Although the battlefield is still surrounded, the atmosphere is no longer so tense.

After Orochimaru sincerely agreed to go to the Hidden Rain Village, there was no need to fight anymore.

In mid-air, Xiaonan dropped from the sky and handed over a sealing talisman paper.

It has no obvious effect, it just blocks the flow of chakra for a moment.

This can be regarded as an insurance measure. After all, Yuyin Village is the heart of our Akatsuki organization. I hope you can understand.

Noah explained casually that after all, only the invitation was successful now.

If Orochimaru runs away after knowing all the information, then the subsequent cooperation will be difficult to negotiate.

So this method must still be used. If the chakra is really stimulated to hinder the seal at that moment, don't blame Noah for killing him.

What is certain is that with his swordsmanship ability, killing both body and soul is not a price Orochimaru can afford at this stage.

As for the collapse of the plot later on, it’s long gone.

Orochimaru took it calmly and started studying it in the middle of the battlefield, sighing a little when he looked at the incantation above.

Interesting idea, using this crudest sealing spell to affect chakra flow without advanced sealing spells.

The accuracy is very high. After sealing, you can feel very little loss of chakra vitality.

Chakra has a special vitality that can act as a link. Is this real insurance?

It is precisely because the effect is simple and the upper limit is very low that it cannot be cracked.

If a huge amount of sealing talismans are attached to the body, even at my level, the connection with chakra will be completely severed within a certain period of time.

Great idea.

Orochimaru felt that this place was really a treasure, and the profundity of ninjutsu was supported by a foundation.

The way to develop ninjutsu can only be done by the talent of thinking.

This seemingly useless rune paper is simply a ninjutsu innovation as long as it solves the problem of large-scale copying and precise chakra sealing technology.

The test paper technique of the female ninja just now should not be able to complete the entire process, and there must be other abilities to assist.

If we really want to make an analogy, the vitality is as strong as the chakra of the first generation cells, and the Sharingan can control with perfect precision. Only the combination of these two and the shikiki technique can do it.

But I really thought too much. Even if the Sharingan could be used just now, it would be impossible to have chakra activity comparable to the first generation.

The most cherished cells in the entire ninja world can only be found in Konoha, and the most secretive research can only be carried out with the tacit approval of the Third Hokage.

The legendary invincible power that can change the world is something that the current leader of the village desires very much.

The first generation of cell research experiments began long after the end of the Second Ninja War, and Tsunade's departure was not unrelated to this.

It's just that countless experiments have been conducted and the results are that it was assimilated into a rampaging plant by the activity. This technology should not be available in the Rain Country.

After his life was not in danger for the time being, Orochimaru actually began to think divergently on the spot.

This damn desire for research is really running all the time, and the Kingdom of Rain seems to be a perfect fit for me.

Then he put this talisman on his body. The other party said it very politely, but he couldn't take it seriously.

Feeling the unique feeling of chakra surveillance, Orochimaru was once again amazed by this simple design.

Mr. Orochimaru, what should I do with this psychic beast?

Noah was a little curious about how the psychic beasts from the Three Holy Lands would be dealt with if they died.

In the original work, only Banja died under Sasuke's control, and was transformed by Kabuto into the second generation of Banja.

It seems that although Wan She is disrespectful to Orochimaru, Orochimaru is the best to him.

What a wonderful fate.

The Holy Land will channel the brain and body of the corpse back.

Orochimaru didn't care about Wanshe's split body. He and Ryūchidō only had a cooperative relationship.

Even because he is physically unable to practice Immortal Mode, he has no right to speak in the Holy Land.

The group of snakes in Ryūchi Cave were not ignored by Orochimaru at all, and they disliked each other.

In fact, Jiraiya was partly responsible for this, that is, his sage mode was too ugly and too weak, which caused the status of senjutsu to plummet in Orochimaru's heart.

After that idiot learned the magic, he was the first to find two friends to show off, which resulted in misleading information.

Later, after studying Zhongwu's cells, he only used the power of nature as a carrier for curse seals and developed a series of forbidden techniques.

Noah felt it was a pity to see such a big psychic beast, especially if it was raised by the power of nature, it was considered a treasure. What kind of snake liver, snake skin and so on.

Well, I thought it would be a good experimental material. After all, nature does not produce such a large body.

At least the power of nature can change the genes of living things and give them intelligence, right?

It seems that I heard that the immortals in the Holy Land live very long, maybe it has something to do with this.

It would be good to cut some specimens and do research.

It is very common in the ninja world that psychic beasts have basic spirituality. The dogs of the Inuzuka family, the ninja cats of Uchiha, etc. all have spirituality that can communicate with humans.

The primitive natural power of the Naruto world combined with chakra seems to be able to cultivate this unique species.

It is also too common, so there is a blind spot in thinking, but bringing out the importance of the power of nature is also what Noah wants to do.

After all, he is still very greedy for those things in the Holy Land. The power of nature may be Noah's best choice after not accepting chakra.

And Orochimaru holds the key to the Holy Land.


Orochimaru looked at Noah a little weird, why was this guy in front of him so crazy.

This is a thousand-year holy land, even though Orochimaru looks down upon these monsters who hide in secret corners and watch the changes in the world. But the other party's methods must be more than that.

Especially the three great immortals, how could they not have some skills and terrifying fighting power after living for more than a thousand years.

If Orochimaru cuts up Banshe's corpse into a mess, the possibility of breaking up with Ryūchidō is almost 100%.

But what does this damn heartbeat feel like?

Power of nature, psychic beast, immortality.

Anyway, I can't persuade this group of people, and my life is still at the mercy of the other party.

Well, cut it a little.

Just waiting for Orochimaru's words, they had to resolve this matter before the bodies of ten thousand snakes could be recalled from Ryūchi Cave.

Yahiko, who was hiding in the dark, also came out to help. What was even more shameless was that everyone also used shadow clones.

It was not the kind of extraction of raw materials that Orochimaru thought it was really for experiments, rigorous collection with cotton swabs and small cutters.

At most, he could understand it even if he removed one meter of meat from a snake that was nearly 100 meters long.

But what about skinning, deboning and chopping the meat? Then he and Long Didong can be said to be fighting to the death.

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