Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1099 Konoha and Suna Ninja’s respective choices

The battle of Kannabi Bridge has spread throughout the shinobi world. As expected, everyone was shocked.

The golden flash of Konoha once again added a legendary touch to his resume.

It is said that Ohnoki smashed several tables directly at the command line. Then he rushed directly to the front line and unleashed his dust shield on the AB combination to vent his anger.

The 50-man elite force led by the East Dead Man is considered a real elite ninja who can use ninjutsu even in the soil country of the violent army.

Each person's growth consumes a lot of resources in the village, only to be instantly killed by the other party, establishing his own reputation.

And the top jonins at Kannabi Bridge, including Demon Leech, Oishi, Huo Guang, Suma Shi, and Higashikata, were all wiped out!

Although the loss of the thousand-man army was not great after being beaten back, the loss of the Jonin was already unbearable for Onoki.

It can be said that after World War II, the backbone of Iwagakure Village was completely destroyed by the Third Raikage and Namikaze Minato.

Within the next ten years, the village will be in a state of drought.

He obviously had a good hand at the beginning, with a ninja army of more than 10,000 people and a lot of jounin.

As a result, Onoki was rubbed back and forth by two kings and four two, which made Onoki extremely sad and angry.

When Onoki went crazy, Kumogakure's AB combination felt lucky.

Konoha's golden flash can defeat the elite Iwa ninja troops with ease, and it can also defeat Kumogakure's team of reckless men with ease.

Not everyone's body has been cultivated to the level of the Fourth Generation Lei Yin.

The Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu is a very precious secret even in Kumogakure, and most people really can't learn it.

Therefore, there is not a big difference in strength between the chuunin and jounin in each village, and they will kneel down when encountering ninjutsu like Flying Thunder God.

The previous failure to decide the outcome with the golden-haired warm man made Kirabi and Ai very uncomfortable. These two brothers have always had a character that refuses to admit defeat.

Being entangled by Onoki and unable to attack Konoha made the two of them feel disappointed. However, when they heard the news that their old rival had gone berserk, they felt both lucky and motivated to fight.

That's what these straight guys think. As expected of me, the opponent I like has a few tricks up my sleeve.

The men and horses on both sides continued to fight wildly, but after a burst of intensity, the intensity began to level off.

It seems that everyone understands that this war is likely to end in this state.

So the only Sand Ninja Village that is still holding on is that there are some who are riding a tiger and are in trouble.

They all reached Platycodon Mountain. They have already torn Konoha's pretended strength to pieces, and are just waiting for others to sit together and carve up this piece of fat.

As a result, the golden flash appeared out of nowhere, and the completely unreasonable way of playing time and space ninjutsu completely changed the situation of the battle.

Ebizo, Chiyo, Rasa and others held several meetings at the front line and finally found out that the large army could no longer retreat.

From the Kingdom of Wind, across the Kingdom of Sichuan, to the entrance of Konoha Village, such a long front has already stretched all the resources and manpower of the entire village.

If they want to retreat, the price they will pay will be very heavy. It can be said that there is basically no other way but to destroy the materials alone.

Only the most mobile ninja troops can escape partially to their own country.

What about Konoha?

Konoha was definitely not willing to allow the group of people who had fought at the village gate to retreat so calmly.

This humiliation can be said to be directly related to the founding war.

It is absolutely impossible to say that Konoha has no desire for revenge. It is unrealistic to negotiate a truce agreement with them now. Unless Sand Hidden Village surrenders unconditionally, Konoha can extinguish this anger.

Fight! Fight until we can no longer hold on and are defeated!

At that time, Konoha didn't have the power to kill us all.

Chiyo gave his own suggestions and directly evolved from an offensive posture to a stalemate posture at Mount Kikyo.

He would fight to the death and bite off a few pieces of Konoha's flesh even if he fought to the death. Only by displaying such a madness to die can Konoha be frightened.

Until that time, even if Konoha is the victor, the lion will not dare to open his mouth, it is just a miserable victory.

Forcing the senior Suna ninja to fight to the death for Konoha will only make things worse. If they delay, they can avoid high compensation after the war.

As for the outcome of the war, Sand Hidden Village was already prepared for defeat.

There was no one left to support them, and they had nothing to lose.

As a young successor, Luo Sha is definitely not willing to do this. He really thinks there is still a chance.

You can see the Hokage Rock. Do you really want to go for it?

However, the power and control of the two elders over the village at the moment were not comparable to that of his temporary top shadow.

In desperation, they could only acquiesce to this matter, and the elders were responsible for maintaining morale and taking responsibility for this defeat.

This is a sign of the alternation of power within Suna Ninja Village.

Of course, as a result of the meeting, Chiyo would not say this to the ninjas below, but said that it was almost there. We just want to defeat Konoha Village in one go and win the title of the No. 1 Ninja Village.

Then occupy this most fertile land so that the children and future generations in the village do not have to live in that barren place.

In short, the higher-ups in the village mobilized to maintain a consistent tone, which was to use these low-level ninjas in exchange for Konoha's continued weakness.

The hard-core ninja began to continuously conserve his strength, so that he had the trump card in his hand to fight to the death.

This is the value of ninja, tools are valuable.

The Konoha Village breathed a sigh of relief after learning that the Iwagakure Village was repulsed. After the discussion, they still followed the procrastination strategy to the end.

The direction of the 3rd Ninja World War has been so stable.

When Namikaze Minato returned to Konoha Village, he was summoned by the third generation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't be more satisfied with the power of this new generation of the Hokage line.

This is Jiraiya's direct disciple, the heir to the Will of Fire with a well-established foundation.

And he has a very gentle personality, which can soften the relationship between the village and various ninja clans, especially the Uchiha clan.

Although Obito died in the battle of Kannabi Bridge, the relationship between Minato and the Uchiha clan leader is not bad.

Kushina and Mikoto are also very good friends, and it seems that they can slowly incorporate this clan into the village system.

At the same time, Minato's ascendancy can also win over ninjas from the civilian class, and he is the only person who can truly unify all the power of Konoha Village.

The opponent's reputation has already established a great reputation in the ninja world.

Several other ninja villages already have regulations that allow them to fail the mission and retreat directly when encountering Namikaze Minato.

Such an outstanding heir is definitely the most reliable choice among the fourth generation.

Now that the time was right to come back, the Third Hokage decided to let Namikaze Minato have a good rest in the village.

It is not yet time to hand over the commander-in-chief of the Battle of Platycodon Mountain. He will wait until the final clearing to change the commander.

At that time, it’s not about taking the blame, but about actually giving up the credit.

Everyone could see that the outcome of the Battle of Platycodon Mountain was doomed. The brutal fighting was just for a conspiracy that neither side could control.

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