally, he was still old.

Noah was still very happy looking at the treasure ninja in front of him. The talent list was given by the Great Ninja Village.

Xiaobai could only get orders from himself to find the named characters in the original work, but more backbone talents had no clue.

The root assassination list is simply the guiding light of the Akatsuki organization.

After getting the new list, Noah handed it over to Hanzo and asked him to use the underground intelligence network to collect information.

The next step is to continue the vigorous transformation of the Kingdom of Rain.

The land has been allocated under the control of the Akatsuki organization, so it is time to find a suitable place for the remaining labor force.

Abandon the original handicraft workshop and directly enter the industrialization era.

Infrastructure construction also needs to be promoted along with the process of industrialization.

The road across the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Rain must be built as soon as possible. Ninjas can jump on the trees, but ordinary people and supplies still need open and easy roads to connect them.

The myriad of tasks at the top have made the senior management extremely busy, and no one can take a break.

Orochimaru thought that the matter related to him was over, but a week later Nagato came to invite Orochimaru to a meeting.

Nagato, are you interested in contributing to the development of science? For example, donating 100CC of blood or something like that.

Um~~Master Orochimaru, Teacher Noah is already waiting for you in the conference room.

Orochimaru felt very unlucky when he heard the name. He knew that letting Nagato seduce him out was definitely not a good thing.

Tell me, what's the matter?

Two things. The first is that the Rain Country Laboratory is under preparation. If you have any equipment or equipment needs, you can put forward them.

Orochimaru unceremoniously took out a pen and paper and wrote a dense list on the spot, all of which were top-notch products from basic to high-end.

Major countries have their own R\u0026D institutions. In addition to general-purpose equipment, they also have independently developed equipment.

I wrote all of it just to embarrass Noah, in order to retaliate for the dilemma of being constantly manipulated during this period.

For example, many culture fluids are materials provided by various ninja clans in Konoha, and many specially modified detectors were jointly developed by Tsunade and Orochimaru.

Noah said it was OK, it was no problem.

The laboratory at the root has been thoroughly explored by Xiaobai, and he can pick up the goods at any time.

As for regular materials, you can buy them through formal channels. The daimyo of the Rain Country can donate a sum of funds at any time to support the industrial reform and the establishment of scientific laboratories in the Rain Country.

The second thing is that the Third Hokage will step down as Hokage in three months.

Although the content was very sensitive, Noah said it calmly.

Now, except for Obito, who cannot monitor the entire ninja world, other important information can still be obtained immediately.

Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't suppress the atmosphere in the village because he was about to be replaced within a few months after the Third Ninja War.

The Ninja clan's dissatisfaction with the third generation became more and more intense. They did not get the benefits they wanted in exchange, and so many of their own clan members died. The big and small Ninja clan were no longer so polite in their daily interactions.

Civilians were uneasy about the depressing village atmosphere. Ninjas who usually did not offend others suddenly became extremely violent. For these ordinary people, a little carelessness would mean death or disability.

Uchiha was still unswervingly enforcing the patrol standards of the police force during this intense conflict. The prison was almost full of people, triggering a greater undercurrent in the dark.

After the war, Konoha Village was like a powder keg that could be exploded at any time.

It is said that Uchiha held several meetings at Nanga Shrine to discuss such ridiculous things as whether the fourth generation could be Uchiha Fugaku.

This ninja clan is really pitiful. The Hyuga clan understands that the more powerful the clan is, the less they can act rashly at this time.

Orochimaru said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

If you still have a chance to go back now, would you like to try it?

Noah still gave a very considerate suggestion, how will you know despair if you don’t try some things.

Perhaps every setback is a kind of training for Orochimaru.

It's a pity that Orochimaru has seen the script a long time ago and doesn't want to touch such dishonorable things.

Even if you unite some ninja clans and a few jounin, it doesn't mean much. Sarutobi Hiruzen is not that easy to overthrow.

No need, just wait for me to go back in three months. There are still many experiments to be completed in Konoha.

Noah expressed his understanding. Uncle Snake, who had not rebelled against the village, was still a competent ninja.

Well, I will go then too.

What is your identity? The revolutionary mentor of the Kingdom of Rain?

No, a fledgling travel writer.

The state is very bad. I have a very bad time during this time of year. All kinds of difficult and unfortunate things will happen one after another. well

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