Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1096 The difference between the world and the difference between swordsmanship

The reason why we think the flowers on the cliff are beautiful is just because we stop on the cliff instead of taking that brave step towards the sky like the fearless flowers.

Yahiko took this step.

With his spirit, energy and spirit united, he realized when he recalled the scene where his teacher cut his way out of the canyon.

It turns out this is kendo! !

Swing your sword!

a moment later

The person is still the same person, the tree is still the same tree, the forest is still the same forest, and even the small animals in the forest have not changed at all.

There is no sword energy flying dozens of meters away like a waterfall. There is no such thing as a majestic scene that shatters the sky and splits the earth.

Is this the effect of drawing your sword?

Noah's question appeared in Yahiko's ears.

The two friends who were following behind looked at this good friend who had regained his vitality with surprise on their faces.

The boy who drew the sword felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

Noah, Nagato and Konan stared behind for a long time, watching the young man awakening to himself. At the moment when he drew his sword, everyone was shocked and happy by his condensed energy that was visible to the naked eye.

As a result, nothing happened when I swung the sword. Not even a fallen leaf was picked.

Not to mention the sword wind, it was just very powerful.

I also thought there would be a hundred-ten-meter sword energy or something, but there was nothing, hahahahaha.

Sure enough, this guy is a fool. Noah feels that this child's mind may take a completely different path from that of the dragon.

It seems that in the world of pirates, I have never seen that guy looking embarrassed. No, there are still times when he was punched twice by Cap Bang Bang.


Yahiko, why don't you add chakra to it?

Because sensei, you don't have chakra when you draw your sword.

I am a great swordsman~~ Even if I don’t have domineering energy, as long as there is extraordinary power in this world, I can forcefully activate it, and I can cut down a hundred and eighty kilometers of sword energy in a minute for you to see.

Do you understand the value of the pinnacle of kendo? In the world of pirates, there have been no more than five great swordsmen of the same generation for hundreds of years. Even at the end of the era, few people can reach the top.

Do you really think that sword is simple? The power of nature is coordinated and mixed into one's own will to control it. The difficulty of that moment was no less than using the power of Yin and Yang to escape and merge into one.

Hei Jue was so severely injured by this sword light that he was unable to cause trouble.

Are you a little Karami who has just learned swordsmanship?

After silence, Noah raised his hand slightly, and then slashed at Yahiko's forehead.

Neither fast nor slow, just like cutting out of the canyon that day.

No matter how hard the child tried to hide, he felt that this hand was right above his head. The feeling of being unable to escape and resisting made cold sweat break out on his back.

The hand knife gradually enlarged in Yahiko's eyes, and the threat of death followed him like a shadow.


This is the realm, let me use chakra to practice swordsmanship from now on.

A world must use the rules of that world. Since chakra is so popular in the Naruto world, there must be many reasons.

This kind of power extracted from the human body is very simple, easy to use, and versatile.

The ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusions, sealing techniques, etc. developed on this basis have flourished to the point of bearing countless fruits.

Chakra swordsmanship is very popular in this world.

Think about it, it is not uncommon for the Uchiha clan to level the mountain with one sword after they opened Susan. There is a sense of beauty like bricks flying with great force.

And things like Dance of the Three Crescent Moon, White Fang's Hatake Swordsmanship, and the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki's Arasanagi Sword are all excellent combat skills.

There is also the Iron Country, a strange country of samurai, and Mifune's Iai Sword. It seems simple and unpretentious, but it is actually very simple.

Anyway, there are a lot of people playing with swords in the ninja world, maybe to save chakra.

Most ninjas cannot learn a few ninjutsu in their lifetime, and the ancient and efficient skill of slashing people with a sword has always been popular. Even Uchiha Itachi likes to carry a knife and make blind gestures.

Using chakra as the basis to develop the Hogetsuki Kendo of the Naruto world is also a good choice.

Yahiko is already a strong man at the Jonin level. His control of chakra is close to instinct and he has Noah's guidance on the way of swordsmanship.

This combination is equivalent to opening the old grandfather plug-in.

Some plug-ins are good for practice and some are bad. If you ask Noah, they are good, very good.

If I had been strong enough back then, many regrets could have been undone, especially with the magical skill of Shadow Clone.

For Yahiko, whether it is pure sword energy without attributes or the water attribute chakra that he is good at, he can blend it into his own kendo.

For example, what are the changes in form and properties plus sword skills? A gorgeous breathing swordsmanship similar to that in Demon Slayer?

In the future, the ninja world will not be embarrassed to say hello to people even if they use special tricks. They will have both face and dignity.

At least there is no problem in stepping into the shadow level with swordsmanship. Of course, it is not something that a novice swordsman can understand yet.

After being critically attacked by Noah, Yahiko also felt that he had indeed made a fool, and then began the path of combining chakra with Shigetsu Kendo.

Although the development is very difficult, under the guidance of the great swordsman, the progress is quite fast.

In fact, Noah does not have chakra, otherwise he could adapt a set of swordsmanship based on chakra as the energy source in minutes.

This is the unique power of the great swordsman realm after it has been conceptually sublimated in the world of Xingyue.

At this moment, this force is cooperating with the will to continuously wear away the Yin and Yang seals. This guy from Liudao underestimates him too much.

Sooner or later, Noah was going to have a chat with that bastard. Of course it wasn't a personal grudge, it was just something that needed to be communicated.

Seeing that the three disciples have found their own paths and begun to grow rapidly, Noah can be considered a little more relaxed about the basics.

Compared with his strength, Yahiko's mentality has been reoriented, and he must have a foundation for further improvement.

Then he can start the class with peace of mind. The previous classes were too gentle.

This is not the true level of revolutionary light. You must know that whenever he said something before, it would make people tremble.

The young man whose heart knot had been untied has regained his former vigor.

At the same time, he is also very active and serious in his studies. Even when he is learning, he can always hear some creepy words.

For example, the world would be sick if there were no great names... If the five major countries ceased to exist... The darkness in this world is too deep-rooted and needs a fire

Hmm. What I learned was quite exciting. Each of the three disciples drew nutrients and grew from it.

They also began to help Noah with some publicity work.

There is no limit to the target audience of the propaganda, and both illiterate civilians and ninjas can listen together.

There are quite a lot of stories, and they are all short stories written by Teacher Noah in his spare time, such as the story about the noble lord and the bandits.

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