Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1131 The Will of Rain?

Chapter 1131 The Will of Rain? !

He also stated that he would establish a military and commercial alliance between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

Sand Ninja Village will also pay a huge war compensation for attacking Konoha Village. This astronomical amount of compensation is Konoha's bottom line, and no penny can be lost.

In a shinobi village where the will of fire prevails. If there is not enough price, it may be difficult to convince most people.

It also cannot calm the emotional hatred of most ordinary people and ninjas.

In the end, it was negotiated that this huge compensation would be repaid in 13 years, with high interest.

In addition, some of the unique ninjutsu of the Sand Ninja Village and a large number of desert minerals are also covered by the compensation.

The minimum level of ninjutsu is A level, and Orochimaru, a disciple of the Third Hokage, is in charge of this aspect.

At the same time, the trade routes between the Country of Fire and the Country of Wind must remain open, and concessions must be made on taxation.

This means that the land in the Country of Wind is too barren and Konoha cannot even look down upon it, otherwise it would have to grab another piece of land this time.

In the end, all the ninjas who invaded Sand Hidden Village were handed over to Konoha for prisoner-of-war control and released in batches.

Of course, the jonin and elders would not experience such humiliation, especially the jinchūriki who had to be escorted back.

This is the final bottom line of Suna Ninja Village. The value of Jonin's own value and intelligence are too high and must not be handed over to Konoha.

The Jinchuriki is a weapon of large-scale destruction, and it is even more impossible to actually hand it over. If Konoha adds a few more seals, Rasha won't be able to cry at all.

There were still many details about various terms, but because both parties wanted to end it as soon as possible, they both passed it decisively.

After a long time, I really thought that the other three countries would not buy the bottom of their nests, especially Sunagakure Village. It was almost the same as undefended at this moment.

In this negotiation, Chiyo maintained the last dignity by dying with Konoha.

But in terms of the scope of compensation, it is unable to fight anymore. Even if the Third Hokage wants to push further, the ninjas and ninja clan under him will not agree.

You must know that it is not only the Leaf Village that has suffered losses, but the losses among the ninja clan are about to be dug up.

The shortage of resources and personnel is huge. If the provision is not adequate, war will start again at any time, and the so-called peace agreement will become a piece of waste paper in an instant.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to give the Taoist position a chance to recuperate.

It's better than everyone being wiped out here. As long as people are still there, Sunagakure Village will still be there.

This peace agreement, which was humiliating and humiliating the country, was finally signed by the two elders Chiyo and Ebizo, and Rasa was not among them.

The Fourth Kazekage wants to ensure his authority and greatness in the village.

Let the two elders bear this price that is unbearable for the whole village. As sinners of Shayin, they should do such a thing.

After signing this agreement, Chiyo became older.

This time the war was ultimately lost. The fertile land and rich resources they dreamed of were far away, and they even had to pay more to quell Konoha's anger.

This is war, just a big gamble.

It was very simple here in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen pressed the hand seal.

This time the blame lies with you.

When the war officially ended, both those who were glad that they had escaped death and those who were unwilling to accept that the war was over knew that it was a foregone conclusion.

A peace agreement was signed, but the seeds of hatred had been buried deep in the hearts of the shinobi between the two countries.

Maybe this is one of the seeds laid for the future invasion of Konoha.

After signing the war agreement, Chiyo and others began to arrange the finishing work for the remaining Suna ninja, and endure the anger and contempt of the people below.

The losing side always needs an outlet to vent.

On the Konoha side, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt exhausted all over.

Looking at the dead ninjas of Konoha, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time, Konoha is too weak to fight any war with the five major powers. It is as fragile as a castle made of sand.

The strategy of recuperation must be put on the agenda. Even if you lick your wounds for more than ten years, you may not be able to recover half of your strength.

He will also have to bear the consequences of ending the war, and the hatred that has nowhere to vent will converge on him.

Even though the peace agreement was signed, Konoha gained certain benefits from it.

But it still couldn't stop everyone's anger. Or the pain of losing a loved one, these also need a target to vent.

And I am ashamed of the teachings of the second generation, and I cannot shirk my responsibility for bringing Konoha to where it is today.

He returned to the Sarutobi clan's home alone, and with the help of Lake Biwa, he took off the blood-stained armor.

After washing away the bloody smell on the surface, he put on the Hokage robe and returned to the office to start busy post-war work.

A large number of post-war reconstruction, as well as casualty registration, orphan adoption, hospital manpower problems and other issues once again weighed on his shoulders.

He could only stand alone in the Hokage Tower and observe the post-war village with his telescope.

The appointed Fourth Hokage is constantly trying to comfort the ninjas and civilians who were traumatized after the war.

Seeing the new generation like a little sun supporting his work, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the wrinkles on his face relaxed a bit.

Teacher, is this what you want?


Do I still have a chance?

If Sarutobi Hiruzen was in the office in the past, he could talk to Orochimaru about the will of fire, then about dedication, and then about the future.

But the war had just ended, and he had lost his courage. He just wanted to end all of this and hand it over to the hands of someone he trusted, so he said it very directly.

Orochimaru I'm sorry!

A trace of loneliness flashed through Snake's pupils. Hearing these words from the teacher's mouth still made him feel a little bit sad.

Then it disappeared into the shadows.

After the war, you may also need to take some time to relax like that idiot Jiraiya, such as the mysterious Rain Country.

The Battle of Platycodon Mountain ended, and the outcome of the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire was completely decided.

The war between Kumogakure and Iwagakure also ended smoothly. As for Kirigakure, the bastard from the Third War, he had already withdrawn to the island.

In just a few days, peace came, just as abruptly as when the war began. Only hatred continued to blossom.

Noah was also in a good mood in the Rain Country. When the short-term peace came, it was time for him to really take action.

The minor and big names in the Land of Rain are all ready to take action, and the Akatsuki organization has received many letters requesting the return of their fields.

There are even requirements that the wastelands developed by ninjas also belong to the nobles, hoping that the ninjas will not cross the line.

This weird request made Noah happy. Do you really not know what you are going to face?

What is the name of an activity that uses violent means to transform production relations and the superstructure? This time it's time to teach that group of people.

At present, the Akatsuki organization does not have tall street lights, so it can only use gallows to solve the problem.

Of course, this still needs the support of the great Hanzo-sama.

The Will of Rain: Behind us are the lights of the Land of Rain. As Hanzo of the Land of Rain, I must not retreat. If one Hanzo falls, there will be thousands of Hanzos. Just like the rain falling, although it is insignificant, it is Eventually they will converge into a vast ocean.”

Hanzo looked at Yahiko speechlessly, are you sure this is my line?

Why does this look a bit similar to those in Konoha, but much more advanced.

Yes, in order to help your reputation reach a level where you can successfully absorb the Akatsuki organization, Teacher Noah specially designed the lines.

We can start promoting it after we meet the great names together.

Hanzo knew that the daimyo wanted to discuss these matters with the Rain Ninja Village and the Akatsuki Organization. Matters of land and resources were very hot among the nobles.

But Noah is not a simple person. It may not be that simple to spit out the meat in his mouth.

At this time, if he uses this kind of thing to win over himself, he won't do something outrageous, right?

Yahiko also had doubts when he saw Noah designing lines for Hanzo. This teacher was not such a kind person.

How cool would it be to leave it to him, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, to be so capable?

Actually, there are still a few words left in this sentence.

The decadent ninja world will eventually be submerged in the vast sea of ​​people's war.

The last will of rain comes from the readers: Qingmeng Wen Renyu brings good life.

Thank you all for your collective efforts to bring new vitality to this work.

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