Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1095 The young man draws his sword!

On the way back while pushing the cart, the boy was as silent as when he came here, or even more silent.

Daimyo are people with brains. They are a group of politicians who are not distracted by things like strength and bloodstains. They know very well what they want and what they don't want.

He just wants to use my power to beat up the Rain Ninja Village and the disobedient nobles. This country will not change much.

If there are no accidents, the same reincarnation has happened over the past few hundred years, which can be considered a good thing for the Akatsuki organization at this stage.

This is not the analysis Yahiko wants to hear. He is still very angry about Tiandi.

Teacher, do those poor farmers really have no chance?

Do you think those nobles will give up their own interests? Do you think even if the farmland is distributed, what will be collected in the end will still be our standards?

Have they not seen how miserable those at the bottom are living!?

Noah looked at his disciple in surprise.

Yahiko, how could you have such naive ideas? How could a place as big as Daming City not know what the people at the bottom are like?

Those minor masters almost always live in towns on the edge of farmland, and their vassals often appear in the fields.

I just don't care.

If it were the size of the ancient Eastern country, it would be fine if the central emperor didn't know about it. This famous city in the Land of Rain is just half an hour away from farmland. How could you not know that?

If you really don't know, how can you set the kind of tax that just makes people starve and have enough to eat?

You don't really think that this joint production contract responsibility system is something that ordinary people can't think of. Over the years, there will always be similar things.

It's just that tenant farmers are not important. Generation after generation, they just bury their heads in the fields and beg for food. How stable it is.

Even if someone suddenly doesn't want to do it and wants to eat more. But the samurai class is the first to not allow it, and now it's the same for the ninja class.

Yahiko was silent for a while, and suddenly thought of a sentence he said in class before.

There are only individuals who betray the class, but there is no class that betrays the class.

Just trying to feed those at the bottom can make the whole world oppose it. It is really powerless.

“No one can accomplish all their actions with words alone, and now is not the time to confront the actual managers of this country.

The window period during which the war was stabilized developed rapidly. After the war, the battlefield belongs to us.

Yahiko had some vague understanding. He could feel that what his teacher had done during this period had been to save the country from its roots, but it also seemed to be destroying the country from its roots.

Changes in the fields intensified the conflicts between nobles and commoners, and changes in power tried to create a wedge between daimyo and nobles.

What about intention?

You can always feel that although the teacher talks happily with the big names, he is also kinder to the minor names.

But in the deserted corner, Yahiko saw that the teacher looked at these people no differently than when he saw pigs raised in the camp. The ruthless eyes were full of blood.

He even seemed to see that when the teacher and the nobles had a conflict, this mysterious teacher would not hesitate to raise his knife and hang all the waste that was not produced in the teacher's vocabulary on a high flagpole. superior.

When they were approaching the camp, Yahiko suddenly came to his senses and asked a few questions.

Teacher, what should the Kingdom of Rain become?

Set a small goal so that everyone can have enough to eat and the children can have books to read.

There will be many people who will oppose it, just like today. Maybe they are not willing to let everyone live such a life.

The child first felt hopeful about this bright future, and then felt sad about the fact that he had been scolded by the daimyo before.

Yahiko, think about it before you do something. Is it good to do this? Is it good for these ordinary people? Is it good for ninjas?

It's good for everyone, but bad for a few nobles.

So the question is, does this world belong to them or to us?

A kind of class division made Yahiko suddenly realize that there is still this way of understanding that sentence.

And he also vaguely had the same idea as the teacher. It seemed that the death of a few nobles was not important to this world.

And I really wanted to give that idiot a blow just now.

The image of the Daimyo constantly saying no was replayed repeatedly in his mind.

Noah saw that it was almost done, so he started giving his best boost.

You are actually the most courageous among the three, but you started to be afraid after just seeing part of the truth.

I have a friend who was killed by pirates when he was a child. He was later treated as a slave and sold. After escaping, he awakened his own will in the face of a strong man who could crush him countless times.

I firmly embarked on the journey to change the world. The difficulties and obstacles I faced were countless times more severe than now. Even the sword in my hand was broken.

Although I died nine times, I never regretted it. I carried the faith of hundreds of millions of people without fear, and finally realized my ideal.

The Frost Moon Sword Way I taught you comes from this. It is not for those without courage.

Just as the unfolding of the myth completely shocked Yahiko, is it really possible for a human being to do this?

Even the Six Paths Sage circulated in the ninja world has never had such a passionate story.

He felt very guilty, extremely guilty. Because he actually put down his sword during this period.

Start practicing sword practice when you are confused. Once you have mastered your sword practice and know when to cut, you have mastered it.

At the gate of the camp, Noah also said his last words.

If Yahiko still fails to pass the test, he will consider training new organizational leaders.

Xiaonan is a good choice.

After returning to the camp, Yahiko first looked at his study notes and felt the power of the sentences in them.

The distribution of productivity, value, the meaning of life, the future, fairness, how come there are so many contents that I haven't seen before.

Yahiko seemed to see the answer given by the teacher. There is no place for nobles and daimyo here either.

As for the rules that you have to face behind the scenes that spread to every corner of the world. What about your own choices?

It is not difficult to look at the ordinary people with a little smile on their faces and the children in literacy classes from the window.

Picking up the sword, I felt the different feeling on the hilt, and there was a kind of connected power running through it.

The so-called strongest sword should be able to protect what you want to protect and cut off what you want to cut.

Perhaps I don't know where the future will lead, but in the Akatsuki Organization and in the Land of Rain, I know what my sword is going to do.

Yahiko walked outside the camp.

He did not stop looking at the stakes, but aimed at the forest itself.

Daimyo, nobility, ninjas, rules, bloodline. There are so many enemies, sensei.

The boy draws his sword!

I’m not sure what to write about the Pirates chapter, and not many people seem to be looking forward to it on the Holy Grail Warcraft Front. The last weekend of coding was really a torture.

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