Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1148 One Piece Extra 14 Success! Return from resurrection!

While both sides were racing against time, Bucky, who was imprisoned, was preparing to escape with Kizaru and the others.

It seems that Dr. Begapunk still doesn't know how you escaped from Im's cross back then. It's a blessing among misfortunes.

Kizaru looked at Bucky with an incomprehensible expression, this time he was going to suffer this guy again.

Wait, wait. Reinforcements from outside are coming soon. We don't need to do this.

It's okay, it only hurts for a moment. It's your turn to be the Sand Crocodile.

Lao Sha's gloomy face was full of murderous intent, he was really embarrassed. I have fallen over time and again, and for 30 years I have not accomplished anything major.

This time, he was tricked by a scientist. The moment he saw Noah, he was controlled by the force field and turned into an element, and then he compressed the sea floor stone powder to greet him.

The car turned over in a complete mess.

Dragging his weak body, he raised the golden hook. Looking at the clown in front of him, he became even more angry and evil.

He is actually worse than a clown.

With a grin on his face that could make a child cry,

Don't blame me, Bucky. This is the order of the former Navy Admiral.

Wait a minute, is there poison on your hook?! It's poison~~!!!

With blood splattering, Bucky screamed and regained his freedom.

Now that he was much stronger, he could control his body to recover quickly. Bucky was still frightened after the reorganization was completed.

This was the second time he had been dismembered, and the sand crocodile's hook was not as fast as the great swordsman's sword.

The Empress and Lao Sha were shocked to see that they had actually successfully escaped from prison, and even the slightly more mature Luffy was amazed.

But why was Luffy amazed? It wasn't the first time he'd seen it.

The murderous look in the eyes of the few people who later regained their freedom could not be controlled at all.

They are all reputable figures in the sea. They are either former marshals or empresses of the country. At worst, they are also the war gods of Alabasta.

In the end, being caught by such a crappy method was a bit unacceptable, and Kizaru's face no longer had that salty look.

You have to know how excited I was when I saw my soulmate Noah, otherwise I wouldn't be able to touch him with those force fields and combo skills.

As a result, when he saw a dozen Noahs appearing in front of him, his guard was broken. Ten thousand alpacas were running wildly. That Yorkie was really a beast!

So are they selling mass-produced figures? Is it possible to buy two and get one free for a row of Noah? What's more, it's the Xixi version.

Of course, the anger did not make these big guys lose their minds. The first step must be to join the main force.

The enemy on the scientific side has many tricks. In the final battle, everyone was beaten like a dead dog. I still remember the lesson.

He planned to break through the position's defense directly from the inside, and when the time came, he would make that bastard pay the price and let her know what a just gang fight meant.

In fact, York knew about it when they just got out of trouble, and he was just as surprised as Im.

The escape methods of these guys are really unique and a bit fancy.

Bucky was so unpredictable. We should have chopped off his head from the beginning. Or locked the sea tower stone shackles around his neck.

In order not to affect his own experiments, he had to release other mass-produced Noahs.

When the densely packed Noah stood in front of the captured team, everyone felt extremely disgusted. This face felt a bit debuffed, but for someone

Ah hahahahahaha, you go destroy the force field device and leave it to me Crocodile.

Super MAX. Erosion. Reincarnation!!!

The Shasha Fruit awakened instantly, and the Sand Crocodile laughed wildly and rushed into Noah with the wind and sand in the sky.

You're not even close, Noah!

I want to fight ten, I want to fight a hundred!

Faster, faster, how can you kill someone with such a slow knife!

Let me teach you how to cut people, the Desert King Kong Great Sword!


Everyone was speechless as they looked at the inflated Sand Crocodile in front of them. This guy was so horny.

Let's go, this guy can fight here for ten days and ten nights without any problem.

At this time, the base of Egghead Island in the sea was finally destroyed by Shanks, Hawkeye, and Jinbe from the outside.

The last sword parted the sea, and the two great swordsmen who had been holding back their anger also joined the formation of the siege force field. Only Jinbei still struggled to drag the island out of the sea slowly.

Seeing that just a small oversight caused the situation to reverse, York felt helpless.

This Bucky is really troublesome. After they found the force field generating device and dismantled the defensive wall, that was pretty much it anyway.

When everyone saw the defensive force field collapsed, they rushed in and directly subdued all the mass-produced Noahs.

How to deal with this group of clones in the future will be a big problem. Anyway, Long's scalp will go numb when he sees it.

This wave is a wholesale wholesale of revolutionary candles, and the moral and ethical issues here are simply astonishing.

The doctor also came up in a small aircraft. Looking at the light ball that was still undergoing experiments, he felt a little sad. Science must still be within the scope of morality.

York had made a huge mistake and committed a very serious crime. He must end this before things get worse.

The five clones cooperated with the main body and began to use data to attack the final defense system. The previously implanted virus was also overcome by the doctor.

The smartest people in the world are no joke.

But York's experiment also came to an end.

The Menmen Fruit in his hand was thrown directly into the culture medium, and it instantly turned into a puddle of solution and entered the clone's body. Then some special power in the historical text was also poured into that body driven by energy.

The branches and leaves of the world tree were spontaneously burning without wind at this moment, and there were sounds coming from the dots of flames.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is the sound of the heartbeat, and then the blood like the Yangtze River begins to flow in the body.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered in this sea area at the beginning, and an invisible aura swept over, sweeping across in all directions.

Lightning and thunder gathered above everyone's heads, and red and black lightning reflected on everyone's face.

That familiar feeling. Overlord color!

This is impossible! How could it be possible! This can't be done!

Everyone is really panicking at this moment, don't be serious. What if it was true? ! ? !

Long wants to turn around and strangle this old bastard Vegapunk to death right now. Do you know how much trouble he has caused to the world?

Bloodline, memory, domineering, besides will, what else is there? So what is this?

Panic, a resurrected Noah who is not the original Noah has an extremely powerful negative impact on the operation of the world.

At this time, the infinite gems that had always been used as energy sources finally could not withstand the output that exceeded the threshold for a long time, and the myth of the historical text was broken this time.

Boom! ! ! !

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