Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1161 Orochimaru happily joins

That is to smash the one-country-one-village system, abolish the feudal rule of the daimyo aristocratic class, break down the extraordinary barriers between ordinary people and ninjas, and eliminate the blood-stained clans brought by blood.

Even if there is a big war that destroys the existing world, it must be pushed forward unswervingly. Anyone who stands in the way of the Akatsuki organization is an enemy.

The three disciples behind him also understood after a long period of study that the mission of world peace is so difficult, but they will not back down.

Because Hanzo still doesn't understand the core of the situation, he now has more of an attitude of consent and indifference.

According to Noah's plan, this is a major project that takes ten years. It is not sure whether he can survive to see peace.

Orochimaru looked at the senior members of the Akatsuki organization and felt ridiculous.

Historically, only a few strong people have tried to make the world peaceful, such as the first generation.

But no village or country has ever worked hard towards this goal.

If that's the case you are all crazy.

This is Orochimaru's comment.

But this is not the reason why I joined the Akatsuki organization. I don't care at all whether the world is peaceful or not. Maybe you can threaten me with your life.

Noah understands that not everyone is willing to do life-threatening things for the sake of peace. The ideal of the Akatsuki organization is to let the other party know their determination.

Mr. Orochimaru, the Akatsuki organization can provide you with many resources that Konoha cannot provide.

Reincarnation Eye?

Hmm~~The ownership of this thing is quite confusing now, and it’s not easy for Noah to use other people’s eyes as favors.

Nagato was a little helpless, while Konan glared at this bastard.

The reincarnation eye is temporarily unavailable.

Can you do it later?

It should be possible in the future.

It seemed that there was something hidden in these eyes. Orochimaru became more and more interested in what the other party would use to impress him. It seemed that he could be sure that he would agree without the need for the Rinnegan. He was looking forward to it.

Let the other party see the origin of his name as Lord Leng, which is to maintain inhuman reason under all circumstances.

First of all, the resources of the entire Kingdom of Rain.

Can the resources of the Kingdom of Rain be as good as those of the Kingdom of Fire?

Noah was happy to question and had something to talk about.

He took out a stack of information and handed it to Orochimaru. Here are the changes made by the Akatsuki organization to the Kingdom of Rain in the last two years of the Third Ninja War.

It can be seen from a large number of statistics that this country is making rapid progress.

Data on land reclamation, population growth, literacy rates, and establishment of general schools, as well as statistics on new admissions.

The resources I'm talking about are really incomparable to the Fire Nation, such as the fertile soil for science.

You should also see progress in popularizing mathematics in two weeks, and physical chemistry and other courses will also be added to it in the future.

As long as the base is large enough, there will always be talents who stand out and receive deeper training.

Talents will continue to join the scientific research team of Rain Country,

You can't let yourself be like a tool and keep doing repeated experiments. Shadow clones are not as efficient as systematic scientific research systems.

Scientific progress cannot be made by one person. Basic science is the source of miracles.

This condition really moved Orochimaru. If he could achieve this, all the scientists in the country would be his assistants.

It can be said that the upper limit of experiments can be reached directly. As long as you have enough creativity and ability, you will never have to worry about too few projects.

Orochimaru was very excited but still calmed down. I am Mr. Leng, not someone who eats air pie.

These are things in the future. It will take at least 5 to 10 years to train a group of students who are qualified to participate in experiments.

There were a lot of accidents during this period, and the Rain Country may be gone before it is cultivated.

The calm Orochimaru was looking for flaws in Noah's words.

Indeed, but we still need to talk about the future of the Xiao organization, which is considered corporate culture.

The next thing is the salary that has been used to win over you in recent years.

The monthly salary and five social insurances and one housing fund are not the focus, this is.

As he spoke, Noah took out a small piece of white flesh skin from behind and handed it to Orochimaru for him to feel.

The scientist who didn't know why was shocked immediately after receiving the hand, what is this!

First generation cells? No! It is a product of Yang escape that is several times milder than the original cells.

Perfect, perfection can only be used to describe the existence of this thing.

Even without tools to measure Orochimaru, he could still feel that this miracle was in his hands.

How can you hold such precious materials with your bare hands? Shouldn't this thing be sealed in a super laboratory hundreds of meters underground?

Only such treatment is worthy of its appearance.

The harmonious and unified structure is full of beauty, and I can’t wait to dive into the laboratory and start observing.

With this, the problems of the first-generation cell experiments that had been stagnant were solved.

What's this?!!

The product of Yin Yang Release, a rare material that only I have in the entire ninja world.

It does feel like the power of yin and yang combines, but how is it done? Incredible, so incredible.

Fire seemed to burst out of his cold vertical pupils, but in the end he used his years of fighting experience to restrain himself.

We can't expose any flaws now, otherwise the enemy will take advantage of us.

Ahem, this little experiment is not enough.

Yes, so you can receive 100g per month in the first year of employment.

per month!!!

Do you want to receive such a powerful thing every month? Uncle She, who has not yet become a great scientist, feels so complicated that it is difficult to express in words.

He seemed to see the roots of ninjutsu in this material. Simply put, the value of such a small piece of material exceeded his net worth.

The fifth year of employment will provide you with materials even more precious than this, the true source of ninjutsu~~~

It was like the devil's temptation echoing in Orochimaru's ears.

Is there any material more powerful than this? It's unimaginable.

Could it be the cells of the legendary Immortal of Six Paths? No, the Immortal Eye is right in front of me, so it shouldn't be the case.

The Legend of Six Paths also follows the emergence of Chakra, so what is the source of Chakra, the gods?

Orochimaru fell into the fantasy of the unknown, and also had a glimpse of the true horror of the world.

He had a hunch that this answer would be an unbearable horror for the entire ninja world, but the thread to solve the mystery was already in his own hands.

Noah overestimated Orochimaru's psychological defense at this time, and Orochimaru himself also overestimated his own psychological defense.

In the plots he had watched, Orochimaru appeared more than ten years later. He was a super ruthless man who had developed many shocking forbidden techniques.

At this time, the other party has not judged Konoha yet, which means that it is missing a link of enlightenment, so the knowledge is really not enough.

What's more, what Noah took out was the key to the source of chakra.

It's equivalent to moving from Prequel to Shippuden level.

Well, Orochimaru wavered and made a heartfelt decision.

The reincarnation eye, the product of yin and yang escape, the creation of deeper chakra roots, and the laboratory supported by the power of the whole country, this is simply a paradise for researchers, okay?

The Akatsuki organization says that it is a peaceful organization, and it does not belong to the Kingdom of Rain alone. It is also a good choice to infiltrate the organization in order to supervise what the other party is doing.

Ninja, be flexible.

Ahem, can you tell me about any other benefits for the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization?

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