Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1154 The direction of prophecy


After swallowing a sip of saliva, the fog was cleared by this guy.

Jiraiya suddenly realized that Uchiha, who only had one eye, was the future disciple of the Sannin or someone related to him. The scope has been reduced a lot.

So - Kakashi!

The secret conspiracy behind Sakumo's death was enough to turn this little guy against Konoha. The Sharingan was fully equipped and he was still a disciple of Minato.

But it's impossible. This guy is now so burdened by the Sharingan that he can't even use a few ninjutsu.

This child's achievements have been locked up, but he is unwilling to give up Obito's last wish, making him a very naughty disciple.

Minato will not let his disciple fall into darkness, so keep observing.

What about Obito? It's even more impossible, the other party has been crushed under the boulder and buried in the Kingdom of Grass.

This is difficult to handle. It seems that we still need to pay attention to whether the three of them will accept an apprentice from the Uchiha clan in the future?

The origin of today's questioning came from the fact that after the war, he was urgently notified by the toad of Mt. Miaomu to return to the Holy Land.

After meeting the Great Toad Immortal, the Immortal told him the second prophecy.

The mysterious man with only one Sharingan dragged the entire ninja world into the flames of war. The three holy places were breached, and all ninjas in the world were forced to unite to fight against the ultimate darkness.

The previous rumors about a child of destiny had already made him feel heavy pressure, and now he learned about the real culprit who destroyed the world.

These two things weighed on Jiraiya's mind and made him very tired, so he finally turned to his smartest friend Orochimaru for help.

Orochimaru also gave a very clear analysis and understood his concerns.

Since you asked so many questions, let me ask you one too.

Suddenly Orochimaru took the initiative and asked Jiraiya a question, which surprised the idiot.

Jiraiya, you have taught a few brats in the Kingdom of Rain before. Do you know anything about the Kingdom of Rain?

The land of rain.

Jiraiya didn't understand his friend's intention in asking this question.

He won't talk about the Rinnegan. Although Jiraiya looks lustful and has many flaws, he is actually a real ninja.

He understood that more people could not know the information about the Samsara Eye, so he kept it a secret from his good friends and teachers.

Especially Orochimaru, his obsession with ninjutsu and blood stains has already been revealed at this time.

How could someone with a pair of immortal eyes not study it?

In order to protect his eldest disciple, he still did not speak out, but simply talked about some characteristics of the Kingdom of Rain.

Unfortunately, Jiraiya didn't know that there were already several people in the Land of Rain who knew about Nagato's Rinnegan. The process of Destiny Child that he had previously identified had been completely destroyed at the beginning.

Orochimaru nodded to show that he understood, this meaningless information was not helpful.

You can get out now.

After drinking the last cup of tea, Jiraiya left here numbly.

At present, Orochimaru seemed to be in a relatively stable mood. After putting aside his biggest worries, he left, looking for a quiet place to hide for a while.

As a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, if he gets even a little closer to the center of power, he will get into countless troubles. This is not the life he wants.

Orochimaru stood in the courtyard and sneered disdainfully, feeling the surveillance from the ANBU around him.

A cold aura emanated from his body, and he looked to the side like a reptile hunting.

The strong murderous aura brought about by the war in his eyes combined with the genjutsu, causing those Anbu who saw him to fall from the trees like wooden stakes.

Go back, let Danzo lie down underground, and don't try to show up. I will go find him if something happens.

The surveillance at the root is simply ridiculous.

It's nothing more than a way for that old guy Danzo to still express his sense of existence during this period.

Could it be that he thought he would compete with Namikaze Minato for the position of the Fourth Hokage?

But now I really need to stay away from the center of power like that fool.

His presence in the shinobi village during this time would also make it difficult for the teacher.

It's better to go out for a while and come back to witness it when the Fourth Hokage is about to take over.

At that time, Namikaze Minato's situation was established, and his appearance would not have any more impact on the fourth generation's succession.

This was what little friendship he had left for Sarutobi Hiruzen, an old man who was like a teacher and a father.

As for the destination, it’s the Country of Rain.

So on the second day, he submitted a reconnaissance mission application to the Third Hokage, stating that he wanted to go out to explore the intelligence at the junction of the Three Kingdoms. And he will rush back before the Fourth Hokage takes over to reassure the teacher.

This very decent way of regressing made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel relieved, and even felt guilty. There are indeed some parts of me that are too ruthless.

Orochimaru resigned without waiting for him to say any words of emotion. Hiruzen knew that this disciple still had some resentment in his heart.

Sigh~~ It would be great if you didn't get involved with that guy Danzo. The shadow of Konoha cannot be the one who goes into darkness.

As soon as I left home, I received a secret letter.

As promised, it turned out to be that old man Danzo.

Tsk tsk, Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to have feelings in your heart and be willing to treat Sarutobi with such great dignity.

Elder Danzo also knows how to be decent, and he didn't even come out to compete for the position of Hokage. It seems that the mistake you made in the Land of Rain is really huge. Oh no, you are no longer an elder.

Danzo's face turned livid at those words. This was the second most painful pain he had ever endured in his life. The first is that Tobirama passed the position of Hokage to Hiruzen.


Danzo said as if he was constipated.

The new laboratory address has been selected and equipment is being added. We can start human trials at any time.

Use sand ninjas? The place is closely guarded by patrols. How many people can Genbu transport to me from the outside world now?

Why do we have to use people from outside? It's more troublesome to catch those wave ninjas now.

Aren't there some ninjas in the village? And Konoha has the most bloodstains you want to study.

Danzo has been tempting Orochimaru to attack his companions in the village just to control this cold lord. As long as he has a handle, he can naturally manipulate this guy at will.

It was just that during the war, it was obvious that Orochimaru would be more convenient to study foreign ninjas, so he never agreed. Now is the best time for the other party to fall into darkness.

Danzo, who thought he was very experienced in playing with people's hearts, saw this opportunity and launched an attack. He wanted to drag Lord Leng completely into the darkness, making Sarutobi Hiruzen feel heartbroken but helpless.

Orochimaru knew exactly what the other party was thinking, but he was just in no mood to talk to such an idiot who was full of power desires.

Let's talk about it when I get back.

After saying that, the earth clones scattered on the ground.

Danzo snorted and retreated into the darkness.

This junior respects him less and less. He was even more unhappy when he thought that even that brat Namikaze Minato could step on his head soon.

After leaving Konoha, Orochimaru felt relaxed all over.

Being distracted by the secular world, I lost my meaning and determination to study the essence of ninjutsu.

When walking in the mountains and forests, he finally took his dream one step further. As for the Hokage, who can live without regrets?

First, go to the Land of Rain to investigate the information about the mysterious organization that caused even Danzo, an old bastard, to suffer.

That guy is not good at doing serious things, but he is still very capable of playing tricks and roots.

There might be some interesting information here.

Orochimaru was still very confident in his ability to escape. You can also collect some special ninjutsu or blood stains on the way and bring them back for research.

A week later, in the Rain Country.

Orochimaru, who was hiding in the tree, looked at the prosperous Land of Rain with some confusion. Is this the place where he had been to the Three War?

Barren land, displaced humans, and the smell of decay are rooted in this country. This is the Kingdom of Rain.


Xiaobai sensed the special marked chakra target and felt sorry for the other person when he stepped into the country. Why bother to step into hell?

What I said before is a bit misleading. After writing Naruto, you really need to prepare to finish the whole book. After all, you will probably feel tired after writing too much. As for beheading the girl, I will consider writing it. The world plot is not long, but the world view is still quite big. Short stories may not be suitable, so I will consider it when the time comes. As for other worlds, I will write a few sentences. If I write them one by one, this book would be endless.

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