Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1089 The Battle of Platycodon Mountain Begins

Where is Platycodon Mountain? Behind it is Platycodon Castle, which is part of Konoha Village.

In other words, this battle turned into a battle to wipe out villages.

Therefore, in the later period, a large number of troops from the Fire Country will be immediately transferred to Platycodon City, because if Platycodon Mountain cannot be defended, the soldiers in the front will also be uneasy.

Worried that his family and the ninja clan would be massacred, this battle suddenly became the turning point of the entire Third Ninja World War.

The prestige of Konoha's talented people who swept across the four countries before will be completely destroyed by this battle.

This shows how much determination the Kingdom of Wind has made this time and how many troops it has mobilized.

“The Kingdom of Wind is making a desperate move because they have no other options.

Whether it is material reserves or economic strength, they will not be Konoha's opponents.

As the first culprit who provoked a war against Konoha, if the Fire Nation slowed down and came in, they would definitely attack them, so the Sand Ninja could only start a more decisive war.

It can be regarded as a kind of poverty. After all, a country with nothing to lose is still pretty powerful.

Of course, the idea of ​​the Wind Country at the beginning might be to give the Fire Country a hard blow so that Konoha would not be too presumptuous after the war.

But if Konoha's weakness is discovered, it will cause greater waves and other ambitious people will be determined to take action.

The three disciples seemed to have discovered that the teacher had determined Konoha's weakness and that the Sand Ninja would achieve unexpected results.

Because Konoha is a behemoth that is constantly declining, the things left by the first and second generations have been almost consumed. And the third generation and his friends

In short, in terms of ruthlessness, Hiruzen Sarutobi is not as vicious as Chiyo from the Land of Wind.

The outcome of the subsequent war unfolded just as Noah predicted.

The army of the Kingdom of Wind crossed the border and caused a period of chaos. After all, the two countries were separated by the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Sichuan.

A large number of manpower crossed into the hinterland of the Country of Fire from both countries, destroying the two key defense lines of the defense force and the security force along the way.

He was so brave that he hit Mount Kikyo at the gate of Konoha Village.

Everyone was shocked when the information spread throughout the ninja world.

It turned out that Konoha was so weak that he was beaten to the doorstep.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and several advisors had personally taken action several times to stop the Suna Ninja's momentum.

Among the three ninjas, Tsunade-hime, who has never taken action, is not on the front line of resistance until now, which shows that something very special has happened.

The illusion that Danzo had set for Tsunade was torn apart, and the old guy was so angry that he threw several tables in the underground secret room.

Suna Ninja also had a different idea now. Could he cripple this big brother and let Konoha sign a defeat treaty or something?

The old woman Chiyo was jumping up and down on the front line, and soon her old enemy, Tsunade Hime, came out to die. It would make Sarutobi Hiruzen surrender sooner.

Anyway, the woman on Platycodon Mountain breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, she was just trying to boost morale. If a war actually started, it would be very difficult to win.

So he posted hero posts widely, trying to get other countries to join Gan Konoha as soon as possible.

It’s not just one country that’s ready to take action.

It's just that the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist Ninja have been maimed, and the overall situation is in a state of inactivity.

Under the suppression of the Genshi, careerists are not allowed to launch troops to attack the Land of Fire. This old guy has seen the power of the first generation and Madara, and understands that the background of the First Ninja Village is not that simple.

Looking at the precarious situation, maybe they can find some big killer weapon that can immediately turn the tide of the battle.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan fully demonstrated their demeanor of one clan against one country at the Mist Ninja defense line. The name Shisui Shisui and the red blood vapor left a deep shadow on the Kingdom of Water.

I have to say that Uchiha's combat power is indeed strong. No wonder Danzo and the Third Hokage are so concerned about it.

The Kingdom of Thunder had just ended its war with Konoha, and now the Fourth Raikage, who avenged his father, and the Kingdom of Earth were so bloody that they could not spare any troops.

So he planned to conquer the Earth Kingdom and then have a showdown with Namikaze Minato to wash away his shame.

Danzo also contributed a lot to the chaotic war between various countries. If he hadn't provoked and provoked the war in the first half, the danger Konoha would have faced would have been hundreds of times greater.

Only the Iwa Ninja Village, a violent maniac, was still a little ready to make a move.

Ohnoki came up with an idea after much thought, so he called over several Jonin commanders of his vanguard troops.

What do you think.

The Country of Rain was also shocked after receiving the news, especially a letter sent from Sand Ninja Village.

Inviting Sanshouyu Hanzo to bulldoze the Leaf Village together and completely carve up the Country of Fire.

He also promised to give Hanzo a large piece of land bordering the Land of Rain, which was quite a temptation.

But Hanzo is not a fool. At this time, he is obviously required to lead troops to fight. This is not at all in line with the survival of a small country.

So it changed hands and was still given to the Akatsuki organization.

Hanzo was able to survive the first time, and the second time he relied on stability in the Ninja War.

The three disciples felt admiration for the teacher's prediction, as if they had seen the outcome of the war.

Teacher, according to what you said, Konoha's disguised strength has been torn apart. Then there will be even greater trouble in the future, right?

Yahiko felt uncomfortable looking at the information in his hand. Every piece of information here meant that a large number of people would die in these meat grinder-like wars.

The hatred between people is constantly superimposed and accumulated.

It is more complicated and cruel than the Warring States Period in the history of the ninja world that the teacher has talked about. If this continues, can we really see the dawn of peace?

Noah understands the inner struggle of his disciples, but this is the truth of the world.

Direct understanding and communication between people is impossible in any era. Human beings are such complex and contradictory creatures.

Only through sound systems, productivity improvements and reasonable distribution can fights be reduced.

He also has to fulfill his duty to answer the questions of his disciples.

That's right. What they have to face next is the most brutal second-half decisive battle.

Let's put it this way, the Kingdom of Wind is now unable to capture Konoha Village with its own strength. Their ability to reach Mount Kikyo is already the limit.

But this oppressive attitude is like the sweetest fruit, tempting other careerists to come and bite it.

And Konoha will not come up with the idea of ​​​​temporary counterattack on the Platycodon Mountain, because the Fire Country is now severely weakened.

You can only use the capital behind you to wear down the opponent's energy through the stalemate stage. So this is going to be a protracted meat grinder battle.

The place other than Platycodon Mountain was where the fighting was the shortest and most brutal.

Through Noah's words, the three disciples seemed to smell the floating smell of blood.

Konoha, the giant that had maintained its invincibility in the three great ninja wars, was finally on the verge of falling.

As for the idea of ​​influencing the Third Ninja War, Noah had never thought about it.

The Akatsuki organization has just established a foothold in the Kingdom of Rain, and has even only obtained the management rights of a camp, and has not yet had any impact on the entire world.

His own combat power has not recovered to the point where he can suppress the whole world, and he can only watch the ninja war that started for various reasons continue to develop.

Okay, don't pay too much attention to this information. Don't let your practice fall behind either.

Remember, the more dangerous Konoha is now, the more dangerous the entire ninja world will be.

The people in Konoha Village will probably be crazy about disrupting the situation and turning this encirclement and suppression battle into a chaotic battle. Only then will they have a chance to survive.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Rain will also be targeted.

For example, Danzo was frantically writing a short essay, and the other party also offered Hanzo a hefty bonus.

As long as he attacks Suna Ninja's front line from the abdomen, he can help him completely destroy the Akatsuki organization and part of the land of Kawa no Kuni.

The country of Sichuan?

This guy's plan made Noah speechless.

Many friends have resigned passively, or their companies have closed down. So recently, my friends always come to me for a drink, which is helpless. I will keep it at least 6,000 for the latest update.

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