Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1156 Scientists also need similar people

It is obvious that there is no formal publishing house in the Kingdom of Rain, and external publishing houses are afraid to find it, so Xiaonan can only work hard for the time being.

Um, thank you for your hard work, Xiaobai.

After possession, you can set up a program to activate the copying technique, which is really easy to use.

Noah regretted not asking for more White Zetsus. Once he got Hashirama cells, he could let Nagato study them and make more.

Basic textbooks were shipped to various parts of the Rain Kingdom, and simple schools established through earth escape were also placed in population centers.

The sooner you cultivate talents, the better. Noah has experienced the benefits.

From the middle stage of One Piece World, we have relied on the graduates of the boot camp to overcome many difficulties, and the later stage is the key.

It is currently difficult to start the game, but every difficulty has a difficult method and you cannot stop for a moment.

Some decrees were even specially issued through the hands of the daimyo.

Children of school age can no longer be regarded as full labor force, but must attend school for half a day.

Xiao organization will promote all-day learning when productivity increases in the future.

After Orochimaru sneaked into this ordinary general school, he found that there were two books. One is about literacy. One is mathematics.

It's roughly at the elementary school level, and it only takes one year to finish it all.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up when he saw the math book. He liked this operation of Rain Country.

Mathematics ability is also a very high-end knowledge in the ninja world. During Naruto's exam, he was asked questions about the height and direction of throwing and parabola. This shows that mathematics in this world has gone very far.

But the ambition of this organization is unimaginable for so many civilians to come together to learn mathematics for basic enlightenment.

In the future, there will definitely be more advanced mathematical knowledge and practical knowledge spread, and the barriers to knowledge will be broken down.

Orochimaru understands that mathematics is the basis of all subjects. It is an indispensable basic tool for learning and researching modern science and technology.

What a terrible thing it is to have education spread across the country and not just within the Shinobu Village.

What the Kingdom of Rain is doing is to open up people’s wisdom and break down the ignorance at the bottom.

This is something that no one dares to think about in the script, but this country is actually doing it silently.

Orochimaru concluded that the country would either be in turmoil or unite to accomplish an unprecedented feat in the shinobi world.

To be honest, he kind of likes this place. Everything is still in its infancy, and many people still don’t understand various hastily created policies.

But in 5 years, in 5 years this country will be completely transformed!

It is foreseeable that a large number of new people will be added, a large number of ordinary people with basic knowledge, and ideological changes that will not follow the tradition from top to bottom.

It is really a fertile ground for scientific progress. Why can't this be the Land of Fire? Of course, the Land of Fire will not become this.

Uncle Snake began to enjoy what it would be like if he had such a village of ninja, although his misanthropy made him not want to communicate with idiots who only have brains and muscles.

But under the huge base, there will always be geniuses born.

Who can understand the loneliness of scientists?

It is extremely abnormal that this form of development, which breaks the millennium-old tradition of the ninja world, has not encountered any resistance.

So he began to delve into the biggest resistance to the changes in the Kingdom of Rain - the nobility, and see what they were doing.

The results of the final investigation made Orochimaru feel extremely frightened.

All those vassals seemed to have disappeared into this country. It didn't take a lot of thinking to figure out that it must have been a very bloody disappearance.

As for the hidden frame drops of the middle nobles, it looks like they are under an illusion. This cannot be hidden from the almighty Orochimaru.

Using illusions to control nobles is a taboo in all countries, but it seems to be very useful. Take a note.

As for the great nobles and daimyo, after research, I found that these people appear to be very natural, but if they were really normal, they would not turn a blind eye to what is going on underneath.

Those orders that shake his rule will never be issued from Daming City.

So he is still controlled by illusion, and it is still a very powerful illusion that no one outside is aware of.

The rough Yin-type power can only be seen deep in the target's brain through Chakra perception.

Powerful, but crude illusions are like the result of overwhelming strength.

It's more like the effect of a certain kind of pupil power, then Uchiha?

No, the Uchiha clan's genjutsu is still relatively sophisticated.

The Uchiha who dared to do something like controlling a daimyo must be a top powerhouse, and he would not use this kind of C-level illusion to cause trouble again.

Orochimaru instinctively did not believe that a conspirator who dared to expose the sky would reveal this flaw.

So he also took action to capture a nobleman for research. Without knowing his identity as the Sannin of Konoha, he would often do such outrageous things.

As far as he knew, Tsunade and Jiraiya did this.

After some careful research, it seems that it may, should, really be the power of the Sharingan eye.

This was the first time he had heard the name Uchiha recently, and the most recent one was from Jiraiya.

A Sharingan owner who will bring destruction to the ninja world.

Could it be that I discovered the truth?

With this idea, Orochimaru no longer had any thoughts of going to the Rain Ninja Village, and immediately decided to withdraw from the country immediately.

Although he inexplicably likes everything here, it is too dangerous for someone with the power, ambition and resourcefulness to control the entire country. This time he was sloppy.

The wind blew in his ears, and after Orochimaru split into several clones, he began to run towards the border of Earth Kingdom.


Orochimaru stopped in a deserted place.

I have to admit that after the Third Ninja War, he did relax his vigilance. He even walked arrogantly in the Rain Country without thinking about being surrounded by enemies.

Ahead is extremely dangerous.

His instinct between life and death told him that if he took another step, he would die.

When did you discover me?

Since you first entered the Kingdom of Rain.

A young man with black hair and black eyes walked over from the rain holding an umbrella.

His face was a little pale, his aura was very weak, and there was no chakra in his perception, just like a teacher.

The somewhat unnatural way of walking and coughing from time to time indicated that he was seriously injured or had a congenital disease. What could be said to be a weapon was an iron bar that looked like an ornament on his waist.

The slow approach of such a person made Orochimaru feel as if he was being targeted by the God of Death, and his heart was beating wildly.

Not an opponent.

This was Orochimaru's first reaction.

My heart began to sink. I had been collecting information in the Rain Country for almost two weeks.

Such a long time is enough for the opponent to lay a dragnet, and I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle.

No matter how strong a ninja's life-saving ability is, can you be stronger than the Third Raikage and the Second Hokage? They are all dead.

Orochimaru was at the peak of his IQ and spirituality during this period, but not at the peak of his strength.

The peak of his personal strength should be the state before his first reincarnation. Chakra, forbidden arts, body modification, and transcendent mind have reached a new unity.

It was unfortunate to meet Noah at this time.

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