Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1094 Yahiko’s anger and powerlessness

It makes this daimyo feel like ninjas are all unfamiliar dogs.

What the big names from the five major countries said at the gathering were indeed true. The tools of the ninjas still need to be more restricted.

Before the lord of the land of rain could unleash his thunderous fury, Noah came to pay his respects first.

Moreover, it was rare that he brought his disciple Yahiko with him when he went out this time.

Yahiko pushed the car silently on the road, while Noah lay leisurely on it and admired the scenery on the roadside.

Teacher, why did you bring me here? Didn't Nagato and Konan handle this well?

He didn't know that Noah didn't have much patience to continue to help the autistic boy, and he still needed a little external help to awaken.

This meeting with the Daimyo was a good opportunity.

Being locked up in a high tower is just an escape. Teacher, I am a very cruel person.

“Isn’t it painful to see part of the truth about the world?”

Do you feel that the meaning of world peace is not that great anymore?

After the war has been temporarily eliminated, will you be happy to see those silent people still living a life without enough food and clothing?

The time that the Akatsuki organization can help them is running out. It will be over in almost a year.

That is to say, the dream of the Akatsuki organization and those people can only last until the second harvest.

After the war, Hanzo may not have the courage to continue to support this kind of thing, and the daimyo and nobles will definitely work harder to recover their 'losses'.

The words on his lips kept throwing the very thing Yahiko wanted to escape into his disciple's heart again and again.

And it doesn’t give any hope.

Yahiko wanted to push the car to the bottom of the cliff. This teacher's mouth was too vicious.

And the unvarnished truth is indeed very powerful. It hurts his heart and makes him want to get angry.

This journey was really torturous for the young man, and it finally came to an end when he arrived at Daming City.

Seeing the daimyo sitting on the main seat in the city, he expressed his dissatisfaction in a nonchalant manner.

In an age when personal might can change the world, these formerly noblest men have lost much of their intimidating power.

If you want to punish a ninja organization, you can only use economic and cultural means. In terms of force, unless Hanzo is allowed to take down Yahiko, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, the Daimyo will be really embarrassed.

Noah had already been mentally prepared for this level of responsibility.

He used Hanzo's threat in exchange for supplies, but then cooperated with Hanzo. Anyone in a superior position would be very embarrassed.

So Hanzo's threat theory continued to be online, which was nothing more than the one in which Yuyin Village threatened the Akatsuki organization to hand over protection money. This also gives both parties a step up.

At the same time, a new Danzo threat theory was also launched, saying that the Fire Country may be trying to bring down the Rain Country, so it has been looking for opportunities to disrupt this country.

The war may not end with a great power war, and the Akatsuki organization also needs the long-term support and maintenance of the daimyo.

For this reason, he is willing to provide Daming City with a certain amount of force, such as protecting the ninja.

This attitude made the daimyo feel much better, but he still politely declined.

He would rather train some average ninjas and guards than accept the Akatsuki organization's 'good intentions'.

Ninjas are a group if they are loyal, but daimyo jade without much force value is really not what ordinary ninjas are willing to accept.

Moreover, as the iron rule of the entire ninja world, no one will harm the daimyo. Unless that guy is a madman who is determined to fight against the whole world.

Noah didn't stop at this point, but stopped by to chat about those fields.

Yahiko is still watching from the sidelines, so he wants to light a fire for the daimyo as well.

I was surprised to see that under the management of the Akatsuki organization, the land assets had increased by so many famous names. As for the land contracting and distribution method handed over by the Akatsuki organization.



These words made the young man on the side ask uncontrollably.

Yahiko is a little confused. Isn't this something that can enhance the national strength of the Rain Country? Teacher Noah doesn’t care about the leakage of such precious things, why are these people who can enjoy more resources not willing?

It's all rain country whether there are these rain countries. The increase in production just shows that these tenant farmers have not worked hard to cultivate the fields in the past, and they need to be severely punished.

Yahiko was soaked in the cold for a moment, how could he have such a weird idea.

Thinking of the farmers who were looking at him pleadingly, he tried to explain to the daimyo the superiority of this system, the benefits of implementing the principle of distribution according to work, and the prospects for future development.

But the daimyo was already very impatient.

Even without the resources of the Eastern and Western Rain Country, it is enough, and the fields belong to the small owners. How can we let those untouchables invade the things of the upper class?

Does the Akatsuki organization want to teach me how to govern the country?

This is almost a very stern warning.

Rights are a very sensitive matter. As long as the Akatsuki organization has the slightest idea of ​​getting involved, don't blame the Daimyo for punishing them in a very severe way.

Yahiko could only retreat helplessly, as if there was a strange force suppressing the young man.

The urge to punch this bastard hard didn't come up after all.

Noah understood that this was the power of thousands of years of rules. Those who grow up in this world and are exposed to it, no matter whether they are literate or not, will continue to be tamed by this power.

He gave a meaningful smile, and then broke the tense atmosphere.

Instead, he recommended a centralized approach to the daimyo, still focusing on data and prospects.

But not guidance but seduction.

To put it simply, this country does not actually need so many nobles. As long as one daimyo is enough, the fields and assets of the Rain Kingdom will be yours.

The bonds brought about by marriages between nobles are not strong, and the inherent inferiority has overthrown countless superior nobles.

He also gave the opponent crazy pictures and explained the benefits and advantages of being a daimyo after the concentration of power.

In short, it is to completely destroy this aristocratic enfeoffment system and bring the Kingdom of Rain under its control.

This is also a pit buried conveniently, and the battle between the daimyo and the nobles can also divert the attention of some of this group of people. Don't keep staring at the Akatsuki Organization and Ninja Village all day long.

Even a little distance is good.

Fighting is impossible, and how can the tacit understanding of so many years be changed by him alone.

So before leaving, he vaguely expressed his willingness to become a sword in the hands of the daimyo to help deal with the disobedient nobles and maintain the daimyo's rule.

In short, although no better progress was achieved after a round of rhetoric, the daimyo also expressed his understanding of the hypocritical and hypocritical behavior between the Akatsuki organization and the Rain Ninja Village, and asked them to retreat.

Yahiko once again witnessed the power of his teacher, who was like a devil that bewitched people's hearts.

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