Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1106 A battle belonging to Noah

Xiaonan didn't understand why the teacher suddenly said this.

So when someone threatens Yahiko's dream and life, someone wants to harm Nagato, and someone wants to destroy the Akatsuki organization, do you have the determination to stand up and block the storm for everyone?


Xiaonan responded to Noah in a very firm tone. The two friends she regarded as family members must not be harmed.

If possible, she would be willing to fall in front of the two of them, and I believe the other two thought the same.

Then Noah told Xiaonan about the secret crisis that the Akatsuki organization was facing.

You are the calmest and wisest mature ninja among the three disciples. You should take care of them like you take care of your two younger brothers.

Only you can decisively save everyone at the critical moment.

Go find Nagato, he may need your help.

During the conversation, Xiaonan had a lofty sense of mission, and she also understood the responsibilities she shouldered.

Sure enough, the belief that this family would be broken up without me appeared in my heart.

Nagato, I'm here to help you.

Nagato felt strange when he looked at Konan, who suddenly became gentle. He felt like seeing the big sister in the Akatsuki organization, and even had the illusion of maternal love. It was so strange.

After that, they started plotting on how to lock the reincarnation eye.

The two agreed not to let Yahiko know because the guy was too impulsive.

Noah breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xiao Nan was gone.

The reason why I told Xiao Nan is that she is indeed a normal person, and women have a ruthless nature and can do shocking things at critical moments.

Finally, Noah called Yahiko out.

When I came to Noah's room, I saw my teacher writing something quickly, and several books had been written next to him.

Has your wish changed now?

Teacher, you mean to make the world peaceful and eliminate war?

No change.

Yahiko said that he still adheres to this concept and will persevere even if he knows how difficult and painful the road ahead will be.

This is not a young man’s dream, but a future envisioned after the Land of Rain as a model.

Very good, it means you are starting to think about real issues.

Remember, mouth escape in this world is also based on strength. The ideal of howling is unrealistic unless you have the chakra and power to connect people's hearts.

Seeing that you are no longer as naive as usual, then I can tell you something real.

It is unrealistic to fundamentally change the world.

Because all classes have been solidified, those who are superior and those who benefit from it will not allow the world to change.

Even if there is power beyond the times, it will still be defeated by the roots of tradition and corrupt ideas.

Then Noah told Yahiko the story of Indra and Asura. Even the sons of immortals thousands of years ago could not escape from this prison of thinking.

Also immersed in the extent of suppressing the world and communicating with everyone. The battle between the two has continued to this era.

Teacher, is the story here true?

No wonder Yahiko asked so seriously, because if this story is true, then the ninja world would be so desperate.

It seems that everything is destined. The twins who transcend the times have had the same ideas colliding for thousands of years.

This world is also constantly reincarnating. A long war, a short peace, a long war, a short peace.

Well, they never thought about using new systems to completely change the world.

Perhaps some people have thought that it has no strength and is of no use.

And on what basis does the establishment of the new system need to be completed?

Yahiko thought about every detail of the past year.

The secret confrontation with Hanzo, the communication with the lower-class peasants and refugees, the words of the daimyo and the nobles, and the review of the thousand years of history and the family affairs of the immortals.

A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he said it out of nowhere.

It's built on the corpse of the old system!

Click! ! !

Lightning and thunder thundered in the sky of the Kingdom of Rain, and white light shone above the camp of the Akatsuki organization.

The dark clouds pressed down heavily, and the deafening thunder sounded like a god was angry in the sky.

The cries of children resounded in the camp, and many people yelled in panic.

In this era, the fear and worship of the supernatural among ignorant people has always existed. Even in the house, someone can be heard asking God for atonement.

For some reason, Yahiko was a little angry when he heard people's voices, and he was also angry when he heard the sound of natural thunder.

It seems that everyone shouldn't be like this.

Noah looked at the sky outside the window with no reaction, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Because he didn't know whether it was a natural phenomenon or someone's anger. But... forget it.

Those swords I have are reserved for my pen pals, otherwise I really want to open the sky with one sword and open the eyes of my disciples.

Ahem, don't worry about that, it's just that everyone doesn't know how thunder is produced.

It won't be like this when knowledge is popularized.

Then Noah picked up a few books he had just finished writing from the table and handed them to Yahiko.

Investigative Report of the Land of Rain Unnamed

“This is the statistics of this year and a survey of the domestic situation.

If you want to change this country, let this country stop crying.

Then you need to understand what the laws of the country are, and who the country needs and who it does not.

When you truly understand these things, then read the second book I gave you, from which you can get the answers I want to give you.

At this moment, Yahiko suddenly felt as if Noah was explaining the funeral arrangements.

Teacher you.

There is something about a fool's intuition.

There is a crisis for the entire ninja world waiting for me to face. Either change the future, or let the world follow its destiny.

I'm not sure if I can come back. I hope you can live well and practice your ideals.

After all, this world belongs to you.

Noah is very calm, there is no need to hide this from Yahiko.

It can be regarded as a test for this child.

Teacher, I will accompany you to face it.

No, you have not grown up yet, and you are not even qualified to stand in front of the enemy.

So wait for my good news. If we can return safely, then our masters and disciples will turn the Kingdom of Rain upside down together, so that this country will no longer cry.

If I don't come back, this country will be on your own.

Read this book I gave you carefully, don’t be too impulsive, listen to Xiaonan and protect Nagato.

Yahiko was very unwilling. It turned out that he was not even qualified to stand in front of the enemy.

By the way, if I don't come back, I will help Nagato find a way to kill Hanzo. His fear of the Akatsuki organization has not been eliminated.

Your control of human nature is still a little bit poor, and you still can't control this old beast.

After the war, the probability of conflict between the Akatsuki organization and the Daimyo Association is 100%.

Then how to cover the influence of this conflict only in the Rain Country requires you to use your own brain.

Finally. Read the book carefully.

After explaining it to the three disciples, there was no problem.

On the second day, Noah picked up his Wadao Yimonji and followed Bai Jue.

Before leaving the camp, he asked none of the three disciples to come over. This was a battle that belonged to him.

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