Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1132 Demons dancing in peace

In just a few days, the five major countries put out the war one after another.

But this is just the end of the war between big countries, and peace is delayed for small countries.

The wave ninja who took advantage of the situation and the refugees scattered in the mountains were the second injury. After the war, countless people lost everything and only had one life left.

In order to survive or to vent their fears and desires, they will look for food in the fields like wild dogs.

This was also part of the financial source of the Great Ninja Village after the war, C-level tasks such as clearing out bandits.

In addition, the first difficulty that small countries have to face is harvest from big countries.

From the moment the battlefield was set outside the national borders, the five major countries agreed to start the same operation.

Especially the Kingdom of Kawa, which was crossed by the Kingdom of Wind, was the worst country in the Third Ninja War.

Originally a country with dense rivers, lush aquatic plants and a large population, this time it was almost destroyed by the fighting between the two parties.

Konoha is desperately trying to destroy the sand ninja's material transmission paths, detonating talismans, poisoning, and fire escape. These people are basically killing and burying them.

The Sand Ninjas were also guarding this road with difficulty. It was normal for some people or villages along the transportation route to be massacred in order to keep it secret.

As for the ninjas from the Kingdom of Kawa, it seems that I have never seen them.

Now that the war is over, if the Sand Ninja wants to raise the first batch of supplies for compensation as soon as possible, it will not be difficult to collect some more from this country.

Although this is very shameless for a big country, what else can a village that eats dirt every day do?

The eyes of the senior officials who had signed the peace agreement were all red now, and the hematopoietic ability of the defeated Sand Ninja Village was greatly affected.

So some outrageous things are happening with the tacit approval of the top management.

As the representative of the Explosive Forces in the Third Ninja World War, Earth Country has become even more serious. They have been beaten for generations and have a somewhat vicious attitude.

All small countries sandwiched between the five major countries have suffered a certain amount of post-war turmoil, only worse but not the worst.

Only the outskirts of the Rain Country are war zones, and they survived because of Hanzo's protection.

As for bandits and refugees, the former were eliminated by the Akatsuki organization, while the latter were resettled. Now every population is a precious resource.

They are all important components in building a new country in the future.

As a result, the reputation of Hanzo in the Land of Rain, which had a somewhat strange atmosphere, rose to a higher level, and the Will of Rain spread even more widely.

Even the children in the village would praise Hanzo-sama for a few words.

Peace has arrived, and changes within the Rain Country are about to begin.

The big and small names couldn't wait to take back their land and the people under their jurisdiction.

You must know that their life has not been very good in the past two years. The vassals will leave the family if they have no income.

They felt something was wrong with the Akatsuki organization's tendency to not return the goods. Hanzo's Will of Rain is also too dangerous.

This group of nobles felt a chill on their necks when they heard those exaggerated words.

These people are one step faster than the ninjas in judging the abnormal wind direction.

Ninjas are based on intelligence, while these people are based on human speculation.

So I wanted to use the power of the daimyo to exert pressure, and by the way, I wanted to bring Hanzo over to reorganize the power structure within the Land of Rain.

The nobles belong to the nobles, and the ninjas belong to the ninjas.

This is the reason why everyone has been in peace and harmony these years, so don't make any mistakes.

Nominally, the rain ninjas in the land of rain are under the jurisdiction of Hanzo, and his subordinates must be dealt with if they send out dangerous signals.

The daimyo also had these worries, so he facilitated this meeting.

Inside the Akatsuki organization camp.

Noah is taking a very special lesson.

“Those who own land and do no work themselves, or only have incidental work, and make a living by exploiting peasants are called landlords.

The main method of exploitation by landlords is to collect land rent. In addition, they may also lend money, hire workers, or engage in industry and commerce.

But the exploitation of land rent from farmers is the main way of exploitation by landlords.

This class is about clarifying one's enemies. Noah is not only giving lectures to the three disciples, but also to the backbone of the Akatsuki organization who will join later.

If we want to change the Country of Rain, we must unswervingly persist in land reform.

Because there are so many benefits. First of all, it destroyed the feudal exploiting class like Xiao Mingzhu Benjia, and also attracted the enthusiasm of ordinary people to participate in the revolution.

At the same time, it provides farmers with real survival guarantee and realizes the redistribution of wealth.

“Only by reaching this level can most people really have the willpower to learn to think.”

The germ of ideological emancipation will be born in this country.

Only can this society get off its original track and become a better place.

Noah began to explain the first step based on the special circumstances of the Naruto world.

After all, this world contains a system of extraordinary power, invasion by extraterrestrial forces, division of local forces, and reworked ideas.

Unlike One Piece, a world full of islands, the situation in the world of Naruto is more complicated.

Daimyos and ninja villages, ordinary people and extraordinary people, the traditional land distribution model, the endless wars and resource competition between countries, and even the crisis of the source of chakra.

When it comes to scientific research and industrial foundations, the first step is to emancipate the mind and tear apart the ruling class, and then face the oppression from the ninja class and blood theory.

In Noah's eyes, it is too easy to solve the political power of ordinary people when the time comes.

The daimyo system is like a shelf that can be blown down by the wind at any time. Of course, there are many invisible hands behind it supporting it. But this is what I am least afraid of.

In order to liberate the ninja continent, the first springboard Noah chose was the Kingdom of Rain.

This initial base must be under the control of the Akatsuki organization.

So a simple and bold plan began to be implemented.

If you follow the Japanese-style comparison, it is stealing the country.

After ensuring that everyone was trustworthy, Noah began mobilizing for the final battle.

It is not possible to completely control this country by just a few people. We must rely on the power of the masses.

At the secret mobilization meeting, Noah was speaking impassionedly about the aspirations of the people.

Is the Kingdom of Rain developing well now?

Without those big names and nobles, will the development of the Kingdom of Rain be smoother?

Don't the most ordinary farmers and businessmen want these people to come back?

Then do we have to fight for these poor people and work hard to seek welfare?

Anyone who exploits himself is an enemy. Either accept reform or be sent to the Pure Land to meet the Immortal of Six Paths.

Under Noah's explanation, the Akatsuki organization also made it clear that the Kingdom of Rain was still short of the most complete burning.

Everyone sitting in the conference room was excited and everyone felt a sense of mission.

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