The war is over.

As Sarutobi Hiruzen's painful and complicated words spread throughout the battlefield, the smell of gunpowder smoke dissipated a lot.

It was obvious that during the previous fight, his blood was gushing and his body was filled with strength, and he wanted to cut the person opposite him into pieces with a thousand knives.

But when this sentence spread throughout the battlefield, everyone felt powerless.

The feeling of loss made many ninjas who joined later in the war feel confused.

The kunai in their hands seemed to be extremely heavy, and it was very difficult to hold it tightly. Some people even fell to the ground with their legs weak.

Fall on the blood and corpses of your comrades or enemies, and let the smell of blood soak your sense of smell and vision.

The unreal feeling seemed to separate time and space, and the whole world suddenly woke up like a nightmare.

Looking at his face in the reflection of the pool of blood, he looked like an evil ghost.

Then he touched his body in an unreal way, and it turned out that he had really survived.

Those ninjas with hatred were filled with anger and unwillingness, and instead they clenched the sharp blades in their hands.

Konoha suffered huge losses in the Battle of Mount Kikyo. Many genin from the village were rushed to the battlefield and delayed the initial charge with their own lives.

The children in the Ninja School are only 8 or 9 years old. Some people don't even know how to use ninjutsu. He was driven up while holding the kunai. This level belonged to Konoha's basic fault line of the new generation.

Uchiha Itachi was brought back from the Kirigakure battlefield by his father to participate in the final battle. The shock of watching young Ninja students die one after another made his heart twist.

The words There is a price to pay for peace are engraved in my mind. Uchiha Takashi began to awaken his thoughts.

During the war, there were also older retired ninjas who luckily survived, elders of the ninja clan, etc.

These people are all here to burn off the remaining heat and take revenge.

Many people's best friends, family, and even parents and children have died on this land.

That feeling of hatred has been soaked in their blood, bones, and hearts. Everything on his body and every hair was filled with murderous intent.

As a result, the other party surrendered. Just surrender like that?

If you say you won’t fight, then you won’t fight? What about the dead?

Revenge brewing in the hearts of some people. It seems that the next round of conflict is ready to break out at any time.

This is not just the case for the winning side like Konoha. The Sagakure side was beaten badly, but there are still many ninjas who want to die with the opponent.

Hatred is a scene that both sides cannot erase.

In the end, this kind of battlefield with a strong smell of gunpowder stopped fighting again, and was suppressed by the ninja leaders of their respective teams.

Ninjas are tools, and tools must enforce orders and prohibitions.

This kind of obedience to orders is what they started training on the first day they entered the path of ninja.

Even though he had a lot of hatred in his heart, he still couldn't break free and charge towards the enemy alone.

As the defeated party, the Suna Ninja were finally forced to drop their weapons and gather together at the request of Chiyo.

At the same time, the logistics supplies were also handed over, which represented a gesture of surrender.

But this is not a posture of letting others slaughter, because even if the ninja does not have weapons, he still has chakra, ninjutsu, and forbidden techniques.

There were also several elders and the Fourth Kazekage who were still alive. The Sand Ninja who had lost everything was even more terrifying.

This is the sincerity and bargaining chip in negotiations.

It was impossible to place hope on these murderous Konoha ninjas to be obedient.

What if the other party directly goes back on their word after being captured without restraint? Then their attempt to kill them will become the biggest joke in the ninja world.

Betrayal and killing are eternal themes in this world.

And Konoha finally took up arms again under the commander's order and continued to surround this place. If the negotiations do not go smoothly, it is not impossible for the war to resume.

So in this weird atmosphere, the two sides built a wooden house sealed with ninjutsu soundproofing in the middle of the battlefield and began negotiations.

The top leaders of both sides no longer have the mood to continue fighting, and both want to end this war as soon as possible.

Unlike those middle- and lower-level ninjas who are full of hatred, these high-level ninjas are very weak in their hatred.

There are only interests between countries, and this time Suna Ninja Village lost the bet, that's all, but they still have capital, so they have to pay the price.

Konoha also needs an explanation. and examples that shocked other countries.

After a lot of verbal exchanges, the Third Hokage, who was finally exhausted, took a step back under the rogue-like confrontation in Nasa Ninja Village.

After all, those who wear shoes will lose mentally to those who wear bare feet.

Danzo also rarely said anything. Having lost his important combat power, he no longer had the power to influence the situation of the battle, so he could only acquiesce to this result.

After going to bed, Koharu and Mito Kaden were silent as they thought about the gaps in the village's accounts. Suna Ninja's surrender was the biggest benefit at the moment.

Orochimaru was even more calm, as if those dead Konoha ninjas had nothing to do with him. I even feel that all this is so boring and life is too fragile.

The thought of being inappropriate kept flashing through my mind.

Only Namikaze Minato was a little uncomfortable with it, he had hatred in his heart.

Namikaze Minato is a rare normal person among the top ninjas in the world. He does not have such lofty ideals, but he has talent, love, desire to be strong, and hopes that the village he lives in will become better.

There is anger towards the enemy, affection towards the family, and not much thought about things that cannot be changed, such as world peace.

Sarutobi Hiruzen brought Minato to negotiate together in order to pass on the Hokage's perspective to him, hoping that the child could realize the truth soon.

Don't be like your teacher who gave up the opportunity to make the village a better place.

Because the Will of Fire weaving was not very mature in the early years, and there were too many dirty things at the top, the three disciples had seen through too many things early on.

Tsunade left the village directly and wandered in the ninja world. Jiraiya also began to search for the legendary child of destiny. Only Orochimaru was more obedient.

Yes, Orochimaru is the more obedient one, which is incredible.

Unfortunately, Danzo was also dragged into the darkness. Hiruzen stubbornly believed that it was Danzo who did it, rather than his good disciple's own thoughts changing.

That leaves Namikaze Minato, and I hope this child can follow the path he planned for him.

It was also the first time for this young man to see that human life could be calculated in this way, how much a genin cost, and how much resources a chuunin had.

There is no difference from those kunai, shuriken detonating talisman, food and the like.

However, reality and status prevented him from speaking out in this negotiation. It would be great if he had the power of Lord Shodaime.

In the end, a few people who were unwilling to continue to fight hastily signed a peace agreement.

Once the two sides had the steps, they began the final finishing touches.

The Sand Ninja Village officially surrendered to Konoha, saying that the disappearance of the Third Kazekage had nothing to do with Konoha, but was instigated by a third party. A joint tracing team will then be established to track down the third-party organization.

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