Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1162 The leader who works overtime

Late at night, most of the ninjas and villagers in the Rain Ninja Village fell asleep to the sound of rain.

I have to say that daily rain may make people feel wet and uncomfortable, but this kind of white noise is very powerful in assisting sleep.

But there are still special people in a village that is so suitable for sleeping.

For example, Noah, who is recognized as a busy man, the extraordinary system of the pirate world has given him extraordinary physical strength and energy.

The ten years of the Holy Grail gave him sufficient rest time and a re-sublimated body.

Isn't it a huge waste of resources not to stay up late with such good conditions?

Anyway, the lights in his study and staff room were always on during the Resurrection Island.

The current revolutionary lights seem to have returned to that era, and the enemies come from all the ruling classes in the entire continent for thousands of years.

Such a predicament makes someone's fighting spirit burn brightly, and with so many combustibles, the most gorgeous fireworks can surely be seen.

If you are still sleeping with a hammer, you must quickly designate 123456789 plans.

Orochimaru was tricked by Danzo into Baiji.

However, the other talents have not deviated from their original tracks yet. This is not good. Waiting for wild talents to go out and be captured is the next best option.

Taking the initiative to poach someone is a man's favorite thing to do.

Weaken the enemy and strengthen yourself. Let’s start from the Kingdom of Fire. Who says they have the thickest wool?

Noah was very happy to be busy at night. Occasionally, he looked at a certain light outside the window and felt particularly at ease. As expected of you, a fellow traveler who stayed up late.

The chakra system in the Naruto world does not have so much energy bonus, so you have to sleep when you should.

Insufficient rest will affect the refining and application of chakra, so the people here have learned to allocate physical strength more accurately.

But the bad habit of working overtime has spread.

The three disciples are still young and are still in the period of rapid growth in strength, so they cannot stay up late.

Sanshouyu Hanzo is too young to endure this hardship, not to mention that if he can't control his body due to exhaustion, he will really be poisoned to death.

The last person to receive such an honor was Orochimaru, who had just joined the Akatsuki organization and became the honorary leader.

He was leaning on the desk and writing something crazily.

There is already a large amount of blank paper on hand and the written content is organized neatly.

Even with the bonus of chakra and taijutsu, he now feels that his body seems to be a bit overwhelmed.

This Akatsuki organization just tricks people into using them as livestock. Too beautiful a promise because you are too young?

After all, he is also a mature ninja who has experienced ups and downs. Who would have thought that he would look like this after entering the game.

Orochimaru looked at the endless things written in his hand and wanted to lift the table. The things promised before were too watery, or there were too few things in the sea.

I still remember that day after I officially joined the group, the top management of the Akatsuki organization held a very confidential welcome meeting.

After all, Orochimaru has a special status and a relatively special status in Konoha Village. If he rashly joins an organization abroad, he really doesn't take the Third Hokage seriously.

Although Uncle Snake said he didn't mind this inexplicable ritual, he was still somewhat optimistic about being so welcomed.

It's a pity that extreme joy brings sorrow.

The honeymoon period ended before he could be happy for long, and very difficult problems came one after another.


Yes, there is really no reliable ninjutsu ninja in the Rain Ninja Village. The status of the daimyo and nobles cannot be maintained at this level forever.

Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief when the first small problem came. They were all small problems.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The other party who spent so much money to woo you must have taken a fancy to your talents.

For those who are obsessed with all ninjutsu, genjutsu is also at their fingertips.

For masters at Orochimaru's level, illusions can play a very special role.

Only top-level illusions can have a certain effect, and the moment it takes effect is the moment of difference between life and death.

He has really studied the application of this aspect, and it has been used successfully in wars.

I directly contributed an illusion that I usually researched. The characteristic of this illusion is that it is relatively concealed.

The control ability will be relatively weak, but it doesn't matter. With the blessing of Xiaobai + Sharingan, this illusion can make up for the shortcomings.

The three young men in the Akatsuki organization started to learn, and Jiraiya's apprentice had no problem learning these.

Orochimaru simply felt that such trivial matters were not worth disturbing his enthusiasm for scientific research, and it would be better to share them with others.

But the troubles that followed made him stunned and even had the idea of ​​rebellion.

Ahem, Orochimaru. You know that our Akatsuki organization plans to build a general school in the Land of Rain.


But there are no teaching materials.

There are no seeds from physics and chemistry in the fertile soil of science.

If possible, please complete the compilation of these teaching materials within half a year. After all, teachers need to be selected first, and then students can be taught.

I have a few suggestions about the preparation of textbooks that you can listen to. First


Orochimaru was speechless for a while, since you have such a systematic ability to compile teaching materials, why don't you do it yourself?

Noah can't help it, he naturally understands the most basic subject knowledge.

But he didn't know the various terms, calculation units and special development directions in the ninja world.

Let Xiaobai go to Konoha and steal a ninja school textbook once, and I can only say that it is really bad.

No wonder Sakura is the only top student among the Twelve Little Strong. The knowledge here is really incomprehensible even if you are not a genius.

It was probably written by the Nidaime. Maybe he thought that most people in this world can learn it. Those who can't learn it are all Hashirama's brains.

What the Third Hokage added to the textbook was a long section on the Will of Fire, which was completely nutritious.

As a result, the significance of these textbooks has been greatly reduced, and if children like the Rain Country can learn it, they still have to be re-edited.

Compile teaching materials and teach students, hahahaha.

Orochimaru finally understood that he would have to train his future assistants on his own.

Including the cakes you drew before, you need to bake them yourself and eat them yourself. It really focuses on making them from scratch.

He really didn't want to do such a thing as writing textbooks. Geniuses are prone to stupidity. The sixty-seven tips in the textbook clearly require that the initial learning difficulty be adjusted to the fool level.

It is really difficult for a very smart person to do this.

Isn’t it too late to leave now?

Perhaps seeing that Orochimaru, who he had finally deceived, was showing signs of quitting, Noah hurriedly comforted him.

Science is the most powerful ladder in the universe. It can take you to see unprecedented beautiful scenes.

When you reach a certain point, you can even create gods.

For example, the chakra in this world may be a derivative of a certain experiment, and the Sage of Six Paths is another product.


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