Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1090 Ren Xiong’s methods

When the sand ninjas marched to Mount Kikyo, and the logistics were still pressing forward to the front line, the entire ninja world was secretly stirring up trouble.

Although countries like Raigakure and Kirigakure that have been unable to mobilize their troops can only look at the fertile land of the Fire Country with salivation.

However, some small teams will also be sent into Konoha to collect intelligence, at least to know the changes in the battle situation as soon as possible.

If Konoha is really completely defeated, no matter how depleted their troops are, they will still dedicate some troops to participate in this carving up feast.

In the office of the Hokage of Konoha Village, the third generation was holding an emergency wartime meeting with a group of ninja clan leaders and all advisors.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was wearing a black combat uniform, with blood stains all over his body.

The face that was not yet completely old was filled with surging fighting spirit, and his eyes were as threatening as those of apes and demons.

Ren Xiong's murderous aura stirred up people in this small room, making people shudder.

Perhaps outside of the war he was an indecisive and slightly clumsy politician.

But when the war really came to him, he restored the peerless strongman who had made a great reputation during the Second Ninja War.

The chakra in him, who had just returned from the front line, was still stirring.

The puppet technique used by Chiyo and Ebizou together is really powerful. Various puppets are combined with seals, hidden weapons, poison, etc.

Ordinary ninjas are no match for one, and Luo Sha, the new Shajin ninja, has swept across the battlefield without taking any action.

In order to prevent too many casualties, only a strong man like myself, who has mastered the Five Elements Escape Technique, can compete.

On the Platycodon Mountain just now, he first saw the right opportunity and used the compound escape technique to tear open the enemy's defense line, and then directly flattened a hilltop with a five-escape and large-volume bullet technique.

Buried the first batch of the bravest warriors of the Kingdom of Wind.

Dragon bullets with five different attributes: fire, thunder, water, earth, and wind, raged on the battlefield and finally rushed towards Chiyo and the two.

In the end, the puppet master, who only survived by relying on the secret skill at the bottom of the box, directly opened the white secret skill Chikamatsu and ten people began to besiege.

The Third Hokage in a violent state is as powerful as any legend on the battlefield, and the various ninjutsu at his fingertips are amazing.

Just the operation of various shuriken techniques has blocked the attack of the top puppet technique, and then channeled his old friend, the Ape King, the Ape Demon.

Holding the Vajra Ruyi Stick, he used superb stick skills, combined with various one-handed seals and restricted ninjutsu, and finally defeated the famous ten people.

Ebizo wanted to make a sneak attack, but was deceived by a shadow clone that the third generation had prepared for a long time.

After that, there was a demonstration of Konoha's forbidden arts, one move after another, and it ended with Ebizo being seriously injured and Chiyo pulling his younger brother to escape.

The power of one person to defeat the siege of Suna Ninja Village is the power of Dr. Ninjutsu. The later boast of being the strongest Hokage still has something to it.

After all, the Third Hokage did have an impressive record on the battlefield.

At the same time, it also suppressed the panic in the village. The Hokage wanted to have the strength and reputation to stand up on the bright side.

I believe that this head-on attack can make the opponent calm down for a while.

After all, those big figures in Sand Ninja Village are also very expensive. Such a high-intensity attack on the village's finances probably won't last long.

The people attending the meeting now are all the small clan leaders who stayed in the Ninja Village. The Hyuga clan, Uchiha clan and most of the Hokage clan rushed to other battlefields to snipe the enemies.

At present, among the clan leaders of the second echelon, only the three clan heads of Ino, Shika and Butterfly have left the Nara clan as their think tank to lead the endgame.

The remaining people who can be considered important are the three Hokage advisors.

Now let's talk about it, how can we deal with the battle situation at Kikyo Mountain this time?

Everyone looked at each other, inexperienced.

It was the first time in the entire history of the ninja world that Konoha was beaten to the doorstep.

In the past, when the first generation was around, whoever dared to invade the Land of Fire would be directly wiped out. He would not be able to escape, and would even have to face the pursuit of Uchiha Madara, the rose of the battlefield.

The endless forbidden techniques of the second generation also frightened all the top experts. Everyone knew that in a life and death battle, anyone would be taken away by Tobirama's moves.

Only the third generation, the successor of the Will of Fire, had the most shameful record in history. Even if he wiped out all the Sand Hidden on Mount Kikyo, he could not cover up his guilt.

But even at such a critical moment, everyone present believed that Konoha Village would not fall.

Because the longer you stay in this village, the more you understand how terrifying the background of this village is.

Not to mention some of the extreme forbidden techniques in the Book of Sealings or methods similar to those of the Earth Spider Clan, the nine-tailed demon fox, a great killer weapon that Konoha has never used, can be drawn out at any time.

The elders of the ninja clan naturally know the status of the Nine-Tails among the tailed beasts, that is, a superior existence.

The most that Suna Ninja Village has is a little brat, which is incomparable to them.

Moreover, here is the Jinchuriki of the Uzumaki clan who masters the art of sealing, so he naturally has sufficient confidence.

It's just that they really don't have much experience in how to fight this war. They can only say that the third generation of Hokage is following the lead.

It also means that in the end, even if there is guilt, it is something that the Third Hokage did alone and has nothing to do with them.

Human nature is like this, even Konoha Village, which has always had the will of fire, is not immune to this kind of taking the blame.

After all, it was one of the Sarutobi clan who made the suggestion, which was to prepare to release the Nine Tails.

But it was rejected by the Third Hokage himself.

If Kushina was just an orphan of the Uzumaki clan and a jinchuriki, he would naturally not mind throwing in the Nine Tails.

But she was still Minato's partner now, so the situation was completely different.

Now Minato Namikaze is still fighting on the front lines as the commander of the mobile unit. Is he a top combat power who can defeat the Thunder Ninja AB combination, or is he a peerless genius who can use the Flying Thunder God.

Moreover, this child is still the backbone of the Hokage family, and he is even preparing to let Minato be the fourth generation.

There must be no problem with the handover of the village, so Nine Tails can only be the last resort.

Some people also said that they would send ANBU and root forces to attack the Sand Ninja Village to surround the sand and put out the fire.

But Danzo immediately rejected it. He looked at the clan leader who made the suggestion with a sinister look.

There was nothing to care about in the poor area of ​​Sand Ninja Village, and the house-changing tactic was unacceptable to the rich.

And if you go to Shayin Village, you must send out elites, and the only ones that haven't been mobilized yet are your own roots.

This is tantamount to cutting his own flesh, and Danzo will naturally not be willing to do so.

Although he is willing to give everything for Konoha, that is Konoha under his leadership.

The final conclusion of the meeting was to delay.

As long as the main force of Shayin Village is held back, their village's economy and front will be dragged to collapse.

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