Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1105 What is self-destruction without attacking!

It's just that my chakra is relatively sufficient, so there is no pressure, but the eyes that cannot be flexibly controlled are still my own.

So there is a high probability that the reincarnation eye that I have always been proud of is actually possible.

If Noah's reputation hadn't been so high in the past year, and his understanding of the Samsara Eye, various bloodlines, and the history and secrets of the ninja world was unmatched, he would really not have believed it.

The first time Jiraiya saw his eyes, he thought he was the child of destiny who could bring peace to the shinobi world.

And the power of these eyes does show its omnipotent power in development.

The legendary bonus of the Sage of Six Paths convinced him that he could change the world. It would be impossible to say that he did not rely on these eyes.

Nagato felt that there was a conspiracy surrounding him.

What about the purpose?

Nagato, who was now different from what he used to be, began to think backwards according to the way of thinking taught by Noah in daily classes.

Assuming that the eyes are not your own, then you must be special to be able to relate to the eyes of the immortal.

Bloodline? Senju, the Uzumaki clan. Yang escape and massive amounts of chakra.


Yes, there is a possibility that someone has placed their eyes on you for preservation.

Because no one with a special bloodline can bear such a burden, some people simply inherit a Sharingan and completely destroy their talents and become nothing more than a measuring tool.

The consumption of the Samsara Eye is even more terrifying. Some geniuses may be drained of energy and die.

Even if you awaken beyond the current level, all the power of the body will be drained. At present, only this step-by-step development method can slowly make you unaffected.

Nagato felt horrified after hearing this.

If what the teacher said was true, then this plan had already started when he was so young, and he should have been under observation by the other party over the years.

Teacher, what should I do?

What kind of conspiracy requires a person to grow with these eyes on his back, and since it is left, there will be a day when it can be retrieved.

What kind of fate will I have at that time? Will it bring danger to the friends around me?

His mind was a little confused at the moment and he looked at the teacher.

Noah showed an interesting smile at this moment, as if he had another view on the matter.

Since I gave it to you, let's use it first. As long as you don't fall into the conspiracy, it's a pure profit.

Pure profit?

Nagato was dumbfounded. When he thought of this before, everyone was so panicked that he couldn't see what was a good thing.

Now that you know the enemy's conspiracy and have eyes on you, make good use of it and treat it as a very good opportunity.

If you think about it, without the Samsara Eye, you are just a Chatara ninja. With the Samsara Eye, you are a top powerhouse who can break through limits.

Besides, it’s just the Immortal Eye. When the Immortal is alive, you ask him to call the Samsara Eye and see if he responds.

If you don't agree, then you grew it yourself. No one's name is written on it, right?

Being able to gather the power of all things shows that it is not easy for the original owner of the eye. I don’t know how much hardship I endured and how much fatigue I endured to get it done.

The Samsara Eye is not a piece of equipment that can be produced by gathering blood. It requires the combat power and realm to stand at the top of the ninja world in order to awaken it.

Don't use the equipment sent to you in vain. If you really can't keep it, just negotiate the terms. It doesn’t mean that you can’t return it to the other party if the conditions are right.

Our organization must develop well so that everyone can reason properly.

Hmm. After listening to this, I suddenly felt like I wasn’t so scared anymore.

Noah's interpretation was really a different approach, but he felt like he had just picked up a big gift package.

And what the teacher means is that when he becomes stronger in the future, he needs to reason with the other party. It depends on your mood whether you can give someone a good deal or not. If you can't say it well, just negotiate some conditions and return it to them.

Over the years, I have made a lot of money by using my reincarnation eye to do great things.

It turns out that any gift from fate in the ninja world has a price, so it can be understood. For the time being, he doesn't have the chips to pay the price, so he will work hard to save money. If he can't, he will pay back the capital.

Anyway, Nagato, who was still young, was shocked after hearing this. He didn't expect the teacher's method to be so flexible.

Teacher, why do you seem so good at doing these things?

Nagato keenly discovered that Teacher Noah seemed to be a little handy, and even had the urge to pick up more wool.

This child's perception is really sharp, he is worthy of being half of the Uzumaki clan.

What are you talking about! I just used a little trick for the sake of the beauty of the world.

Noah said that you kid wants to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors, how can you question the teacher's intentions.

However, it is possible that Nagato deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors to end the timeline.

With the teacher's explanation, Nagato is still a little worried. The conspiracy that can be carried out with a pair of immortal eyes is absolutely earth-shattering. The water here is too deep.

Teacher, all this must be based on the fact that the enemy's conspiracy has not succeeded.

Don't worry, the teacher will make a trip to solve this problem in the next few days!

Nagato suddenly burst into tears, and the child was so moved that he went crazy.

How could it be so easy to meet the secret conspirators!

Teachers who are in such poor health have to run for themselves and may even die. The scene of Noah and the mastermind dying together has appeared in his mind.

As a disciple, how could I let the teacher put himself in danger? Just when he was about to say that he didn't want the teacher to fall into a trap, he decided to fight the enemy.


This time I mainly went to discuss cooperation with the other party. The killing was so uncivilized.

By the way, modify the other party's plan and then join one of our own, so that the conspiracy will not be defeated!

Defeat yourself without attacking = Join the opponent.

I learned it, and this hand gave the young man a little shock from the adult world.

Noah deliberately said this matter in a relaxed manner, mainly because Nagato, a child who is affected by the power of his eyes, is also a person who easily goes to extremes.

It just made the child in front of me feel too moody tonight.

Tonight's journey in Nagato's mind can be described as ups and downs.

The teacher was surprised and happy to find his own goal.

I was shocked to be told that the eyes were not my own.

Knowing that the enemy has a conspiracy against him, he is worried.

The teacher taught me to be reasonable and confused.

In the end, he cooperated with the conspirators and his heart was broken.

The world of adults is so magical.

Afterwards, Nagato sat for a while and his eyes became very firm. He gave Noah a big salute and walked out.

Although the teacher's explanation is a bit random, I will no longer be afraid.

After more than a year of tempering, he is not an empty appendage in his heart. But a strong man with his own pride.

By the way, it would be better to lock those eyes if possible. I will ask Xiaonan to help you later.

Nagato staggered, the teacher was really impeccable. This is a free act of prostitution. Huh? Why do you think of this word?

Then Noah found Xiaonan.

Konan, do you know what is the most precious thing in the ninja world?

It's a bond!

Friendship is also something that can be sublimated into a miraculous power, and can even help each other walk on the right path.

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