Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1157 Friendly invitation, completed

Standing there, he was ready to fight to the death and to try his best to escape.

It is not shameful for a ninja who is investigating intelligence to escape from the battlefield.

Mr. Orochimaru, I have admired you for a long time. You left the Country of Rain so soon because we did not treat you well, so I would like to invite you to the Rain Ninja Village as a guest.

I think we have a lot in common to talk about the direction of scientific development and the cultivation of scientific talents.

Noah said it sincerely, and Orochimaru agreed very happily.

Okay, it's better to be respectful than to obey.

He seemed to be very cooperative as he turned around and walked towards the Rain Ninja Village.


A violent explosion occurred underground not far away, and Orochimaru's body dived directly out of the soil and rolled several times on the ground.

Not far away, Sanshouyu Hanzo showed his figure.

We meet again, Orochimaru.

Seeing this Hanzo brought unforgettable memories to him. Orochimaru also had a wry smile on his lips.

Sure enough, there is no way to escape~ The earth clone, combined with the underground sneaking technique, still cannot escape the power of perception of the demigod from the Kingdom of Rain.

The chances are much smaller, but it’s not impossible to give it a try. There are too many forbidden arts that he has learned.

Form a seal with both hands, and the earth will escape. The earth will flow like a great river! Earth Escape. Huangquan Marsh!

Orochimaru fully demonstrated his talent in ninjutsu. Everyone said how fast Itachi and Kakashi performed the seals, but Orochimaru's speed was even higher than these two.

The double-shot ninjutsu directly changes the terrain, and the environment of the Land of Rain is also very suitable for these two water-and-earth ninjutsu.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the raging earth current, he directly launched the formation of Ten Thousand Snakes.

This is a ninjutsu that consumes a lot of chakra, but when combined with transformation and clone techniques, it is the best stealth escape technique.

But who said there are only two strong men here?

All things are attracted by heaven!

A huge force of attraction forcefully controlled Orochimaru's body after transforming into a snake and flew back.

The feeling of losing control of his center of gravity made Uncle Snake very surprised. What kind of strange ninjutsu was this?

When he looked along this gravitational force, he saw a young man with long red hair stretching his hand towards him.

Is there a limit to blood inheritance? Now is not the time for research.

So when he was about to use the Substitute Technique, the opponent suddenly burst out with a powerful repulsive force and hit him.

The moment he flew upside down, Orochimaru saw the child's eyes.

The eyes have a purple background and black ring lines. This is the samsara eye!

A legend unique to the Six Paths Immortal, Immortal Eyes.

The emergence of the Samsara Eye ignited his passion, and at the same time brought him desperate pressure.

This kind of treasure that can cause turmoil in the ninja world has been seen, and it is estimated that he will fight to the death today.

He circled around and landed back on the spot, but he was already surrounded by Noah, Sanshouyu Hanzo, and the boy with the reincarnation eye.

After seeing Orochimaru's many twists and turns of escape, Noah understood that he still had to let the other party sit down and have a good chat with him.

So there was a white liquid on the ground flowing onto the body and covering itself.

An ominous Sharingan eye also appeared on Noah's left eye.

Seeing this appearance, Orochimaru suddenly thought of the prophecy given by Jiraiya. It seemed that he had encountered something extraordinary by accident.

According to the level of prophecy, this person who destroys the world is more important than the boy with the reincarnation eye.

Bite your finger, Hai-Xu-You-Shen-Wei, the art of channeling!

Huge white smoke spread across the venue, and a behemoth nearly 100 meters tall descended on the Kingdom of Rain.

The purple snake body stretched and circled in the fog, and under its four broken horns were cold pupils.

The cruel and bloody Wan She sensed that it was time to eat.

Orochimaru, the old rule is a hundred human sacrifices. By the way, the Third Ninja War for you humans is not a dagger!!!

What's going on with this chakra fluctuation! ?

Isn’t that Sansho Fish Hanzo? I had been beaten up by someone more than ten years ago, and it was a shame that my snake venom was slightly inferior to the other's in terms of toxicity.

And on the other side. The samsara eye? ! The legend of Six Paths is clearly recorded in Longdi Cave. It is a very realistic recording style. Is this a situation that he and I can participate in?

Dry! Orochimaru!

Wan She planned to just lose weight this time and find any reason to go home and hide away. Anyway, Orochimaru, the contractor, may not survive today.

But the domineering request for a hundred sacrifices at the beginning made someone a little unhappy. In addition, Orochimaru needs a friendly invitation, so he can only.

Xiaobai, hold on.

Xiaobai: I don’t know if I can hold on.

The red light on the word Hedao flashed away, and the sword intent gathered rapidly from the fields, rain, and air.

When the Kingdom of Rain began to embark on the road of change, the seal belonging to the Six Paths Sage was also slightly worn away by the few sparks of fire from the outside world.

In other words, the upper limit of the sword skills that Noah can use is higher.

Danger! This early warning from life instinct made Orochimaru and Wanshe feel chills all over their bodies.

The seal that goes beyond the limit, Earth Escape, Earth Current Wall. Psychic.Rashomon!

The huge rock wall and the giant metal door reaching the sky were summoned in an instant, and Wan She was ready to shed its skin and run away. It would not come back to the ninja world in ten years.

But it was too late, the cold moonlight flashed in the Land of Rain.

The beautiful sword light glowed slightly red and swung down directly. The seemingly incomparable solid Rashomon gate, the rock wall, and the thousands of snakes hiding behind were all cut in two.

The hot sword energy cut through all of this and struck into the earth before stopping.

Wan Shen didn't even have a chance to cry out in agony. After the huge snake body was cut open, a massive amount of blood burst out, all of which flowed into the bottomless canyon.

The huge body landed directly on the rainy ground, without any nerve twitching at all. The killing was very thorough.

Orochimaru followed his instinct and did not move. His instinct told him that if he moved, he would definitely die. It was the kind of fear that would not even be able to find a trace of the bones and be wiped away.

Sure enough, his intuition was right, and the sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth burst out from the gray iron bar.

The light fell on the ground and a canyon was printed. There was no rumbling sound, and the rock and soil layers were annihilated from a deeper level.

Orochimaru is not an ignorant person, but this is the first time he has seen such an exaggerated technique without seeing the battle scenes of the first generation.

Even the blood-stained elimination of the Third Tsuchikage pales in comparison.

I estimated that if I prepared in advance and exerted all my strength, I would have less than a 50% chance of surviving.

As for defense, don't even think about it. The Triple Rashomon should also be unstoppable.

Wan She looks like you are in trouble. Whether Ryūchi Cave will cause trouble afterwards is no longer something Orochimaru will consider at this time. What is even more important to consider is the monster in front of him who has the idea of ​​destroying the ninja world.

Slashes like forbidden techniques must not be used frequently, otherwise the opponent would not have to develop these in the Land of Rain, but would directly kill the five major countries and unify the ninja world.

Of course, Orochimaru could chop down a few more swords, but he didn't want to try.

Mr. Orochimaru, please come back with us as a guest? Otherwise it will be difficult for me to control my strength.

In the name of the Akatsuki organization, I guarantee that we have no ill intentions towards Mr. Orochimaru.

I really just want to discuss the development of the Kingdom of Rain together, and I hope to get guidance from scholars who have made great achievements in the ninja science community.

Orochimaru looked at the canyon at his feet, and the sincere eyes on the other side expressed his approval of the invitation.

After all, it is difficult to control the force, and it is difficult to deal with even a little bit of malice.

It's better to live on while you still have a lot of value, and then escape when there is a chance in the future.

Noah was overjoyed that Orochimaru's invitation was successful.

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