Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1149 One Piece Extra 15 I won’t lie to you anymore (The One Piece Chapter is Completely Ende

Huge energy turbulence is flying here wantonly, huge electric current is hitting the air and the laboratory randomly, and the smell of ozone rises near the culture medium.

In the end, a huge explosion toppled the surrounding walls, and the top of Egg Head Island completely disintegrated. Metal shards and broken glass were scattered like bullets, and smoke filled the laboratory where the culture medium was located.

It was raining, and the light rain began to fall, suppressing the dust bit by bit.

No~~~~~, why?

York knelt on the ground. The desire to explore the truth about Noah, which had been gathered together by several clones for more than ten years, was finally destroyed in one fell swoop.

She had no longer thought about her future, but... she never had a chance again.

She was so dejected that she did not see the expressions of Kidd, Long and others as if they were facing an enemy, and there was a special life fluctuation in their appearance.

Ta-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta.

A young man with broken black hair stepped out of the smoke and came into the world.

Feeling the cold raindrops falling on his face, he closed his eyes and let out a breath.

My name is Noah

No. Noah?

No, I should be Noah!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~! ! ! ! !

Painful howls came out, and countless Noah's deeds flashed in his mind. Just, evil, legends, twists, and all kinds of Noahs appeared in his mind.

There are good and bad pieces of information brought back by the magnetic fruit. Those are the world's definition of Noah.

As the initiator of the great war that caused turmoil ten years ago, how could he have all positive comments?

How many people in the sea who spurned him were unspoken potentials. How much jealousy is brewing in my heart.

Under the super-standard extraction of the fruit's ability, the strongest images mixed with his own desires were softened together, creating this twisted soul.

Wave after wave of wild domination struck everyone.

powerful! Very strong! Born in the first year of junior high school in Bawang color, he has surpassed everyone.

There is only the word chaos in the black airflow, which is more inclined to destruction.

Human thought is very complex, so it is dominated by chaos. And it is also mixed with Yimu's technology and thinking, which is a pure heart of destruction.

York, created a monster.

The doctor gave a final conclusion on the results of the experiment, and relied on everyone's thinking to rebuild the soul.

As the momentum of artificial Noah continued to surge, Long and others also felt troubled.

If everyone swarmed up, they could kill this man-made product, but it looked too similar. It wasn't the body shape, but the aura.

Who can bear the pressure of killing the resurrected Noah?

I'll do it! Noah definitely doesn't want his new world to be tainted like this.

Long still stood up, and at this time, he was the most suitable speaker.

One on one, the battle begins.

The newly born artificial Noah grew up at an extremely fast speed, from domineering to swordsmanship, and finally became a tie.

Oh, you guys. This can't be called that bastard at all. Even if it is, I still have to beat him up. That guy values ​​the revolutionary cause more than his own life.

After Lao Sha finished speaking, he rushed forward. I don't know whether it was because of his high consciousness or personal hatred, but he was very brave anyway.


Kuina raised her sword, and it wouldn't be a bad thing if she could use Frost Moon Kendo to send him away.

Roars, strong winds, sword energy, fist wind, splashing aftermath, and terrifying visions.

A radius of a hundred miles turned into hell on earth. This was the most intense battle in ten years, and it was also the battle with the highest level of participation.

After the final battle, the artificial Noah was defeated.

There is no reversal, no surprise. Even if Noah is really resurrected, he will not be a match for this group of fighting madmen.

Even though the young man lying on the ground was seriously injured, the fire of ambition in his eyes never went out.

I... am not Noah, but I want to be Noah, a Noah who is free and can get everything. I want to kill you.

Then you should be called Dark Zaki.

With a complaint, Robin arrived belatedly.

The word Wado in his hand was trembling crazily, and the red sword was rioting.

That, that's my sword!

A space door opened, and the artificial Noah's hand directly grasped Wado Ichimonji.


He hurriedly let go of this action as if his soul had been burned by hot flames.

If it's not yours, it's not yours.

Noah said he doesn't like cloning experiments like Sister Misaka's, and he also hates imitators.

Robin is the person who knows Noah best in the world. She has heard those interesting stories from another world since she was a child.

Even the matter of souls from another world is clear to her, and a clone of this level cannot confuse her.

Unlike others who cared about this and that, he walked up to the artificial Noah and showed a gentle smile.

Draw your sword and slash with starburst airflow!

Robin, known as the Saint of Boxing, can be said to have captured the essence of the word ruthless in swordsmanship, almost clenching his teeth and wielding it.

In conjunction with the word Daoyi, it also emits red light to increase the special effect.

Tens of seconds later, the artificial Noah died in a very unsettling manner, being hacked to death by random swords.

Sheathing her sword, Robin looked at the little garbage on the ground with disdain and no movement.

I told you to lie to me!

Well, the artificial clone died of resentment.

【I didn’t mean to lie to you either.】

A voice sounded from the bottom of everyone's hearts.

The successive twists and turns have made everyone exhausted, and they thought it was another trick caused by York.

No matter how similar the tone of the voice is, it will only make people more wary.

Only Robin's tears suddenly welled up. This feeling was real.

Looking up at the sky, an illusory huge book emerged from the sky.

Starting from Pirates and Burning the World

The World Declaration engraved on the Ark suddenly emitted a golden light that echoed the book. The endless revolutionary stars in the world reunited and formed a huge pillar of light, giving the book endless power.

Blessed by the sea world, this book is finally no longer weak.

Infinite red light drips from the book into everyone's heart, just like a little red sun.

Those warriors and heroes who participated in the final battle were called upon by the heroic spirit Noah.

[Comrades, the world's humanity is always under threat. In order to protect humanity, I need everyone's help. 】

[The enemy is the mythical king, god, devil, and creator. 】

[They wantonly deprive us of our hope of survival. 】

【So, please follow me and keep burning! 】

【Conquer all heavens and worlds! 】

This. What is this? ? ,

The voice in their hearts made everyone want to cry for no reason.

The tragedies on the timeline outside the sea world are unbearable to watch, and billions of deaths have become so common.

When the survivors lived in a small Chaldea, everyone was angry.

Take away our human dignity, modify our human history, and erase our human existence.

How audacious is this, how presumptuous is this!

Even the Creator will be sent to the guillotine!

fighting! combustion! Fight until death!

The warriors of this world roared!

Everyone who agreed in their hearts had a red incarnation separated from their bodies and went straight to the books in the sky.

Endless red light flew out from the names on the stone wall of the Ark. Each name engraved on it was a symbol of a heroic spirit.

This is the summoning of heroic spirits unique to Noah.

Robin looked at the heroic spirit Noah standing on the book and became more and more happy, and finally his body turned into a flower petal and disappeared.

Completely transformed into a heroic spirit and flew to the side of the heroic spirit Noah.

Stop lying to me!

Will not.

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