Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1101: Ridiculing a certain clan leader for being an uneducated fisherman

Then a fire lit the letter, and for the first time a reply began.

This guy's mobility and extraordinary abilities, if he can be controlled or guided using illusions, can definitely become a top helper for the Eye of the Moon project.

Moreover, the other party is near Nagato and has become the child's teacher, so he can completely affect the plan itself.

As long as there is a chance, he can completely control this madman with his own eye power. He still has this confidence.

With this idea in mind, Madara began to write the letter.

In any case, this pen pal communication was successful.

With these intermittent scary plans, Madara, an old dream chaser, took this guy who fell from the sky seriously.

At the same time, Obito, who was lying there with half of his body replaced by White Zetsu, finally woke up.

After that, the process of deceiving the stupid boy began, and step by step, the diode fell into a logical trap.

The head of the Uchiha family must know how to take advantage of the Uchiha family members. This is also thanks to the research of that nasty guy Tobirama.

Well, it seems that the first generation is more famous in this ninja world, but what the second generation left behind is an important part of promoting the change of the entire world.

Flying Thunder God, Reincarnation in the Earth, Shadow Clone Technique, and other methods all control the direction of the world.

Otherwise, how can we say that scientists cause more damage than everyone else?

Noah was happy after receiving a reply from his pen pal.

Although the other party in the letter had an arrogant tone, he was almost as tall as 1.8 meters tall, but he was willing to reply and that was something he had earned.

It would not be in vain to send the lighting plan completely changed beyond recognition.

Most of the whole article is about how awesome you and Hashirama were back then, and how valuable it was to calm down the troubled times, which is beyond your ability to understand.

Moreover, you have written so many plans that are full of mistakes, especially the plan about burning the world that is not reasonable at all, but the plan of covering the whole world with a large-scale illusion is good.

What followed were some words of guidance, and there were even illusion chakra on them.

This guy's use of illusions is really powerful, and he can actually place his magic on dead objects for a short period of time.

This is a more evil skill than magic swordsmanship or crow eyes.

Guide yourself towards the Eye of the Moon plan? Haha.

That's not okay, pen pal.

I still can't control myself with this kind of thing, now I have to master the strength of communication.

Clearly put your strengths and weaknesses in front of this confident man, let Uchiha Madara's vigilance and confidence reach a good balance, and then get a chance to meet.

That's when it's time to really take action.

I'm Noah, never in the Air Force!

Continue to reply to the letter. This time the letter discusses the output and improvement plan of food in the ninja world. If everyone can easily eat enough, what will the world be like.

Madara replied: As long as there is peace in the world, everyone will have enough to eat.

The whole article revolves around the slogan peace.

Is this kid stupid? Only when you have enough food can you have the strength to fight. Or maybe he has completely fallen into Black Zetsu's trap.

Alas, in this ninja world, people are so out of touch with their rhetoric.

Noah replied: There is no culture. Solving the food crisis will cause the population to skyrocket, and it will also drive economic development and the prosperity of the cultural industry. It will also bring more disputes and friction. Then there was another analysis.

Uchiha Madara was so angry that he said I was uneducated? !

The Uchiha clan is one of the few thousand-year-old ninja clan. Although the cultural heritage is not much, it is not without culture. Even Hashirama wouldn’t dare say that to me!

Besides, the population is booming. Population boom. It makes sense. But the emancipation of ideology and culture...well...makes sense.

hateful! Don’t know how to praise! Communication is suspended!

Noah's new pen pal became a little annoyed and unilaterally suspended this communication.

But there is no need to worry, as the preparations for Obito, the most critical part of the Eye of the Moon, proceed, his unexpected game-breaker will make Madara Uchiha very upset.

So give that guy some steps to step down.

So Noah began to seriously explain some things about rebuilding the new world. The world rebuilt after the burning was definitely in line with the world's positioning of peace.

It was through hard work that Bai Jue became an excellent postman.

The New Year has passed, and the third Ninja World War is coming to an end this year, so there is really not much time left for Noah.

Strange, why don’t we have much time?

Noah reflected on himself, why he didn't have time every time. I always fall into this state.

The answer came to me quickly.

It's all the Six Paths Sage's fault. When his seal is lifted, he will beat his son, hammer his mother, and overthrow his dojo.

The six paths between life and death suddenly felt a chill, as if something unfortunate was about to happen to him.

Who is the one? Those freaks from the Otsutsuki clan? Or is he the boy full of destructive power that was put into this world some time ago?

Hey, this world

In the Kingdom of Rain, Noah began to wait. He had no strength for the time being and could only wait for the boy Obito to turn black.

If possible, he still wanted to save this fool. Obito's ability was really difficult to deal with.

And his head is so stubborn that Noah can't wash it off at all. The deeper the love, the more selfish the love, the more perverted the setting is, which is really unexplainable.

But it can't be done. Even if Madara and Hei never take action, he can't do it.

Except for the three disciples, there is no one they can trust. Ninjas pay too much attention to the source of information. The cautiousness of this profession makes it almost difficult for them to be mobilized by unfamiliar information.

Even if you tell Namikaze Minato, the fourth generation, in addition to the sunshine boy's character, is also the god of death in front of the other four countries.

His decisiveness and ruthlessness during the war were beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and his gentleness was only reserved for the people of Konoha Village.

He has no idea of ​​world peace, he just wants to be a good Hokage.

Even between Naruto and family, he chose family.

Therefore, the sunny boy in the eyes of outsiders is the one Noah does not want to contact. This guy's style of doing things is that of a person with few flaws.

To a certain extent, the fourth generation is many times more difficult to deal with than Danzo and the third generation.

At present, except for the Yondaime, there is no one else and no way to solve Lin's problem, and he can only watch all this happen.

So this year, the Xiao organization just consolidated what they had done in the previous year, strengthened ties with civilians, and improved the details of resource allocation.

At the same time, they began to expand and develop manpower and strengthen the density of contact with Yuren Village.

He asked Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan to record this system in their daily operations of the Akatsuki organization. Every detail should be supplemented and described, and then taught to new organization members.

Get ready to take control of the Rain Kingdom!

Extras have already been prepared.

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