“From the perspective of the labor process, the two components of capital are distinguished as objective factors and subjective factors, as means of production and labor force; from the perspective of value appreciation, they are distinguished as constant capital and variable capital. The difference..., get out of class is over.

Rosinandi walked out of the temporary classroom holding her textbooks, looking at the clear sky outside and sighing

Ah, it's such a nice day. Teacher Noah taught us so much knowledge. I didn't expect that productivity would be divided like this. I'll wait until I get back to Marin.

Feeling depressed. Rosinandi's mood has always been in a two-level reversal recently. Compared with his adoptive father's Warring States Period, he found that some ideas may be more correct than those of the Revolutionary Army. However, the kindness of upbringing made it difficult for him to make some decisions that went against his adoptive father. He was really struggling.

Because of Noah's several questions that day, he would be lost in thought for a long time. Because Luo was going to join the revolutionary army in the future, he wanted to have a deeper understanding of Noah's thoughts, for fear that something bad would be passed on to Luo, and the result would be out of control.

New problems will always arise, and then there will be solutions that subvert his cognition. At first glance, these methods sound like methods explicitly prohibited by the world government, but if you think about it carefully, they are quite useful.

A new world opened up for him instantly.

Looking at Rosinandi who was obsessed with studying, Noah also showed a happy smile. He admires those young people who are thoughtful and motivated. Young people are the most active and energetic force in the entire society. If the Warring States period can't influence it, then let's start with the people around him.

By presenting facts and reasoning, Rosinandi realized that relying on a world government would not bring good life to the people, and the navy would only become an accomplice at this time. Only relying on one's own hands to build a new world was the right way.

As for the Warring States period, after knowing Rosinandi's ideological change, whether he can still trust him as before depends on the magnanimity of the naval marshal.

The month has gradually passed. Noah practices regularly every day, visits, and attends classes. He feels very calm inside.

On this day, Dr. Kureha informed Noah and Rosinandi that the time was almost up and it was time to perform surgery.

Luo, who was lying on the operating bed at the moment, was full of confidence. After nearly a month of targeted study and surgical development, he had full confidence in solving the disease.

Rosinandi looked at Luo's expression and hesitated to speak. This kind of surgery on himself was a bit sensational, and all kinds of worries came to his mind.

Kuleha can't stand this expression.

For those with surgical fruit abilities, this level of treatment is already considered a minor surgery. Why are you worried about the ability that can invade the realm of God? With his talent, nearly a month of targeted study and development is enough. . If you keep chirping, go out and wait.

This reprimanding tone actually reassured Rocinante. I'm afraid it's a tone of we tried our best, but we're sorry, that's scary.

At the beginning of the operation, Kuleha anesthetized Luo's liver area, and then looked at Luo's performance. This was also a kind of assessment. After all, he had learned medical skills from her for a period of time.


A translucent space appeared in the palm of the hand, then slowly grew in size, and finally covered the entire hospital bed.

The space of the surgical fruit. In the space, the person with the ability of the fruit can perceive any object in the space, freely cut, assemble, exchange, manipulate or combine the targets in the space. The person whose body is cut by the person with the ability in the space And the living thing will not die, bleed or even feel pain, just like undergoing a surgical operation. This can even be used to remove toxic substances harmful to the body from the severed target body. Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu ah !”

The off-field commentator, Dr. Kuleha, commented while drinking.

Let's get started. Be careful to keep it stable. If the fruit gets out of control at this time, the liver will become riddled with holes. Hahaha.

‘Don’t say such horrible things in such a calm tone! ’

Noah and Rosinandi conveyed this meaning to the witch with silent glances.

Time passed little by little, Luo was still fine, Kuleha continued to drink, Rosinandi was sweating profusely, and the ground was soaked with sweat.

Fortunately, the space where the surgery was performed has its own isolation, otherwise you wouldn't be allowed in, especially this transvestite wearing a black feather coat, who is not fashionable at all.

Can we stop using the poisonous snake? Rosinandi was about to cry.

At this time, I saw Luo heaving a sigh of relief, and then the space of the surgical result slowly retracted, his body softened, and he lay on the hospital bed.


Rocinante's heart-rending voice sounded, and she rushed towards the hospital bed.


Then he was kicked away by Kuleha and hit the wall straight before falling back to the ground and bouncing a few times.

Idiot, this is because the treatment has been successful and I'm a bit exhausted!

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Luo regained his strength.

He felt better than ever before, as if a layer of heavy shackles had been lifted off his body, and the severe pain that had accompanied him for many years also disappeared.

Lifting the quilt, he wanted to rush out and see the blue sky and white clouds, the snowy scene of Winter Island, and this new world.

call out

An anesthesia needle was poked into Luo's neck, his vision went dark, and he fell unconscious.

Noah didn't understand this.

This kid's body has been in short supply for a long time. His body has been worn down by the disease and he has undergone surgery. What he needs at this time is rest, not running around, so I'm helping him. You're welcome.

Dr. Kuleha, you are really a good doctor! Luo will be moved.

Of course! Hurry up and throw this kid on the hospital bed. The cost of the anesthesia is not included.

Luo woke up at dawn the next day, which showed that Dr. Kuleha was very particular about the dosage of anesthetic and was very professional.

After waking up, Luo looked around cautiously, fearing that another anesthetic needle would fly in.

100,000 Baileys.


I'm talking about the price of the anesthetic needle yesterday, so you don't have to worry about the follow-up, it's very expensive.

Luo left Noah with a black streak in his head and went to find Rocinante. He knew that he would be separated from Mr. Cora after he recovered from his illness. Mr. Cora is from the Navy and is going back to the Navy to report. We don’t know when we can meet again.

Mr. Cora, will we meet again in the future?

Of course I will.

Seeing Luo's low mood, Rosinandi thought for a moment, showed the same smile as on Mignon Island, and made a scissor hand gesture. This smile healed Luo instantly.

What a sincere feeling.

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