Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1144 One Piece Extra 10 Heading to Dantou Island

boom! ! !

When the Emperor Bucky just entered the sea near O'Hara, Bucky and others' eyes flashed red.

Yamato, watch the ship.


The three figures disappeared on the ship in an instant, and several people high in the sky were breaking the sound barrier and running at high speed.

There were actually fluctuations in fighting on the island ahead, and it was not of ordinary intensity.

When Bucky and the others first entered the vicinity of O'Hara, they sensed huge energy fluctuations in front of them, where sword energy and domineering energy were raging.

So brave, who dares to invade here?

Not to mention Robin's special characteristics, there are really not many warriors who dare to challenge him just after knowing how many people this boxing master has smashed in his hands.

Suddenly, ten full moons rose above O'Hara and projected onto the center of the island.

The sharp sword energy fell down like a fine rain of light, and the cold moonlight made it obvious at a glance that it was an extremely terrifying killing move.

not good!

Hawkeye and Shanks drew their swords at the same time, and two huge sword lights spanned thousands of meters, slashing out of the air and directly shattering the moonlight in the sky.

Bucky even tore up all the remaining traces of sword energy and barged into the battlefield.

When I got closer, I discovered that ten black figures exploded into ten balls of blood in the air. There is a price to pay for being reckless here.

Huahuaguo has evolved into a monster unknown to anyone in the hands of her master.

Teacher Robin, what happened here?

After landing in the center of the library, Bucky noticed something was wrong. It seemed that the teacher's eyes were a little blurry.

Does the sword light just now have the ability to impact the spirit and will? No! Everyone who participated in the final battle, even a small soldier, has been baptized by the light and cannot be confused in this regard.

Hawkeye and Red Hair were thoughtful, especially Hawkeye, who had fought against three great swordsmen who practiced Frost Moon Swordsmanship.

Although all three people have gone their own way, the foundation is still very clear.

The Yuehua just now was very authentic, and the familiar sword movement also had a feeling of déjà vu.

And ten swordsmen who are proficient in Shuangyue Swordsmanship is a bit exaggerated. Even if you are new to this realm, it feels very outrageous.

Donghai's Shuangyue Gymnasium has only trained one swordsman so far.

In a normal era of cultivation, a swordsman could dominate a sea area. At the end of the last era, there was a surge of geniuses due to changes.

Now that the talent rate has returned to normal, there shouldn't be ten swordsmen who don't know their true identity.

If so many swordsmen appeared so easily, Koushiro would have to die with his eyes closed.

The New World Alliance's vast ocean tactics are more than a hundred times more rigorous than those of the previous world governments.

So. There is a problem, a big problem!

The red-haired man looked at the large library that was disturbed by the aftermath of the fight and felt something was wrong.

The broken library faults, scattered pages, and cracks in the ground were all scattered and destroyed in a way that an enemy at the level of a swordsman would not do.

On the contrary, the impact was caused by the new swordsman's inability to control the force and direction of the flying slash.

Maybe the swordsmen who hit the full moon will not be able to control their sword energy?

This is not an assassination, this is looking for something!

Something must have been lost in the library.

Robin nodded at the redhead's guess.

She was indeed a little surprised when she saw the bright moon rising before. She thought someone at Shuangyue Gymnasium had rebelled.

Just as he was about to capture the opponent, a dozen more swordsmen came out.

This mass-produced version of Frost Moon Kendo feels very familiar to Robin, especially the style of the sword.

However, Robin's ten years have not been in vain. With her mastery of boxing skills, her combat power can be said to be unfathomable.

It was easy to suppress this group of people again.

Even the fruits were not liberated, because the scene after liberation would be too great for this group of people.

When the reinforcements finally arrived, the opponent directly self-destructed, leaving no one alive. It was very decisive.

The other party is here to look for something, or to steal something.

The tree of omniscience, and the word peace.

This is Robin's guess. There is a branch missing from the sapling of the Tree of Omniscient. As for Hedao Yiwen, it is hidden in a very safe place.

During the battle, the opponent also sent a creature that could disguise itself to search in the library. The reason why there were so many sword marks was to test the secret room and basement.

But they won't think about where they hid the sword.

After the final battle ten years ago, Noah turned into a rain of light and rushed into the space gate, leaving behind a wailing word of peace.

Because the spirituality on the sword carried too much spiritual power, it became somewhat out of control after Noah left.

No one but Robin can touch it, and holding the sword forcefully will only set you on fire.

No one can resist the crimson flames and overlord-colored will for a moment or three.

So Robin traveled with this sword on his back all year round. After retiring as Minister of Education, he came to O'Hara with the word Wado.

What a troubled time, the enemy's purpose is very obvious.

Bucky, just do what you want, and let me know if you find any clues.

Robin seemed to have seen something, but did not share the results with everyone.

So these people could only leave O'Hara.

After everyone left, Robin used her fruit power to push open the sapling of the Tree of Omniscient. The place where there is knowledge is O'Hara. As for this tree, she actually doesn't care much.

I just want to create a character who sees things and thinks about people, so that I can confuse some people with evil intentions. Noah taught me not to reveal my true weaknesses easily.

There was a gray iron bar buried at the root of the small tree. The sleeping word Hedao suddenly flickered slightly, and little red lights lingered around him.

Robin was thoughtful when he saw the strange movement of the sword, so he took it out and began to wipe it carefully.

This is what the enemy wants. It doesn't matter why she wants it. She just needs to hack that guy to death.

Bucky was the trump card that Long released to disrupt Dahai's conspiracy, forcing the conspirator to constantly reveal his flaws.

From Luffy's disappearance to the other party's actions in O'Hara, enough clues have been given.

Now, bide your time.

Aboard the Emperor Bucky.

Bucky, what do you think the enemy wants to do?

“I don’t know~~”

? !

Shanks just saw Bucky nodding so seriously on the island and thought he really understood what Robin meant, but he didn't know the result?

You all didn't respond. It would be very embarrassing for me to say I didn't know. After all, I am also the first-generation speaker, okay?

The red-haired man was a little helpless. This team leader was so unreliable that he shouldn't trust this bastard.

The enemy's actions have accelerated visibly to the naked eye, but the action team on our side is a bit like a headless fly.

Hawkeye said with a cold face that it didn't matter. He smelled the breath of battle and was resting his mind.

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