Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1129 The Third Ninja War Ends

In these years, I have already browsed most of the contents of the Book of Sealings through my own achievements. After being amazed by the Nidaime-sama's ideas, I also learned and perfected several techniques.

I have long wanted to find a suitable opponent to test it out, and the appearance of the Kingdom of Rain is also a good target.

Of course, I won't go there to die rashly, I'll wait until the war is over.

A person who is so sane and cold-blooded would not be so quick to use it as a knife.

After getting the information they wanted, the two explained the experimental problems.

The experimental progress of the first-generation cells has always been difficult, and the two parted ways after a simple exchange.

Before leaving, Danzo continued to trouble Hiruzen.

Orochimaru, you may not be able to take the position of the Fourth Hokage.

The snake's eyes contracted for a while and then returned to normal.

never mind.

But does it really matter? Although he pursues endless ninjutsu, he still has feelings for the village.

The teacher has always been looking forward to him taking over, and out of the little love he has left, he is still willing to become a shadow.

But suddenly the direction of the wind changed, how could he not know?

A person who can single-handedly promote the advancement of biological science in the entire world is definitely a top-notch smart person.

The actions of the third generation during this period were very similar to those used against Sakumo. However, after receiving the lessons from the last time, the operations this time were more natural and the control was correct.

Orochimaru's own contribution in the first half of the Third Ninja War is gradually being diluted.

However, the image of Jiraiya's idiot disciple became more and more concrete in the village, and it has slowly overshadowed him.

All this shows that the Fourth Hokage's position is gradually drifting away from him, and the old man's lack of explicit explanation can be regarded as a blow.

This makes Orochimaru's few remaining human emotions slowly fade away.

At the same time, anger is also accumulating in my heart. As long as we are still human, we will have resentment. During this period, there was also a complicated relationship between master and apprentice.

As an orphan when he was very young, he became a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi. The identities of the teacher and his father really overlapped.

Hey~ I really don't know if I'm ruthless or affectionate.

The Battle of Platycodon Mountain began.

When a fully armed and ruthless Grand Master of Wind Escape enters the battlefield, the change in the battle is very obvious.

In order to survive, Danzo did not enter the battlefield alone, but also led the remaining elites of the Roots to protect him.

He must not die before becoming Hokage.

Even those Suna genin were in bad luck, Danzo's style was to bully the weak.

This state of cold-blooded killing made Suna Ninja and some Konoha ninjas feel scared.

And Orochimaru followed closely behind. As a genius in the art of jutsu, he has already cultivated several other attributes, but he is best at earth-attribute ninjutsu. He has superb ninjutsu and huge psychic beasts on the battlefield. Up vertically and horizontally.

The desire for art, the hatred and disappointment for losing the position of the Fourth Hokage.

And his confusion about the meaning of life put Orochimaru in a special state, which is to say, he is more ruthless and cold-blooded.

Two super strong men who don't regard life as life are so invincible.

Seeing the change in the current battle situation, the third generation immediately asked Namikaze Minato to prepare for battle, and finally the battle horn was sounded.

Now, except for powerful men like Jiraiya and Akimichi Tofaze who are still staying in the outside world to warn other countries and build defense lines, most of Konoha's power has returned to the village.

Everyone knows that the final battle of the 3rd Ninja World War is about to happen.

Finally, on a very ordinary day, using the great fusion of the three generations of five escape techniques as an arrow, a general attack was launched towards the Kingdom of Wind.

Namikaze Minato, Cold Lord Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo, and several elders from the elder group also took the lead and entered the enemy's position and began to wreak havoc everywhere.

Rasa Chiyo Ebizo and others were also struggling to resist. In the final battle, the ten people of Akamatsu and various puppet secret techniques, as well as the golden sand technique, fought with several strong men on the battlefield to create a no man's land.

Even the flying thunder god technique did not achieve very good results on this battlefield.

The magnetism of sand gold has a great influence on the kunai of Flying Thunder God.

After studying Namikaze Minato's attack style, Rasa decisively began to build a strong magnetic defense line around him, preventing any curse seal from having a chance to break through.

And old puppet masters like Chiyo are hiding very deep. Even if they are carved with a curse mark and beaten, they may only be a relatively simulated puppet. He is simply a nesting doll maniac.

Finally, the One-Tailed Shukaku was released, and the violent One-Tail kept releasing Tailed Beast Tama and Blank Bullets on the battlefield. The loud rumbling sound made the ground tremble.

The fighting power shown by the Suna Ninja who fought against the odds showed that the bottom line of the Great Ninja Village was really high.

But the battle between hard bridge and hard horse in Konoha is never empty.

The Third Hokage, who had not yet completely aged, was at full strength and started teasing Rasa like a grandson.

The Vajra Ruyi Rod transformed by the monkey demon is not within the control range of magnetism. After all, the King Kong transformed from biological limbs is actually a weapon of flesh and blood.

The old guy first pretended to be affected and failed to make a move, but Luo Sha consciously found an opportunity and rushed in recklessly.

He planned to use the head of the Third Hokage to reverse the outcome of this battle, but when he got closer, he saw the sinister smile on the old man's face.

Young man, I have to teach you a lesson.

The Vajra Ruyi stick wheel, which is as thick as the waist, is about to burst into flames.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave the Fourth Kazekage, who was not the strongest, a harsh lesson. He almost blew the opponent's dog's head off with a few sticks.

Physical skills? Our nickname is Little Monkey, and with this porcelain-like appearance, it seems that our physical skills are incredibly strong, okay?

As for desert burial or sand metal ninjutsu, they are completely restrained by water escape.

Among regular ninjas, Sarutobi Hiruzen has indeed reached a peak. He is nearly omnipotent and can combine various tactics at will to suppress his opponents.

If Ebizo and others hadn't desperately intervened, the Fourth Kazekage might have died in this battle.

On the other side, Chiyo's matryoshka doll tactic is certainly very unique, but it will be difficult to deal with Danzo, an old cunt.

The ordinary ninjas at the root completely regarded themselves as human beings, and began to expose themselves in the form of horrific attacks by human seal carriers.

Compared with the value of this kind of genin, Chiyo's puppet is much more expensive, and the value of the big figure is simply unaffordable for a jounin.

In the end, I was very frustrated and gave up the nesting doll tactic and started poisoning.

The old man and old lady here were having a good time fighting, but Ebizo over there was unlucky and encountered Orochimaru going berserk.

The old man was almost beaten to death. If Suna Ninja hadn't desperately used combined ninjutsu, this battle would have been difficult.

Ichibi Shukaku didn't act arrogant for long before he was stopped by the sealing squad led by Minato.

As a student of space ninjutsu, Minato was also very talented in sealing techniques.

The Flying Thunder God Technique is actually an operation that combines reverse necromancy and sealing. It requires extremely strong space perception to practice.

Other Minatos had it, but even if he had talent in the sealing technique, he had earned it by relying on his wife.

He had taken many advanced sealing courses in the Kingdom of Uzumaki, and the entire sealing technique in Konoha had improved rapidly after the Kingdom of Uzumaki was destroyed.

This time when facing Shukaku, he relied on various flying thunder god transfers and the second stage flying thunder god to directly limit the explosion area of ​​the tailed beast jade.

Then he cooperated with the sealing team to imbue Shukaku's body with the sealing spells bit by bit.

In the end, the big civet cat was reluctant to let out a pitiful roar and was forced back. On the way back, it was hit by several big balls, which made it very resentful.

Because no matter how you look at this meatball, it looks like a replica of the tailed beast jade, damn human.

From the moment Shukaku was pushed back, the war was basically over.

After Chiyo desperately unleashed all her combat power at the cost of destroying nearly half of the puppets, she snatched Monk Fenfu out. The Jinchuuriki must never fall into Konoha's hands.

The last remaining high-ranking Suna ninjas and the remaining defeated generals put on a fight-to-death stance. Opposite were the people of Konoha who were watching eagerly.

Just before the final battle of destruction begins, Chiyo and Ebizo walk into the middle of the war.

The Sand Ninja admit defeat and we need to negotiate.

This made the third generation very sick.

It would be fine if we could just defeat the opponent in one go, but it would be the most troublesome when there is still a lot of resistance.

Looking at the battlefield with heavy casualties and the Konoha ninjas who might continue to fall, Hiruzen began to hesitate.

If Konoha really defeated them all, and at least one or two strong men of his level would perish, then Konoha would really have no power left to deal with the other three countries.

But he was unwilling to give up without a fight. The humiliation of being beaten at the door of his house could not be erased simply without a fight.

At this moment, Shinobu felt hesitant in his heart. Outside of fighting, he had no courage to fight again. Too many people died.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood are not adjectives. The future of countless villages has been ruined on Platycodon Mountain.

Is it really worth it to take that breath away?

The moment Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated, the outcome was already determined. His body was a little rickety, and the Sandaime on the battlefield felt really old.

The war is over!!!

Negotiations begin for Suna Ninja Village's defeat and surrender. It also means the end of the Third Ninja War.

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