Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1097: You must study hard in war class, for the future

Chapter 1097: You must study war lessons well in the future.

There is also the story of the great secret treasure in the sea that continues to be serialized, and the story of a man named Dragon who constantly resists the superpowers in this world and builds a paradise on earth.

The former one made civilians feel a thought that might be unclear, which seemed bold but dangerous.

The latter one made everyone mesmerized. The magical and magnificent sea is really amazing.

Who doesn't want to eat the devil fruits that fall randomly? With power, you can do things you couldn't do before, just a little bit of luck.

Just fight against those unreasonable oppressions.

Ninjas also enjoyed listening to it, feeling that the lives of the strong men in the story were completely different from those of ninjas like myself.

For the sake of desire, one can kill people and seize treasures; for the sake of faith, one can stick to the rules; for the sake of ordinary people, one can sacrifice oneself; for the sake of justice, one can suppress evil; for the sake of hunting for treasures, one can freely swim across the sea.

It seems that not much is for the mission. Chaofan seems to have other ways of living.

In short, the Akatsuki organization is very lively even after the autumn harvest, with many civilians and ninjas coming and going.

Yahiko and others also seized this opportunity to say some slogans.

The Land of Rain is the Land of Rain for each of us. Make Hanzo-sama great again. Ninjas should protect the people they want to protect.

Many slogans that sound very positive at first glance but cannot be taken into consideration are becoming deeply rooted in people's hearts.

An invisible ideological change is beginning in this country, spreading in all directions with the camp of the Akatsuki organization as the center.

Fire will bloom in a new form in a nation that has been crying.

The stability of the Country of Rain did not last long, and Yanyin Village completely disappeared from the Country of Rain.

Only a few ninjas from Konoha Village were still patrolling the area of ​​the original Three Battles.

The sudden peace plunged the place into an eerie calm.

Hanzo in the Rain Ninja Village is already fully armed and ready to close all the important gates of the Rain Country at any time.

Isolating the country is sometimes a way for small countries to protect themselves. It just so happens that Hanzo's name also has this deterrent effect.

At this time, the leader of Yuren Village was still very courageous and effective.

At the same time, he also warned the Akatsuki organization not to act randomly and to treat some ninjas or civilians from the Three Kingdoms with random kindness.

Any reason can be the reason for the country of Rain to fall into the quagmire of war. No matter whether the big country wins or fails, it is possible that the small country will make up for the losses in the end.

The Akatsuki organization also listened to the advice and reduced its strength and focused on internal consolidation.

Spreading out the map, Noah began to teach the three disciples. War is something they resist, but it is also a lesson they have to learn.

In the future, we may personally kick off a world war.

When these small countries are abandoned as battlefields, the war is about to enter its final and crazy period.

The losses and dangers caused by attacking the homeland are uncontrollable.

The current Konoha Village is really too tempting. The opportunity to completely overthrow this giant with just a little more force is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for other great ninja villages.

The Iwa ninja evacuated the Kingdom of Rain, so the only route they could take to invade the Kingdom of Fire was the Kingdom of Grass. Once you enter the Kingdom of Fire, you can attack like crazy.

The Country of Grass is also unfortunately sandwiched between the Country of Fire and the Country of Earth.

What's even more unfortunate is that they don't have a strong man like Hanzo to step forward, so they can only fall on both sides like the name of the country.

The end result was that the country was completely turned into mud.

The terrain of the Kingdom of Grass is that there are many mountains and rock walls on the side bordering the Kingdom of Earth, and there are several large rivers blocking it in the middle. The area close to the Kingdom of Fire is dominated by plains and forests.

This terrain makes several bridges very important nodes.

War is all about logistics, and it is difficult for a large army to march forward without enough supplies to support it.

Most of the ninja wars are dominated by genin who use shurikens and detonating charms, that is, cannon fodder ninjas.

The chuunin plays the role of organizational connection, and the jounin is generally the breakthrough point for the commander-in-chief and the elite troops.

Whether it is food, medicine, military food pills, shurikens, detonating charms, etc., they are all very critical things. None of these things can be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Although ninjas can endure hunger in this world, if they don't have the strength in war, even kunai can't be thrown far.

As for spatial abilities such as scrolls, it is still unrealistic, and ninjutsu has not yet reached that level.

If the Iwa Ninja wants to dispatch a large force, it is very important to protect these transfer points.

After all, without a bridge, it would be difficult for troops to pass, let alone supplies.

During the war years, most genin could not tread water, other than walking on bridges or swimming. However, fast rivers and scattered formations are taboos for marching.

It is unrealistic to let earth-bending ninjas who can change the terrain build bridges.

Ninjas with this ability are top-notch combat powers, and it even requires a team of chunin or above to launch combined ninjutsu to do it.

The amount of chakra consumed is huge, so it is basically impossible to build a bridge to cross the river at will.

The ninjas at this time are still ninjas, and they will not be able to match the style of Dragon Ball in the later stages.

That is to say, whether Iwagakure can reach the entrance of Konoha Village this time depends on whether the other party can keep its own supplies.

After the teacher explained this war together, it suddenly became clear that it was so simple.

Looking at the several locations marked on the map, it seems that the war there is going on simultaneously.

Then we can just cooperate with Hanzo-sama to block the border of the Land of Rain?

The young man was a little restless. It seemed that the situation of the war was already very clear.

By following the teacher's instructions, wouldn't it be possible to make profits out of chaos and take the development of the Akatsuki organization to a higher level?

The Kingdom of Rain is not qualified to participate in such a large-scale war, and Iwagakure Village may suffer a big loss in this battle.

The three disciples were puzzled at the same time. At this moment, everyone in Konoha Village was beaten to their doorstep. Is there any chance of improvement?

According to the intelligence, Teacher Jiraiya is still trapped in the frontline position and unable to return to defense. The cold Lord Orochimaru has already killed madly on the battlefield of Mount Kikyo in order to curb the madness of the Suna Ninja.

At this time, Iwagakure felt like the last straw.

Never underestimate Konoha. It may be rare in this era. But before the First Ninja War, there really were strong men who could defeat one country. And they all came from Konoha.

It is already the cradle of geniuses in the ninja world. Even if most of the potential is squeezed out by the Third Hokage, the strong will always appear in times of crisis.

The Sannin were born during the Second World War, and the Third War will also be the moment when a new generation will leave its reputation.

Saying these words, Noah seemed to see the golden flash.

Time and space ninjutsu has been a symbol of invincibility in the ninja world for most of the time.

It's a pity that I won't be able to see this person's grace this time, and by the time he can move freely, the golden flash may have fallen.

This cruel world has countless malicious intentions for a strong man like Minato.

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