Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1155 Orochimaru’s excitement

After entering the Kingdom of Rain, Orochimaru has been wandering around the periphery.

It's not that he is not confident in his own strength. Unique software modifications, earth escape, forbidden techniques and other ninjutsu all have special bonuses in protecting his life.

Even his own perception ability developed based on cold-blooded animals and various props can guarantee his escape from most traps. This is the confidence of a master who has experienced war.

Although Aburame Ryoma died here, people dare not underestimate this place, but the upper limit of tamed dogs has been locked, and Orochimaru is still very calm.

Whether it is the battlefield of the Four Kingdoms or the S-class missions carried out secretly, he is a peerless genius who is 100% successful.

Originally, he should have sneaked directly into the Rain Ninja Village to obtain the necessary information as before.

But the atmosphere in the Kingdom of Rain is too weird, and he needs to investigate more on the periphery.

This feeling of excitement should not exist in this small place.

The Rain Ninja Village declared that it would not accept any communication with the outside world, and the daimyo of the Rain Country also placed roadblocks at various intersections.

This time of seclusion may not be to protect oneself, but to hide something.

For example, the plains after the ninjutsu land reclamation look very shocking. Although there are not many such lands, Orochimaru can still deduce that this place was a small hill before.

Do you regard ninjutsu as an ordinary tool? Then the status of ninjas may not be very high in this country.

People will not be in awe of a class that uses ninjutsu in the fields to level the land.


Even the drainage channels are planned uniformly?

The amount of rainfall in the Rain Country is indeed exaggerated, it is either cloudy or rainy.

Excessive rainfall in a short period of time will wash out the drainage channels dug by the tenant farmers, so the ninjas of the Akatsuki organization are trying to change this situation.

Orochimaru felt awkward watching many people deepening the drainage ditch under the command of some ninjas.

The way these ninjas were gesticulating with the drawings was really outrageous.

The next thing that caught his attention was the new farm equipment.

Picking up leaks, very crude. But it is this very simple structure that increases the efficiency of farming and digging by more than three times.

This is an amazing invention. Orochimaru will not despise these because of their crude inventions. The meaning behind the agricultural tools is already worth chewing.

Although there has been some research on electricity, electromagnetic force, etc. in the ninja world. TV, refrigerator, etc.

However, the most basic agriculture is still very primitive, and it seems that development has been suppressed by some force.

This breakthrough from 0 to 1 is a kind of ideological liberation.

Not to mention the telegraph poles that are still being pulled up in the fields.

It's really a scary country. Orochimaru doesn't know what the second industrial revolution means, but he can feel that this country is desperately chasing the footsteps of the great powers.

You must know that the application of electricity is only necessary for extensive deployment in cities of the level of Konoha Village, and it is also a symbol of national power.

Where does the funding for Rain Country come from, and who can arrange and organize people from across the country to participate in these projects.

Who can decide the distribution of power and resources? This place seems to be slowly turning into another country that does not belong to this continent.

There were so many unsolved mysteries that this Leng Jun began to get excited.

After using his superb transformation skills to sneak into the small farm, what he saw was still a scene completely different from that in the Land of Fire.

The vassals belonging to the nobles disappeared, and ninjas were actually managing this place.

A ninja from the Akatsuki organization.

An organization that was very active in the Rain Country during the 3rd Ninja War, and its strength is not bad.

He has a record of fighting with the Ninjas of the Three Kingdoms. Teacher Yuan Fei once lamented that in addition to Hanzo, there is now a new generation of successors in the Kingdom of Rain.

Unexpectedly, they have now extended their rights to the bottom of the Country of Rain. This is different from what the ninja organization would do.

This change made Orochimaru interested. Is it an unparalleled ambition?

Changes triggered this person's hobby, and he finds it interesting when he sees things that move.

And he still has a little responsibility as a Konoha ninja. He still wants to observe more changes in the Land of Rain.

After tracking for a day or two, he discovered a term that was often mentioned among the ninjas in the villages, which was the second land rights confirmation reform.

It seems that when the entire ninja world was going crazy, there was a field distribution within this border area of ​​the Three Kingdoms.


Is the Kingdom of Rain so magical? During the Second Ninja War, this place was turned into a mess even though it was protected by Sansho Hanzo.

So there must have been some unknown changes here in the past two years.

Because from the information, we can know that all the changes started 2 years ago, which is really mysterious.

As for the secondary distribution of the fields, it is very simple. The ninjas will first level and measure the land, and then allocate it according to the population reported on the gathering site.

It not only controls the population but also achieves secondary distribution of resources, and also attracts refugees to come down the mountain for farming.

This move basically put an end to banditry cases in most areas of the Rain Country.

And because the fields were contracted to these tenant farmers, they delivered grain in proportion to their annual taxes.

At first glance, it seems like a lot, but without the exploitation of each level, you actually have more in your hands.

Just think about it and you will understand how much this policy will help the Rain Country's food production.

I am afraid that this country will soon have a large amount of food output and a large amount of mineral extraction products. The population will explode, and the overall national strength will also increase.

Interesting. This was a word Orochimaru said countless times during this period.

When I was shocked by this land distribution model, I even saw the change in the other party's thinking, a glimpse of the change that transcended the ninja world.

The Akatsuki organization is really courageous, and they really are not afraid of death.

As long as he sends a letter, this country will be instantly razed to the ground. This wonderful feeling hits Orochimaru's heart.

But for some reason, I didn't quit at this moment, but wanted to see this country again.

So he continued to wander throughout the Rain Country.

We have seen not only some basic changes such as fields, fisheries and mining, but also the redistribution of resources related to people's livelihood. What stands out is fairness.

The Land of Rain - Common People. The officials and ninjas in the middle are members of the administrative chain, not a hierarchy.

What's even more outrageous is that he actually saw a large number of schools being built.

It's not a ninja school like the one in Konoha Village, but a general school for ordinary people.

After the Xiao organization fully grasped the right to allocate resources, it simultaneously carried out grassroots education work.

The education system that was originally promoted only in camps has been extended to the whole country.

Basic literacy education and basic natural science education are already on the agenda.

Xiaonan is already working 24 hours a day. There was even a period of time when I wore white clothes and worked overtime all night to make copies.

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