Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1147 One Piece Extra 13 Experiment Begins

From the first island in the East China Sea, to the Capital of the Seven Waters, to the Red Earth Continent. I controlled my clone and walked through every road that Noah had ever walked, but I still couldn't find anything special.

In the end, after ruling out many possibilities, the Tree of Omniscientity that I just obtained also failed.

We can only make a desperate move and put together the historical text, the fruit of the door, the tree of omniscience, and the genes of Noah.

Now I have control over the biggest variables in the sea. I'm going to look for that man's footprints.

York's face was flushed at this time, and he was excited about his unbridled idea of ​​venting.

The people in the council looked at this madman with serious expressions. The doctor's clone representing desire was out of control.

What on earth are you going to do?

Veins popped out on Guina's hand holding the sword. This bastard who dared to blaspheme his master should be cut into pieces!

Recreate the real Noah, and let the power that transcends everything be completely in your hands.

Then clone countless copies of him to help you rule the world, so that you can collect all the resources to fill your desires.

Such as remaking a King of Heaven and filling it in with Noah's will.

This is the omniscient and omnipotent God.

I'm going to the end of science!

After saying that, the camera turned to a dark space, where countless Noahs were sleeping among several rows of cultivation instruments.

The huge amount of energy on the middlemost cultivation instrument is distorting space, and a large amount of energy is filled into this bottomless pit-like culture medium.

Everyone who heard it felt ridiculous. The body of the King of Heaven and the will of Noah are indeed invincible.

It is certain that the King of Heaven can be recreated. With the development of science and technology, many difficulties are no longer difficult.

But Noah's will is not allowed to be controlled. It is a joke that the revolutionary lights can be manipulated.

Is York crazy? is crazy.

It was obvious that Dr. Vegapunk's will was still unable to carry his rapidly expanding desires, and had even gotten out of control a long time ago.

York, you have lost your scientific rigor.

This experiment is crude and resembles a child's trick. It does not have any objective principles or any repeatability.

As one of my clones you really shouldn't make such a simple mistake.

Vegapunk despised such uncertain experiments and rejected such unscientific experimental methods.

And York laughed.

You say you don't do research, but the experimental conditions that should be achieved have been prepared for me a long time ago.

The energy output of the Thunder Fruit has been developed to the extreme, which is enough to support this experiment.

The collection of information fragments of the Magnetic Fruit was perfected by Shakya, so it used powerful energy to collect Noah's information from all over the sea and inject it into his body.

Aren't the Gate Fruits also being secretly studied in the laboratory? PhD.

And the infinite trial and error of regressing fruits, this is the ultimate experiment that can only be done once.

The doctor was shocked. It turned out that this guy had already made up his mind.

Therefore, there will always be a tendency to guide when doing research.

The physical body, information, and fruit ability, it's a pity that He Dao Yizi has not been found, otherwise a complete Noah can come again.

Don't you want to see such an exciting scene?

After speaking, York pressed the button to start the experiment.

The half of Egghead Island still above the sky was emitting a strong blue light, and the huge energy was erupting with power beyond its limits.

Crunch, crunch, crunch

The historical text that is said to be indelible is creaking,

The energy flow converged into the base station, and a magical channel was established.

When the light curtain slowly extinguished, a strange look appeared in the doctor's eyes.

York succeeded in the first part. There is no problem with our sealed calculations back then!

After hearing this, Shanks wanted to stab these scientists to death, because they were causing trouble all day long.

Wouldn't it be better not to study such a dangerous thing or destroy it directly? Shanks, filled with anger, could only draw his sword and slash at the wall angrily.

Although there is already a deep seabed outside, it is easy to fight up to it with your own strength.

Is this broken wall too hard? He and Hawkeye only managed to cut through 7 floors with their combined efforts.

During this period, the ministers of the New World Alliance also used Sabo's fruit power to teleport around Egghead Island.

However, the powerful force field made the fruit's ability ineffective again, and what was even more disgusting was that the defensive stance was also recreated. It's not that big, but it's enough to protect half of the island.

Neither the domineering fist nor the sharp sword energy could penetrate, and everyone in this wave was dumbfounded.

I thought that a group of people like myself could suppress all unrest, but this thing is just as tough as it was back then.

There is no Skydrop text deployed in orbit now, and fortunately there is no arrangement, otherwise the target would most likely still be my group of people.


I have to say that Vegapunk is great.

His scientific research ability is top-notch, and Im's ability has been replicated to many levels. That is, all the experimental results obtained from the research are used on one's own people.

Watching the storm formed in his hand being dispersed by his stance, Long wished he could blow the doctor's head off.

Vegapunk, you ¥@#, how long do you have until you can lift the opponent's position!

Just give me another three hours. I left a backdoor in the system.

very good.

If you can break in within three hours, that Yorkie probably won't be able to do anything.

By the way, when will the magnetic field that collects information be released?



boom! !

The colorless force field burst out in an instant and swept across the entire world. Just like before, no one could perceive the specific information, but that uneasy feeling came to their hearts.

What's even more fatal is that everyone's minds are uncontrollably starting to recall bits and pieces of Noah.

I knew I shouldn't recall, but the damn Magnetic Fruit could actually do this. In the end, the endless information flowed back to the base station and was transmitted to Noah in the culture medium.

The experiment enters the second phase.

A large amount of information and energy are injected into the physical body. The physical body explodes in the first second and then is surrounded by a ball of fire and reorganized.

With the blessing of energy, the retrograde fruit has revealed terrifying ways of application, and the experiment is bound to fail.

Immediately afterwards came the second, third, and fourth times, endless conflicts, endless explosions, and endless reorganizations cycled in front of everyone's eyes. If this Noah has a will at this time, he can only say, I am so miserable.

Relying on the self-destructive energy output, the energy supply has been maintained at the critical point.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the text and spread deeper.

The second stage is stable.

The doctor is like an outsider trapped in the experiment.

This kind of experiment that does not take into account energy, does not take into account the fruits of retrogression, and does not take into account the magneto-magnetic base station is too extravagant.

Only crazy clones would use it like this.

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