So, this little guy will live with us from now on.

Robin has no objection to this and is quite happy. Her main job now is to translate some historical information and teach students. And Noah was running around outside all the time spreading fire, so it was really boring for her to be the only one at home.

Hello, let me formally meet Nicole Robin, O'Hara historical scholar.

Robin smiled and held out his hand.

Trafalgar D. Vatier Law, doctor.

Luo Ye stretched out his hand coolly, like an adult.

The D family is said to be the natural enemy of God. I am looking forward to your future. Everything now will become history in the future. I hope your story can be recorded in the history books.

Mr. Cora also told the blood story of the D family, but he only told a little bit, and I don't know the details. Can you tell me?

Luo is also very curious about the D in his name. Since he is a scholar, he must know a lot.

But Robin didn't know much about this. She only saw some sporadic records in history books, about God's natural enemy, sinful bloodline, and so on.

In the past 800 years, there have always been some heroes with the letter D in their names. They are all people who can make waves on the sea. Currently, several famous figures circulating on the sea also have the letter D.

For example: Monkey D. Garp, Gol D. Roger, Rocks D. Jiback, and Haguvar D. Sauro.

When Robin thought of the last name, he fell into a flash of memories, the laughing giant lieutenant general. Really many years have passed, and the little girl back then has grown up. If there is really something special about D's will, then did Sauro do anything unique? Saved yourself and Noah?

After coming back to my senses, I thought for a moment that I should ask Noah this question. He always knows something mysterious that others don't know.

Seeing Robin's curious eyes, Noah thought for a while and added something.

Actually, the leader of our revolutionary army also has a name called D.

Huh? I haven't noticed this usually.

Noah showed a mysterious smile.

His name is Monkey D. Dragon. How about it? Isn't it surprising?

Alas~~~! Luo and Robin were both surprised. The son of a naval hero became a revolutionary soldier?

Monkey. Monkey, the naval hero?

Yeah, so D's will is really magical sometimes. I thought about it when I was bored. Monkey D's family has been passed down like this since 800 years ago. How many powerful people have come from his ancestors? .”

How is it possible? Historically, we have never seen a strong man named Monkey D before. This family should be powerful enough if they have Lieutenant General Garp and our leader. How can there be a strong man standing on the top of the sea? ah.

Robin responded to Noah's unreliable conjecture with his professional historical knowledge.

Hehehe smiled, it’s better not to talk about Long’s other identity at this time, the father of the Sun God, referred to as the priest!

The will of D may indeed be a bit magical. I don't know much about it, and my name doesn't have D. You don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. There are very few people with D in their names in this sea.

In the original work, all the powerful men are so convinced of the existence of D. There is something to this unique inheritance. Dr. Kuleha and Reilly both expressed some emotion about this matter, and it seems to be something very remarkable. At the end of the battle on the top, Whitebeard's words before his death also revealed a bit of mystery.

Just like someone who inherits Roger's will appears, sooner or later someone will appear who inherits Ace's will. Even if the blood relationship is severed, their flame will not extinguish. And one day in the future, there will be someone who carries the will. The people who have challenged this world throughout the history of these hundreds of years. The Warring States Period...your world government has always been afraid that one day will come, a huge battle that will involve the entire world. Although I am not interested, but When that treasure is discovered one day... the world will be turned upside down. That day will come. One Piece is real!

This is basically another interpretation of the future.

First of all, D’s will is not transmitted by blood.

Secondly, this will has been passed down since 800 years ago and has never been discontinued.

Again, this will would fundamentally conflict with the world government.

Eventually, a world war will break out.

Regarding the profound meaning contained in this passage, Noah had already begun to think about it when he was still writing the action plan in the East China Sea. Naturally, a hero like Whitebeard would not make up a nonsense just to prevent the world government from having an easy time before his death. That must be true.

He doesn't care about the existence of One Piece, nor does he care about D's will. His main concern was the world war. This final result overlaps with Noah's own calculated future.

But the cause of the war was different. It was no longer the ancient will. But people now are rising up against dissatisfaction with the old world and anger at injustice.

So he said to Luo: In the new era of the future, the inheritance of will cannot be carried out by some strange methods. That would be too strange. I don't know what Corazon said specifically, but only by blood It is not acceptable to say that something big needs to be done just because of the name.

The vast majority of the powerful people currently active on the sea are not members of the D family. What does it mean? It shows that the vast numerical base of the people is the right way.

As long as we pass on our thoughts, every strong person and every ordinary person in the future will have a red will. Isn't this more exciting than D's will? Then openly and openly hit those who lord it over the people.

Robin and Robin were shocked by the future described by Noah, and they seemed to see the whole world being ignited by the same will.

Okay, okay, let's not talk about D's will. I still have work to do, so you can talk about it.

After saying that, he left, with a pile of textbooks in his hand to edit. On the way back to Nanhai with Luo, Noah discovered that there were actually conditions for improving basic education.

The Sobel Kingdom is completely under control, and the federal plan for the small South China Sea country will be completed probably next year. These areas can give priority to basic education. Only in this way can there be a steady stream of people who are in line with the revolutionary army.

Calculated by age, children of Luo's age are the best time to shape their outlook on life. It is not easy to compile a textbook for younger ages.

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