Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1145 One Piece Extra 11 It’s Noah

As a thug, his awareness is very good.

When Shanks saw the two people next to him acting like this, he suddenly felt that he was not taking it too seriously. With the size and combat power of the New World Alliance, the day when the conspiracy is basically broken is when the enemy will be destroyed.

So he prepared to lie down. As for Luffy, he probably wouldn't die.

Then where to go next?

We can just go directly to Dantou Island.

Bucky's subsequent words made everyone feel a little strange. Is this inferring something?

Regardless of the enemy's purpose or why they caught Luffy and the others, the enemy's actions have been exposed just this time.

Don't you think the style of this mass production master looks familiar? Of course you need to find those scientists at this time.

Dr. Vegapunk will definitely have a clue.


Hawkeye's eyes flashed, and the word mass production master immediately irritated him.

The only battle that made him feel desperate in so many years is still vivid in his mind, and endless enemies are emerging like a tide.

The strongest men of the sea were like children in front of Im, and their victory at the expense of countless people was unimaginably tragic.

That makes sense.

The interior of Dantou Island has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now it is the largest technological floating island floating in the uninhabited sea.

Because there are often some exaggerated experiments that cause the sea below to turn into strange meteorological structures.

It can be said that the bad weather in the original New World can basically be found here, and it is definitely a forbidden area for living creatures.

Most of the countless conspirators who coveted the scientific research results here were dissuaded by these things, and the more powerful ones were unable to land on the island.

The arrival of Bucky and others is also a rare outsider.

Everyone was amazed when looking at the huge floating island. How tall is this thing? And it's amazing that it can actually float when it's so heavy.

Application of technical extraction and conversion technology of Piaopiao fruit.

The fruit of the Golden Lion was found eight years ago and was brought here for research. As long as the energy in the central system is not interrupted, this giant floating island will not sink.

As the No. 1 clone, Shakya came to receive everyone, and at the same time led everyone to the main research room.

On the way, I explained the experimental projects to Bucky and the others, most of which were related to energy and material production.

The blood factor and devil fruit experiments were conducted by Dr. Vegapunk and several of his clones. After all, such a sophisticated research project would not be safe to hand over to others.

At present, private laboratories are in their infancy, and many projects are outsourced from Dantou Island.

This experimental center single-handedly promotes the scientific progress of the entire ocean.

By the way, Shakya. It was the little girl from York who came to receive us before, why didn't I see her this time?

Bucky has been the speaker after all, and this is not the first time he has been to Dantou Island.

York is very busy recently, and she doesn't have to pass information into the main brain, so I don't know.

After saying that, they took the elevator and arrived at the main laboratory.

Dr. Vegapunk is seen worrying about a machine.

It was rare to see the doctor worried. In Bucky's eyes, this super-brained old man was the kind of expert who would come up with some black technology to solve problems after just a few boasts.

Sorry, Speaker. It seems like some information is missing from my mastermind.

I am no longer the speaker, doctor. We just met at the Ark a few days ago.

Bucky was a little worried when he looked at this doctor who was a little bit Alzheimer's.

Really? Maybe I didn't pay much attention. What do you want from me?

Yamato took out the specimen box brought from O'Hara.

Inside are the blood and flesh specimens of those black monsters, as well as weapon fragments.

Doctor, these people.

After Yamato's explanation, Dr. Vegapunk felt a little strange. This nature is indeed somewhat similar to that of the past.

So we started working on analyzing these flesh and blood specimens. The weapon fragments were given to Edison.

The investigation team was a little bored watching the work of several scientists who were analyzing data, so they planned to take a stroll on Egg Head Island. At this time, York ran out.

Bucky, there is a portable underground metal detector that has just been built. Do you want to test it out?

Nani!!! Please let me experiment.

Bucky felt that he had reached this point and would know the identity of the enemy once the doctor had done the analysis. It would be a good time to fulfill his dream by the way.

So he followed him and ran away.

The redhead looked at Bucky's back and was speechless. This guy was really impatient.

But Egghead Island is still very safe, so just let him be.

The doctor worked in front of the experimental table for a long time before producing several reports. He frowned looking at the data.

Shakyamuni, Edison, Lilith, Atlas, and Pythagoras all come.

Wait until several research clones have arrived and then distribute the report to everyone.

Now do the analysis again.


It could be seen that Vegapunk's face looked very ugly at this time, and he turned around and went to the mastermind to restore the data.

Red Hair and Hawkeye were a bit at a loss. It can be said that they had almost no knowledge. Even if those reports are placed on the table, they cannot be read.

When the doctor came back and saw the reexamination data, he let out a long sigh.

Then he opened the video communicator and connected to the Ark's council chamber.

Looking at the ministers in the video screen and Hawkeye and others at the scene, the doctor started to give the results with great difficulty.

The flesh and blood data you sent has been compared hundreds of times and analyzed in various ways. It comes from Noah.

! ! !


Everyone was shocked. Long smashed the table in the conference room. Endless wind gathered around him, and the shock in his pupils could not be concealed.

Sword energy, fierce flames, and the power of frost rose and fell one after another on the Ark.

Neither the ministers in the parliament nor the red-haired people at the scene could believe it, how could this be true.

Noah had disappeared behind the Light Gate ten years ago and was completely sacrificed in the war. How could this be possible!

Doctor, do you know what you are talking about?

I know, so I did countless experiments to confirm.

This makes no sense! How could there be traces of Noah in this? Even if he comes back from hell, he can't take action against Robin!

The doctor is also very distressed, and the most distressing thing is that the next fact is terrible.

After Long regained his composure, he allowed the doctor to continue speaking.

In fact, the specimens taken out are all Noah. In other words, someone used technological means to clone his body.

clone? !

This technology has been around for a long time. For example, Germa already had an army of cloned soldiers in the past. This is not a technology that spans the ages.

It's just that the development of cloning technology has been clearly prohibited in the regulations of the New World Alliance. This is a development path that goes against human nature.

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