Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1091 Harvest season and suffering life

The biggest risk is that other countries will take advantage of the situation. At present, only Iwagakure Village has such strength and ambition.

After everyone had dispersed, Danzo still took this opportunity to report some very outrageous action plans.

Because he has a good grasp of his old friend's character, the other party will also tear off his disguised kind face in critical moments.

Sure enough, Sarutobi Hiruzen just said a few words lightly and started to deal with the wartime affairs in the village without making any exceptions.

After the Uchiha Guards also joined the front line, the security in the village was very chaotic, and the enemy's infiltration and psychological warfare also had a great impact on ordinary people.

It's not easy to be the Hokage. When facing internal troubles, this Shinobi feels more and more that he should be handed over to the next generation.

By the way, you have to write a letter to Hanzo personally to stabilize him. Danzo's provocation within the Rain Country was too ineffective.

Now Yu Ren unexpectedly has the power to influence the situation of the battle.

Whether it is to join forces with the Suna Ninja to destroy Konoha, or to help Konoha attack the Mount Kikyo defense line from the rear, it is a very dangerous choice.

In the name of the Third Hokage, just make the other party remain neutral at the cost of land.

As for whether he will fulfill it, he will take the blame and resign after the war. These promises have no effect.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a village leader with a thick face and a dark heart.

Sanshouyu Hanzo, who received the two letters, was not moved at all, nor did he make any move.

He is no longer the Hanzo who just relied on caution to get by yesterday, but a cultured Hanzo.

According to the courses organized by Akatsuki, when trying to settle with a big country like Konoha, you should not do anything, let alone try to help the other party.

It was a timely help during the war, but it was a shame after the war.

When the next person in power is unwilling to admit these promises and facts, the human lives and resources the Rain Country has devoted are worthless.

A lesson from the past is the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

After all, everything in this war went as Noah expected, and Hanzo admired him even more.

The most important thing now in the Land of Rain is the harvest season.

As time goes by, after the land reform, the Akatsuki organization will usher in the first batch of harvest time.

As the war in the ninja world became more and more intense, they became more aware of the importance of supplies, so all the Akatsuki organization ninjas even borrowed a group of ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village to ensure that this harvest was stable and fast.

In order for some insidious villains to plunge the country into chaos, burning or destroying these food resources is also a very ninja method.

For example, a certain one-eyed dragon at the root did make this plan, and at such a critical moment, he still wanted to cause trouble outside.

However, it was a pity that the Akatsuki organization stopped it early and caused Danzo to lose some manpower, which made the other party even more resentful towards Yahiko and the others.

With the help of shadow clones, water gods, earth escape, wind escape, various escape techniques, and the assistance of rain ninja genin, the rice fields were harvested quickly.

In the end, a large amount of materials were quickly recovered when everyone was exhausted.

Of course, the data did not meet Noah's expectations, but this was also the first time for such cooperation, so it was normal for there to be errors.

Others were directly shocked. It was actually much stronger than before.

All ninja mission bounties participating in the event were paid entirely by the Akatsuki organization, because Yahiko and the others became wealthy.

Although not to the level of tyranny, he is not the leader of an organization that begs for favors from both Yu Ren Village and Daming Mansion.

It was the first time that the sharecroppers received so much food that they had grown, and they were a little overwhelmed and even panicked.

Will the ninjas be dissatisfied if they leave so much food without handing it over?

In the past, they had only dealt with the vassals of the big farm. They were frightened at first. These people were originally a low-level group who would be killed by passing ninjas and refugees at any time during the war.

As a result, he was taken over by a strange ninja group called the Akatsuki Organization, and the land was redistributed and the strange tax payment system was modified.

It is a very novel experience to contract a certain amount of land to the Xiao organization as a family unit and be responsible for paying agricultural taxes and collective retention.

In words they can understand, this land is still allocated to everyone, but the remaining grain after harvesting and payment belongs to individuals, which fully mobilizes farmers' enthusiasm for production.

Even if there are those who are dissatisfied or disbelieving, they can only work honestly under the control of ninjas.

The refugees who were wandering around were also allocated reclaimed wasteland for farming, which unexpectedly made the core area very peaceful.

This year, they had a good life under the management of Ninja. The other party even sent them some relief food and arranged simple medical facilities.

It also provides great help in farm tools and farming. It is said that this is called the power of science.

I don’t understand, but there is definitely nothing wrong with following it. No matter how you look at it, Yahiko-sama and all the ninjas in the Akatsuki organization are good people.

The simple farmers now have the joy of harvesting their own food, but also the fear of being inconsistent with the previous rules of survival.

Because of fear, people want to hand over some food in exchange for safety. This is the way of survival in troubled times.

But he was stopped by Noah. This was just the uneasiness after the first division of land.

He must let these people get their share of the harvest. Gaining rewards for work is the correct idea that the Xiao organization should promote.

It is also the first step to liberate farmers' minds and let numb people know what it means to be alive.

Including the issue of their children's education has been ongoing. After the war is over, they will find that their fields will be taken back by the nobles like they did in thousands of years, and their children will not have the opportunity to continue to learn knowledge.

But can people who are no longer numb still accept such a life? After all, I saw the light.

This is the process of awakening.

Seeing these farmers constantly thanking the Akatsuki organization and the ninjas of Rain Ninja Village using the few words they could master, many inexperienced ninjas were moved.

Even old ninjas who often go on missions will not reject this kind of heartfelt admiration, but they can understand clearly that missions are missions and routine is routine.

When the mission requires killing these villagers, they will not show mercy. This is the real ninja. It is also the group of people that Noah will finally conquer.

Those farmers who are showing signs of awakening will tentatively ask if these fields will be returned to their families after the war is over.

Noah said he was not sure yet and would try to fight with the Daimyo after the war.

Then those farmers seemed to have received a huge blow, and they immediately became depressed after such a cheerful mood.

Some people also begged and expressed their willingness to pay more grain this time in exchange for this farming model.

Noah was very understanding of their demands.

Farmers in the Naruto world are taxed according to the most basic stone high system.

For example, if the annual output is 100 shi, a tax of 60 shi will be paid according to the three public and two people distribution method. The same goes for fish products.

This is only part of the annual tribute. In addition to the annual tribute, there are many rents and tax burdens of the family, such as salt tax, which are calculated separately.

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