Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 116 A demonic wind rises in the South China Sea

On the sea of ​​clouds high in the sky, Noati kept a human-shaped pendant, jumping in random spaces in the sky.

Oh ho~~~~!

Don't make any noise, kid.

Noah felt a little regretful. Children at this age were too difficult to deal with. I thought Luo was quite precocious before, but he didn't expect that once the life crisis was removed, he would quickly return to the stage where cats hate dogs.

Maybe the original work is helpless and passively mature. Now with Rosinandi's protection and Noah's care along the way, his nature has returned to his natural state.

Originally, he wanted to take a boat back to the South China Sea, but after Luo heard that Noah had flown all the way here, he looked at him with anticipation. Who can refuse a child's heartfelt admiration? If Noah can't, then fly.

Surprisingly, Luo didn't suffer from space dizziness at all. No wonder he could use the ROOM space for teleportation in the later stage. Having said that, I have to complain about the unscientific results of surgery. It's obviously called a surgical fruit, but it turns out it also comes with space abilities. Once the space is opened, Flying Thunder God can play with it casually. It's too cheating.

From time to time, I find a small island to rest, stroll around, buy some specialties, and then set off again. It feels like a family trip. Luo also enjoys this feeling. He has never been so relaxed traveling in the outside world.

When Rosinandi took him to see a doctor before, he walked around in a hurry. He was tortured by the illness and was not in the mood to see the outside world.

Now he has regained his curiosity about the outside world. This is fun, and that is interesting. As a child, curiosity is natural. But what would it be like to swim in the sea? Did his brain get damaged during the operation?

The journey was uneventful and nothing happened, and no show-off drama happened. We returned to the South China Sea calmly.

Luo was shocked by the security situation in the South China Sea. It was completely different from the North Sea. After sailing for three days on a merchant ship, there was not even a single pirate ship. He approached Noah a little warily and reminded him to be careful of fraud. This kind of behavior is always open to the outside world. A vigilant look is what the third generation of hearts should look like.

Instead, Noah comforted Luo that the current density of pirates here is like this and he should get used to it.

The pirate industry in the South China Sea has not been developing smoothly in the past few years. Many large pirate groups have disappeared inexplicably. The young pirates who originally wanted to find a boss to hang out with can't find the pirate boss.

The reason for this is very complicated, and the revolutionary army can only bear part of the responsibility. Because the recruits of the Resurrection Island in the South China Sea also need practical training, it would not be too much to find a pirate group to practice their skills. After practicing, you must handle it secretly without leaving any traces. This is what Jinbe is good at.

The recent infiltration and inspection work at the naval base has been very good. Many of its own people have been arranged. The navy has restored a certain sense of justice. So how can it show that its mental outlook has improved? It was appropriate to wipe out a few waves of pirates to prove it, and the results were achieved in this way.

The powerful countries in the South China Sea feel that the atmosphere in the South China Sea is not quite right recently, and they are a little cautious, but slaves and cannon fodder are still needed, so while oppressing the civilians, catching some pirates to fill them is a routine operation.

The pirate power was gradually reduced little by little. But this is only temporary. If the system does not change, those who should go to sea to become pirates will still have to go to sea.

Captain, I heard that the sea train project will be built soon? What will we do with our merchant ships?

Nonsense, let me tell you, how can the big men above pass this thing? You don't even think about who can afford such a big piece of cake. There is no one who can't come up with a result after ten or eight years of discussion. It took ten years to come up with something like this.

Anyway, the boss of our Dick Caravan has said that as long as the kings above don't say anything, this sea train will not be built. Even if it is really built, it is normal for pirates to come and destroy it every now and then. Just rest assured and don’t think about writing anything. Just leave the Sobel Kingdom to the people above.

Hearing the chatter of the caravan crew over there, Noah just smiled. It is true that this sea train project cannot be built now. At least the big bosses must be pulled down to build it again. The time should not be far away.

Arriving at the Kingdom of Sobel, Noah and Luo quietly opened the door and left. They came to a secret dock and took a boat to return to the Island of Rebirth. Why is it so troublesome? Because opening the space door is likely to cause tension to the security personnel on the island. Unless there is a special emergency, Noah will not open the space door and enter the island directly.

When he came to the island, he took Luo directly to the recruit training camp, and he sensed that Long was there too.

From a distance, I saw a macho man standing on a boulder, his cloak flying in the wind. Well, when it comes to finding angles, Long is really a master.


You are back.

Well, what are you looking at here? Aren't you usually working hard in the office?

I heard that you sent back a student before. He is very good at economics and has good organizational skills. Let me take a look.

It seems that Long really wants someone to share his work, and he even looks at the newcomers who have just arrived.

Let's take a look. The green guy who was beaten all over the ground on the playground is named Tezog. He wanted to take the capitalist route before, but I persuaded him with emotion and reason. Now he plans to change his mind. He is a new person. He is also a person with a story, but he is a little obsessed with money. You just need to be more careful when arranging his work in the future.

Come and see the new one I brought back, Dangdangdangdang.

Get out of the way, revealing the little one behind you.

Looking at Luo, who was a little embarrassed, Long had a strange expression.

We are indeed short of people, but child labor is illegal in your book.

No, Luo's situation is quite special. Apart from the revolutionary army, there is basically no place to go. Let me tell you.

Balabala explained for a while, and Long rubbed his eyebrows.

The fruit of the surgery, the immortal surgery, should be kept secret and no one should tell anyone about it. As for medicine, let Ivankov have time to guide it.


Noah was a little worried, fearing that Ivankov would lead Luo to a path of no return. When Rosinandi saw Luo in fishnet stockings, he would definitely turn black and lead the navy to pursue him to death.

Forget it, the boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge, so just leave it like that. He took Luo back to his and Robin's residence. From now on, this kid would live with him.

When Robin came back from get out of class, he saw a little boy at the door reading a book, a medical book? He is quite powerful at a young age. Whose family member is this?

Luo also saw Robin and shouted behind the door.

Dad, there is a beautiful sister at the door!

Robin looked at the kid with a speechless look.

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