Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1104: Turning over the table before leaving

‘My name is Bai Jue, I come from a heretic demon, I can neither eat nor poop.

Although we have human-like bodies, we are not actually humans.

And some people don’t treat us as human beings either. ’

This was Bai Jue's inner thoughts at the moment, squatting outside the camp.

The man named Noah left him here and went back calmly, saying that he would have to wait a few days before setting off.

And he didn't have much fighting ability, so he could only squat under the tree in the rain.

Thinking of the good times the other two White Zetsu and Obito had chatting with, and the miserable fate of being a dedicated postman.

This strange creature once again felt the feelings of human beings. Is this the difference between people?

A rare white Zetsu began to think deeply.

Noah was in a wonderful mood when he returned to the camp. He was finally going to see the biggest diode and the old man chasing his dream.

This time meeting Uchiha Madara can be regarded as a pen pal meeting, but the process may be less harmonious.

But if you go to see this person, you must make good preparations. After half a year of repairs, Noah's current recovery is not very satisfactory.

The rules of this world and the seals of the Six Paths are resisting the power of outsiders.

The combat power that can be exerted by forcibly controlling the power of nature through kendo is also very unstable depending on the injury.

So I'm not sure if I can fight with that old Uchiha Madara who is almost dead.

Uchiha's illusions can be ignored for Noah, his realm and will are here. Not even the evil in this world can infect Noah's heart, and the mere influence of chakra is sprinkled with water.

Just having abilities other than illusions is disgusting.

Of course, it doesn't mean a chakra construct like Susanoo. As long as the realm is still there, no matter how powerful the creation is, I will kill it for you.

The troublesome thing is that Izanagi is very fond of things like modifying reality, which is included in the pupil technique.

It is not unreasonable for Indra to have a arrogant character since he was a child.

It is expected that this time the battle between the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled will definitely be ugly.

But force is only the last option, and it is best if there is no conflict.

After all, there are no fierce people in the camp that he has just run that can intervene in the fight. Otherwise, it would be safest to bring a group of thugs to the meeting.

By the way, facing a profession as cautious as a ninja, flash bombs, lime powder and the like are not useful at all.

In short, Noah is also prepared in case he is beaten up. At worst, this story ends here.

There is a high probability that this world will run wild again according to the Eye of the Moon plan envisioned by Uchiha Madara.

Of course, it may also be ended by the backhand Noah prepared to leave behind.

This is considered gambling, with high risk and high reward.

After barely gaining a foothold in the Rain Country, what Noah has to consider is to completely seize this country and extend the power of the Akatsuki organization beyond the Rain Country.

Just taking over the entire country would be difficult, but as long as Sansho Hanzo is bound later, there is still a chance of success.

But when it comes to developing outside, relying solely on the strength of the Rain Ninjas and the national power of the Kingdom of Rain are too different.

The geographical environment of the connected continents meant that it would be difficult for Noah to make progress in the early stage, and one move would affect the whole body.

The pattern that has not changed for thousands of years is full of obstacles from the foundation to the system to the core interests.

Unable to get help from some people within the five major countries, he could only think of people outside the world to help him.

Uchiha Madara just happens to be such a character, and his relics are very good resources.

In order for the burning world to continue and to keep the fire, Noah decided to have a serious talk with the three disciples.

It is also commonly known as a showdown, or flipping the table.

First, completely smash the plot that follows. As long as Nagato has a vigilant consciousness, he will not be guided by illusions such as hypnosis with the power of the samsara eye.

Black Zetsu can only influence him mentally, but this child has been learning from him for a year and will never make the same stupid mistakes as in the original work.

Nagato, what is your dream?

It turned out to be to help Yahiko realize his dream and make this country peaceful without war.

original? What now?

Now I want to help the people in this country live a better life, and make the entire ninja world free of war!

Nagato said this with a very confident tone and a very firm temperament.

Has this child's consciousness grown so quickly? Noah was a little surprised.

Maybe too much energy was spent on cultivating Yahiko, so he didn't notice that this child was also growing silently.

After all, after studying with the teacher for so long, I have found my dream.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This sentence seems to be what you said. Now that I have the eyes of the immortal, I can't live up to this expectation.

People in the Country of Rain are also very gentle.

Uh. Forgot. Chicken soup literature has a special bonus for the kid Nagato.

Naruto has no content, just constant howling can make him wake up.

Noah, who has story support and shocking stories, as well as the Kingdom of Rain’s recent power to change facts, has already created a new soul.

After all, Noah’s rank is too high in terms of cultural power.

In addition to the three disciples, the young people in the Akatsuki organization also completely agreed with the organization's philosophy.

Moreover, the cruelty of the ninja world made Noah ignore that most of these young people who can take charge of themselves are not yet adults.

This is the time in life when your path is most susceptible to influence.

Seeing the confident Nagato glowing with new glory, Noah began to tell the truth with confidence.

Very well, let's talk about the Samsara Eye.

Reincarnation Eye?

Nagato was puzzled. Teacher Noah had talked about this topic before, and also gave a detailed list of skill development for the samsara eye, and even gave very practical pointers.

Is there any secret technique that the teacher has not mentioned?

I haven't told you before, in fact, the samsara eye is not an eye that can be born from the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan.

It represents the world's most extreme combination of yin and yang power. The side that represents Yang is already possessed by the bloodline of the Senju clan.

But you don't get that side of having a Yin escape, which is the blood of the Uchiha clan.

Nagato was a little confused at first, and then the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

What the teacher means by this is that he shouldn’t have the samsara eye? But he clearly has the reincarnation eye.

Are these eyes not your own?

Nagato, who was frightened by this answer, began to think about what the teacher just said.

Uchiha, Senju Jiraiya's teacher clearly stated in the story of the ninja world told to them that these two are the blood inheritance that pacified the ninja world.

Moreover, Sharingan is also a famous blood-stained pupil technique in the entire ninja world.

This is the first time I know that the Samsara Eye is actually a combination of the two. So the question is, why does he have the reincarnation eye?

Nagato fell into deep thought, recalling for the first time when he had the reincarnation eye.


The first awakening occurred after two Konoha ninjas killed his parents. Since then, he has accepted these eyes.

He never considered that these were not his own eyes, and these eyes had never been withdrawn, and they had been consuming his own chakra.

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