Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1146 One Piece Extra 12 Murderer Vegapunk

And even if it is a clone, this strength and swordsmanship cannot be explained.

Swordsmanship and strength can be solved. My main brain has the ability to save data and research results, and can also share them with other clones for research.

Shuoyue Swordsmanship has always been a model for research. Noah's swordsmanship has been deeply analyzed in the video records.

As for strength, don't forget Im's existence. There will still be some fragments falling from outer space.

During the period after the final battle, there were reports of objects falling from the sky from all over the world. The debris was recovered and placed in the warehouse on Egghead Island.

Through research, it is still possible to just push the physical strength below the general level. The research data of the huge kingdom is also possible with the cooperation of some fruit abilities.

But this will consume a lot of resources and energy, and the number of clones should not be very large.

After listening to Dr. Vegapunk's explanation, Long's expression went from angry to incredulous.

Doctor, you mean,

There is a scientific research force with abundant funds and massive resources that can be invested in the cultivation of clones.

Strong research and development capabilities have created a machine similar to the master brain that can copy and transfer sword skills.


So, doctor, is it possible that this force is Egghead Island itself? Is this conspirator the smartest scientist on the sea?

Yes. It's the research results here. It could also be mine.

The doctor's face was full of bitterness, his mastermind had been tampered with. This resulted in deviations in the research progress and direction, or in other words, the focus was diverted.

The last modified data was so rough that it caused memory damage. That's why I forgot about meeting Bucky a few days ago.

Through the mastermind's data recovery, he had already seen the person who was secretly setting up the conspiracy.

York, why are you doing this?

York? One of Dr. Vegapunk's clones?

Hawkeye, red-haired Yamato and others were on guard against these scientists when they suddenly heard the name of one of the clones and were a little confused.

No, Bucky!

The red-haired man was shocked. The idiot just followed York. With his IQ, he was probably in danger.

Shakya and Edison were operating frantically in front of the controller, trying to find York's location at this time.

But no matter how the surveillance footage and detectors on Dantou Island were mobilized, the clone could not be found.

boom! Click, click, click.

This is an emergency closed state!

With various warning lights lighting up, the air-tight doors are closing continuously.

The energy system of the entire island has been redirected, and the backup energy can barely maintain minimum operation.

No need to waste your efforts. I have been doing what I want to do without telling you since ten years ago.

I extracted the fragmented information of Im and made it into a virus. It would take seven hours to unravel it based on our ability.

In order to prevent you from causing trouble, let's go to the sea and calm down first.

There was a crisp click, and the doctor's expression turned ugly.

This is the escape mode in emergency avoidance mode.

That is to say, the floating island abandons the underlying base, which means that the main laboratory is thrown into the sea.

It was originally because the doctor's experiment was too dangerous, so he gave up this part at the critical moment in exchange for the opportunity for others to escape.

As a result, the whole army was wiped out, and a group of people seemed to be stuffed into jars and unable to escape.

The alloy material that has been strengthened countless times is to resist high-level attacks and explosions, and the Yimu-like position surrounding it affects the fruit's ability.

Basically, people on the bottom base will not be able to get out in the short term.

A strong feeling of falling appeared in everyone in the laboratory.


The main laboratory hit the ocean below with huge gravity and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

This is the terrible thing about betrayal by someone who knows everything about themselves, taking advantage of almost all conditions to gain the absolute upper hand.

Under the light of the backup power supply, Vegapunk felt as if he was being fucked by a dog. I'm going to kill myself.

At this time, a small piece of the communication screen was cut out, and York's picture appeared on the screen.

Her eyes no longer had the boredom before, but were filled with desire.

There is also a cage made of seastone in the picture, and the captain of the Basket team is slumped there like mud.

It seems that Bucky was captured as expected.

This scene set off alarm bells in the hearts of others. Noah once said that scientists are the best at destroying the world.

Now it seems that part of it has been fulfilled.

York, why do you want to capture Bucky!

Yamato was so angry when he saw his captain lying in the cage.

It's not just Bucky.

After saying that, the screen suddenly switched to Sand Crocodile, Kizaru, Luffy and others were all locked in a large laboratory with sea floor stone handcuffs.

Several of them were in a state of lethargy and appeared to be unharmed.

It only takes a moment for fruit ability users to lose their consciousness, such as Noah reappearing in front of them.

The doctor looked at them and suddenly understood a lot of things.

You were searching for the source of the red power, so you captured them to eliminate variables, right?

Luffy is the heir to Joey Boy's will and the representative of freedom.

Kizaru was the leader of change in the navy and a representative of order in the past.

Bucky is the one who breaks fate and is a symbol of miracles.

The Empress and Sand Crocodile should be smoke bombs to cover up the reason why you captured these three people.

Do you really want to know everything that much?

The doctor's words made York feel funny. Anyone can ask about his own identity, but he must not ask about it. It's hypocritical.

Of course it's because of endless desire, Doctor.

As the vessel that carries your endless desires, isn't it normal to want to do something a little different?

And Noah is really not normal.

You have been suppressing your uncontrollable desire for knowledge through human nature, but in the end you gave all these desires to me, so I started to study that incredible man as you wanted deep in your heart.

A child born on an unknown island in the East China Sea, O'Hara's revolutionary army, the conspirators who began to fool the world in the Seven Waters Capital, and three dozen people who transcended their time in the Red Earth Continent, such people seemed to have suddenly arrived. It’s the same in the world.”

This is more incredible than the legend of Joyboy, isn't it?

How could anyone be born revolutionary?

Is that incredible domineering color really a domineering color? Is the power of that light really something that belongs to this world?

As someone who wants to know everything, shouldn't he go searching?

So I collected Noah's flesh and blood, analyzed his sword skills, and finally cloned many clones.

Trying to find why he is so powerful beyond this world, but I failed.

The cloned person simply cannot have that kind of unreasonable power, so there must be some missing link.

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