Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1159 Return to the village together

Noah had never thought about obtaining fairy magic from Longdi Cave peacefully. That disgusting method of passing fairy magic chakra was not acceptable to him.

Besides, the Great Toad Immortal may have a plan, but the White Snake Immortal is really bad.

Therefore, Noah showed no mercy to the Holy Land, which was directly classified as a hostile force.

As for the combat power of the psychic beast? Only the old guy who never leaves the Holy Land has some combat power that can affect the situation of the battle.

Other psychic beasts can't take action on the final battlefield. When their combat power reaches a certain level, they can ignore Wan She's level.

In Shippuden, these psychic beasts are as if they are offline. At most they can only save people and pass on information.

The more powerful ones looked down upon these guys. In the eyes of Hashirama and Madara, even the tailed beasts were just wild babies.

If the White Snake Immortal dares to show off in front of the two heroes of the Warring States Period, he must be prepared to be cut into pieces.

In the open space of the Kingdom of Rain, a group of people were working hard against the corpse of the psychic beast with ninja tools.

The Sansho Fish Hanzo felt inappropriate and demeaning at first, but the snakeskin inner armor was too fragrant.

A leather armor that can withstand shurikens and ordinary tachi is already the best, and a leather armor that can withstand intermediate and low-level ninjutsu is even more the best of the best.

I always felt like I was missing something, and now I seem to have found it.

Since getting that sinful scythe, Hanzo has completely aligned himself with the equipment party.

Orochimaru hesitated for a while and then stretched out his magic hand. Those people were too rough and the parts they chose were not very rare.

As a leading expert in biological science, Uncle She wants to set an example for everyone.

Very elegantly, he took out some professional containers to properly decompose the blood, spinal fluid, heart, and various parts.

I have long wanted to study the psychic beasts in the Holy Land. It seems that an unexpected mistake is not a bad thing.

This is called recovering losses.


When Orochimaru was finally about to attack Wanshe's brain, the corpse erupted into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Longdi Cave has responded, but we have collected enough specimens.

An inexplicable feeling of relief rose from the bottom of my heart. It seemed that this road was quite pleasant. It’s just that from now on I can only channel some little snakes who only have simple intelligence.

After using the seal scroll to sort and collect all the meat, the group headed towards Yuyin Village.

After collecting specimens together, everyone felt more harmonious.

Orochimaru walked in the middle and several other people lined up on both sides to accompany him, as if it was some kind of grand accompanying ceremony.

This country has really given Orochimaru one surprise after another so far.

So on the way back to the Rain Ninja Village, he was bored and kept paying attention to Noah and Nagato who were present with his cold pupils.

As for Hanzo the Sanshouyu, the nominal leader of the Rain Ninja Village has been automatically excluded from view.

A mere traditional ninja strongman was no longer worthy of much attention for him.

Nagato felt a little cold on his neck. Few people would look into his eyes so unabashedly.

That kind of greedy desire is almost clearly projected on himself, not to mention licking his lips~~~

Damn it, if the teacher hadn't said that this person was the core figure in the development of the Land of Rain, Nagato would have really wanted to fight out the Shinra Tensei.

Orochimaru has a deep memory in Nagato's brain. The three of them were almost massacred by this man.

It feels a little ridiculous to think that we might still work together like this in the future.

Xiaonan doesn't like this guy very much, for the same reason.

It's okay for Yahiko, because his vision has improved very quickly now, not to mention that the current development of Rain Country is very lacking in talents.

If a scientist of Orochimaru's level could join the Akatsuki organization, it would definitely be a huge mistake.

It's just that Orochimaru is not interested in Yahiko, a brat with no characteristics. Unless this kid also has some special blood stains or abilities.

Feeling that no one was approaching along the way, he knew that the ninjas had been dispatched to clear out the witnesses along the way. This cautious style doesn't give you any chance.

You must have done a lot of homework in order to let me be your guest.

Of course. Among all the strong men in the entire ninja world for thousands of years, only Orochimaru-kun is different, so we pay close attention to you. For example, you are the only one who swings your arms forward when running.


Sorry to make a little joke, but we did do some homework in order to invite you to come peacefully.

Orochimaru's guess was correct.

Xiaobai's perception ability is currently unrivaled in the ninja world.

They have been under surveillance since they entered the Kingdom of Rain two weeks ago, and Noah and others are also receiving information from time to time.

At first, Sanshouyu Hanzo proposed to expel this guy directly from the border and not let Konoha's ninjas come in to investigate.

He instinctively dislikes the other party because Konoha is the strongest ninja village.

The small country's ninja village living on the border of the Land of Fire kept a respectful distance from such a behemoth.

But it was rejected by Noah. What a great opportunity this was.

As the person who believes in science the most in the world of Naruto, he has taken the initiative to solve the mystery of his bloodline, the mystery of his soul, and various exaggerated technological products.

His thoughts and abilities are the most important gift package of the Rain Country, which is equivalent to how important Dr. Tsukimi is to the Revolutionary Army.

Orochimaru was able to take the initiative to come to the Land of Rain to investigate intelligence. This was a kind of fate and the beginning of a good relationship between the two parties.

It is also the driving force behind the development of the Xiao organization, and it is also the core of improving liberated productivity.

So Noah gave the order to let Xiaobai continue to monitor Orochimaru, and let him watch most of the areas in the Rain Country without setting up any defenses.

This is the self-confidence of the New Rain Country. For a scholar who is good at research and has scientific concepts, the attraction of this country is considerable.

From beginning to end, Noah never regarded Orochimaru as a ninja loyal to Konoha Village.

Rather, he is a genius who can drive the development of modern science, a madman who transcends the times.

Two weeks later, when Orochimaru was about to leave, all the masters were mobilized to invite him to tea.

You can come if you want, but don't even think about leaving.

Such an outstanding worker must not be beaten hard this time.

On the way, Noah showed off his language skills to his heart's content, and emphatically praised Orochimaru's status as a scientist.

The fact that ninjas are just tools to use chakra is really incredible.

After all, it is recorded in history that this energy has been around for thousands of years, and everyone is extending it in the direction of magic.

Only the Second Hokage and Lord Orochimaru have the motivation and ability to explore the essence.

This is why I value you, because whether it is chakra, the force of nature, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, etc., they are all forms of energy.

“To change the world, we must start from the most basic level, which is to develop more efficient ways to increase productivity. After solving the existential crisis, we must pursue emotional satisfaction.”

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