Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1100 Kill Noah for world peace

Many ninjas will die in Konoha, and so will the Suna ninjas. Minato cannot handle all this.

Although Minato had achieved astonishing results on the front line, his successor must take the credit for this last and greatest battle and the cleansing of Konoha's shame.

It is confirmed that the only one who can take the position of Hokage after he takes the blame and resigns is Namikaze Minato.

As for Orochimaru, he will have a good talk with him.

Although he felt a little guilty, he had no choice for the sake of the village. This most admired disciple has been led astray by Danzo's will of fire.

What the village needs in the future is a Hokage who can stand under the sun.

And Danzo, this old guy has been doing all the bad things that are completely shameful, and he actually thinks that he can sit on the position of Hokage.

If the information in his hand were published casually, he would be thrown into prison for hundreds of years.

Of course, it is not the time to deal with Danzo yet, it will be left to Minato to decide after the war.

It would even be better if it could be preserved, this village always needs people to do things that are inconvenient for the Hokage to do.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts were so clear.

Long before Minato came back, he had already removed the Anbu near Kushina, and even drove away all the people in the Roots.

At this moment, there must not be any gap between Minato and the village. The child must always work hard and give his all for the village.

As a leader for such a long time, Sandai still has a limited grasp of human nature.

Minato, let's go see Kushina. I still have my old bones to support Mount Kikyo.

By the way, there are some ideas at the root that I have blocked recently. They are all from the same village. I have a little understanding.

What could Minato Namikaze say, he could only say one good word.

Naturally, he was extremely moved when he understood the real reason why the Third Generation let him rest at this time. As for Danzo, he had always had and made no secret of his coveting of the Jinchuuriki.

As for whether I will really feel relieved, who knows.

Seeing the future of the village leaving, Sarutobi Hiruzen relaxed a little.

The will of fire is to live forever and illuminate the whole village.

Teacher, I may be a sinner in many things, but I have found a new future for this village.

The third generation began to confess to Tobirama in the Pure Land. He really regretted what happened to White Fang, and his Machiavellian methods would eventually backfire.

There are also the first generation cells, the kingdom of whirlpool, etc. There are too many.

After repenting, Hiruzen Sarutobi once again put on his battle uniform. He was still the Third Hokage at this moment, and he would continue to burn for the sake of this village.



The two people met again in the dark underground, looking at each other without saying a word.

The results of some things were actually destined long ago, so they disappeared into darkness again.

Under the cemetery of the Kingdom of Frost.

Uchiha Madara's mouth twitched as he looked at the freshly released crazy peace plans.

Do you think I, Uchiha Madara, am a fool? I can crush Hashirama's IQ, okay? This kind of special offensive text that seems to be targeted at me is trying to take me down?


I was about to burn all these letters on fire.

But do you want to meet Noah? How does he know him?

No one in this world should know about the fake death plan. Even Tobirama's suspicious person was deceived by him.

Could it be said to be a prophecy? Miaomushan's predictions are not so accurate.

Or maybe Bai Jue's whereabouts were discovered, so that's why the other party acted like that.

All the unknowns gave Noah a mysterious cloak.

And the content is really exciting.

I always feel that the other person is a professional in destroying the world. Some things he writes seem to be true, and he looks like he has rich experience.

Among them, the craziest decision made his hair stand on end after reading it, and he felt that Noah was an extreme lunatic.

The most frightening of the many 'peace' plans is not a global illusion plan, nor is it a plan to suppress the world by force.

It is a very short plan among many plans, called the Burning World Plan.

What this madman wants is to overthrow the nobility and daimyo from the bottom and redistribute land, minerals, and various resources.

Moreover, every detail will be redistributed, and even those assets that have been retained will be taken out and dispersed.

It is impossible to even think about this kind of thing. In the history of the ninja world for more than a thousand years, there are only a handful of people who can have such an idea, and there is no one who has succeeded.

When they swept across the four countries, I never had such an idea.

Because this is shaking the foundation of the world. Any initial redistribution of resources will be bloody. How can vested interests have good intentions to divide their property?

Even if there are one or two people who are not clear-headed occasionally, how can others allow it?

Even if the daimyo of the Fire Country wanted to distribute the land to everyone, the daimyo of the other countries would not allow it. The minor master below would not allow it, so it was not impossible that the bloodline of this master would be completely severed the next day.

Noah also wanted to completely overthrow the ninja village system and put the power of ninjas into production and scientific research.

What science is is the primary productive force, fully developing the profound application of Chakra.

What is a ninja who reformed the mercenary system that ninjas depended on and abolished killing? Chakra carrier?

There is also a national ideological awakening, which makes everyone raise their heads and look at the scenery they have never seen before.

This frightened the madman even more. It was equivalent to liberating everyone's ideological shackles and letting go of their desires.

Let everyone start to have their own pursuits. What will happen if farmers no longer farm, what will happen if fishermen no longer fish, and what will happen if ninjas no longer want to do tasks.

The world will be in chaos, and endless war will come here.

All these norms of the old world were burned to death, and the superiors were no longer superiors. The inferiors harbored ambitions and started a great war that no one in any corner of the world could avoid.

It seems that there will be very few people left in this world without waiting for the Eye of the Moon plan to come.

This extremely crazy idea made Madara very interested in Noah. If the time did not conflict, he would really want to meet this character for a while.

Judging from the information collected by Bai Jue, this person is performing part of the process of ideological emancipation and labor emancipation in the Country of Rain.

It didn't cause much backlash, and many people even thought of Noah's appearance as an elegant and easy-going teacher.

But this person is so crazy at heart, so is Noah deceiving everyone?

So why are you writing this to yourself? Isn’t it bad to pretend that you don’t know, or do you still need some of your own resources?


Madara now really wants to kill Noah for world peace.


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