Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1092 The training of the first ray of light begins

In other words, I can barely survive without thanking God.

Peasants in the feudal period lived like this whether here or in other continental worlds.

The worst thing about the extraordinary world is that it is impossible to even launch an armed riot. Super-standard power is always in the hands of the superior.

It makes sense that the daimyo aristocratic system that has remained unchanged for thousands of years can be maintained to this day.

Noah's method of land contracting and distribution is really powerful, and his scientific planting and ninja intervention methods have increased the yield to a level that these farmers could not imagine before.

With food in their hands, they rarely started to worry about the future.

Yahiko stood in the crowd as if he had been hit.

As the leader of the Akatsuki organization, he did not expect that ordinary people's lives would be so difficult.

It doesn't even matter to these people whether there is a war or not, which is really ironic.

Including his own previous so-called idea of ​​​​eliminating war and achieving peace, he did not consider this group of people who would not speak out.

Because Yahiko left his precarious life as a refugee early, he entered the extraordinary system after becoming a disciple of Jiraiya.

There are also interactions with ordinary people, but they are not that in-depth. There is no real understanding of the environment faced by most ordinary people.

Now it seems that letting everyone live a normal life is no less difficult than world peace.

Yahiko was a little silent, feeling that he should do more. After all, he has gained strength.

Under the leadership of Noah, everyone in the Xiao organization once again returned to being among ordinary people.

Teacher, are we going to return these temporarily managed fields to the nobles after the war?

This is a question and a request for help.

The three disciples all looked at Noah, hoping that the teacher could find a way to get the best of both worlds.

I am not a savior and cannot save everyone.

You are the leaders and core of the Akatsuki organization. Go among those people and understand their demands, understand the birth of the nobility, understand who established the ownership of the land, understand why the daimyo is a daimyo. Finally, understand why this world is It’s like this.”

Then think of a way you think is reasonable to solve the problem.

It's considered homework.

Noah did not tell his disciples directly, but let these young people learn on their own.

Yahiko's naive and weak thoughts need to be changed bit by bit. This step is to make him feel the sadness and helplessness of ordinary people and the irrationality of the aristocratic system itself.

The doomsday knell of those in power who do not produce anything will always sound little by little.

The trio also began visiting and recording the thoughts and wishes of ordinary people.

Let the people's simplest wishes torture their hearts that weigh the pros and cons.

This is also a kind of training. Without the courage to let heaven and earth repeat themselves, there is no way to transform this country.

People who only know how to compromise will become like the Third Hokage, compromising among all parties to achieve what seems to be the best result.

In fact, it is only something that the rentier class maintains together, and it is no different from the order maintained by the aristocracy.

Finally, let the three of them work together to write an investigation report and solution. They must combine what they have seen and heard as well as their views on the future of the Kingdom of Rain in all aspects.

The three disciples wrote more and more heavily, and finally felt the weight of countless civilians on the tip of the pen.

During this harvest season, the leader of the Akatsuki organization seemed to be very tired.

Because of the combination of what was taught in previous classes, they seemed to slowly involve the entire ninja world.

If the status of these farmers, the ownership groups of the land, and the distribution of output are changed after the war, it will actually shake the foundation of the entire Rain Country and the rule of the daimyo.

This isn't a simple fight, it's a table-top move.

Using force to seize the Rain Kingdom would cause a huge civil strife.

The Rain Ninja Village will also become the mortal enemy of the Akatsuki organization, because theoretically the Ninja Village must also obey the orders of the daimyo.

By then, I'm afraid more people will be involved in the flames of civil strife, and the country will sink into the abyss.

What's even more frightening is that even if we can withstand the pressure from Yu Ninja Village, there will still be pressure from other big countries.

To change the scope of daimyo's rights and the way they rule is to go against the whole world. The five major countries will not agree, and neither will the small countries such as the Country of Rivers, the Country of Birds, and the Country of Frost.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. The lessons taught by Teacher Noah came back to me bit by bit from my memory, and they actually accurately completed this deduction.

The three people connected bit by bit in the room, and the conclusion they finally reached turned out to be very ridiculous.

The only way to help farmers survive is to return the fields to the nobles after the war and let the farmers who want a good life return to the mud-like life.

Anyone who asks for more rights will be ruthlessly wiped away.

Sometimes it's a sin to raise your head.

Yahiko suddenly remembered what Teacher Noah said once when he was inspecting the farmland. They had no feelings at that time.

But after I learned more and understood more, I was unexpectedly struck by this sentence.

I seem to be unable to do anything.

The happier the farmers look now, the more depressed they feel.

I even think Teacher Noah is too cruel, why should he give them hope!

Snapped! Snapped!

Konan slapped Yahiko, and Nagato also slapped Yahiko.

The Yahiko we know is not someone who gives up so easily!*2

But I feel ridiculous. Before I saw the world, I always thought about making the world peaceful. After seeing a corner of the world, I was only left with despair.

In order to fight for dignity, rights and equality, we have to start a war. This is not the path I want to take.

Young Yahiko squatted alone at the highest point of the camp, feeling extremely disappointed as he looked at the ordinary people and the ninjas of the Akatsuki organization who seemed to be running around with hope.

This is the difference between ideals and dreams.

An ideal is a realistic goal, while a dream is an idealized goal.

In the process of realizing their ideals, people need to have the ability and skills to achieve realistic goals and need to continue to work hard and struggle.

In the process of realizing their dreams, people tend to pursue dreams and idealistic realms more, but they also need more opportunities and luck.

Naruto is a process of realizing dreams, everything is idealistic. Create a future with your fists and dreams.

With his special bloodline and cheats, he reached the pinnacle of the ninja world and accomplished the same thing that Senju Hashirama did when he was alive.

And Uchiha Sasuke is the replica of Madara, except this time Asura's chakra lost.

Yahiko turned out to be a dreamer, but he was constantly changed in Noah's courses, and he has come to understand the collision and friction between reality and ideals.

At this time, the boy's original courage is no longer enough.

Frankly speaking, the sense of responsibility makes this child afraid to face the tragic scene he will face after fighting hard.

This ideological conflict left him trapped in the tower, unable to move forward, and he even gave up on swordsmanship.

Nagato and Konan came to Noah and wanted the teacher to help Yahiko come out.

It's not yet time. The first light has to endure the most suffering. Trust him.

Noah did not comfort the disciple at this time, nor did he give a ready answer.

He is just a passerby and will eventually leave here.

Even in this crisis-ridden world, it is possible to die prematurely.

Then Yahiko, the light he chose, must have a deep understanding of revolution, the fearless courage to break through the sky, and the pride that will turn the world upside down even after careful consideration.

Without such will support, the revolutionary road really cannot go on.

It is very cruel to fight against the whole world, and you have to endure countless criticisms and endless pain.

Your fellow travelers will fall behind, your relatives and friends may turn against you, and your enemies will be everywhere.

The first step to burning the world is courage!

This is just the beginning, Yahiko!

Yahiko is about to embark on the most difficult road, and I hope he can successfully awaken.

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