Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1160 The value of honorary leader

But that's all for another day. I don't know what Mr. Orochimaru thinks of the Land of Rain.

Perhaps it was a long time since I met a local who had independently awakened to scientific thinking, but Noah was very enthusiastic.

This ninja continent is too decadent and far less energetic than the people in the One Piece world.

Everyone is living a difficult life within the same framework, especially the strong ones.

The strong men in the world of pirates, no matter whether they are good or bad, will act very recklessly and run as fast as they can in their own way.

This is something that the jounin or shadow level experts in the village cannot do.

The profession of ninja runs through the lives of all strong men. It seems that only judging the village is the first step for them to liberate their nature.

Puncun=Longchang is enlightened and understood.

Orochimaru was very helpful to the praise of a super strong man like Noah. The feeling of praise from a genin was very different from the recognition of a strong man who could cut out a canyon.

And he was very sincere, so sincere that Orochimaru felt like he was under an illusion.

I express my thoughts with true feelings and can’t wait to share my knowledge of the ninja world with myself.

The vision beyond the world and the recognition of technology can be said to be shocking.

The aura in his words was so powerful that it made people feel frightened, but Orochimaru did not resist this monster, and even felt deeply attracted to it.

This is ten thousand times more interesting than turning a windmill.

I didn't expect Mr. Noah to have such high expectations for science. I don't know.

When they arrived at Yu Ninja Village, the two of them were already chatting happily like friends they hadn't seen for many years.

In order to build relationships, Noah even asked Nagato, the others and Orochimaru to recognize a sect, saying that they were all from his own family.

You, the Leaf Village, have the Will of Fire, and we in the Hidden Rain Village also have Lord Hanzo’s Will of Rain.

With so many things in common, you don’t have to worry about safety issues.

Orochimaru: Haha.

Jiraiya didn't even tell him that his disciple had the Samsara Eye. When he could come back alive, he would definitely kill that fool.

As for the will of rain, he doesn't even care about the will of fire.

On top of the tower in Yunin Village.

Orochimaru was invited here as if he were a guest.

You must know that as the apprentice of the Third Hokage and a front-line commander of Konoha, the intelligence and Konoha's forbidden techniques he possesses are unimaginable resources.

The other party actually took him to the office above the tower as if he were a guest.

He thought the warm atmosphere on the road was just a prelude to the interrogation.

This is Hanzo's room. It used to symbolize the absolute power of the Rain Ninja Village, but now it can be said to represent the absolute power of the Rain Country.

All changes and decrees in the country come from here and are simply and directly implemented.

Complex and heavy documents still need to be brought to the daimyo city to be signed and sealed by the daimyo before execution.

When Orochimaru came in, he saw a thick stack of documents scattered on the table. The five-year development plan for the Land of Rain was written on the cover.

It just looks very messy. It seems that the owner of this document was very irritated and beat the papers some.

Hanzo blushed and naturally went up to put these things together.

It is too anti-human for the elderly to read and study, and he will also become irritable, okay?

If he hadn't been completely involved with the Akatsuki organization now, he would have really wanted to regret it. If he had just agreed a year ago when he received Danzo's letter.

It's a pity that the certificate of surrender has been handed in and the things have been collected, so there is no chance to regret it.

I have been really intolerant during this period of time.

Orochimaru didn't care about the inner journey of a has-been strong man but saw the blackboard on the wall.

I wrote a bunch of very novel terms and data densely. Is it a very good teaching aid for class?

Rain Country is really different.

Instead of sitting in the middle like a prisoner, he was assigned to an ordinary seat at the round table.

The female ninja who used the shikiki secret technique also brought him hot tea and some pastries.

This tea party-like welcome party format made Orochimaru feel a little awkward and incomprehensible.

Noah, can you tell me directly why you invited me to be your guest?

Through this communication with this person, Orochimaru learned that the other person's communication method was direct, or that his method was very direct.

So I hope I can figure out my true situation as soon as possible.

I hope that Lord Orochimaru will become the honorary leader of our Akatsuki organization.

The three disciples and Hanzo were very calm. This was something Noah had discussed with them before.

It's just that Hanzo felt that this routine was inexplicably familiar. This Akatsuki organization wouldn't have a bunch of leaders in the future, right?

The meeting of a circle of honorary leaders was really full of joy. I should be the first honorary leader.

I am a ninja from Konoha and cannot join the Rain Country.

Although Orochimaru has a good sense of the Land of Rain, he has no plans to become a rebellious nin now.

Even if he didn't become the Fourth Hokage, he would still be mostly disappointed.

And if Konoha really knows that Orochimaru is here, it will probably let a lot of strong men come to destroy this place.

Orochimaru thinks Noah is not such a naive person.

The other party is a monster who likes to make very careful plans, so there will definitely be other content in the follow-up.

Join the Akatsuki organization, not the Rain Ninja Village.

Oh, tell me.

The Akatsuki Organization is an organization dedicated to peace.

Wait, you said peace?

Even Orochimaru's city had to interrupt this ridiculous statement.

The deeper level of the Rain Kingdom's reform is to improve the country's comprehensive strength. After solving the shortage of materials, there will be a surge in population, and the new education model will make ordinary people unwilling to remain ordinary, and then more ninjas will be born.

Scientific progress will be accompanied by industrial progress and it will eventually become a military power. At that time, domestic conflicts will intensify to the point where they cannot be resolved. At that time, there will be no other option but to launch a war.

Resources are limited, and so is the Kingdom of Rain.

The continuous wars between the five major countries are not a way of controlling the survival of the population in nature.

As for peace? Human beings themselves are greedy and aggressive. Human beings who have opened up their wisdom will know better ways to defeat others.

When the time comes, it will be impossible not to fight under the coercion of the people.

Facing Orochimaru's disbelief, Noah also answered clearly.

Yes, peace!

The original intention of the Akatsuki organization was to withdraw the three countries from the Kingdom of Rain and restore peace to this sad country.

But later I discovered that as long as we survive on this continent and maintain this operating mode, it is impossible to avoid war.

So we can only set our goal to make the world peaceful.

The Akatsuki organization's goal struck the Sannin's heart roughly and bluntly.

In fact, Noah didn't say clearly what he was really going to do here, because after saying it, not only Orochimaru would immediately turn against him, but Hanzo would also immediately retreat.

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