Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 109 Let the two fools go

It was naval artillery fire.

Lieutenant General He knew that an accident had occurred when he discovered that the situation on Mignon Island was different from what was said in the pre-war meeting.

But she did not act immediately, but waited for the warships to be assembled before setting off to attack. At the same time, he used the phone bug to greet Warring States. Such crucial information was wrong.

When Sengoku found out, he was even more shocked. The time and place were completely wrong. How could Doflamingo land on Mignon Island now? Rosinandi.

The greatest deterrent of the military is swarm action. Lieutenant General He knew this clearly. She was not one of those reckless people.


Doflamingo, who had lost his sunglasses and flamingo jacket, smiled like a village idiot. He was indeed quite a Joker.

He is not worried at all about what the navy will do to him when he comes. Although he always shows that he is doing well now and will make the Celestial Dragons pay the price, in fact Dov Rammingo cares about his title of descendant of the creator.

The navy will definitely not kill him because of this, so he is naturally confident at this moment.

If Marigio gave him a chance, he might go back to wearing bubbles right away. This kind of person's overbearing look is really the weakest that Noah has ever seen. Determination to make the sea chaotic? Or has the Celestial Dragon bloodline mutated?

The burst of domineering domineering in his childhood shows that he still has some qualifications, but looking at Doflamingo's growth history, we know that even if he awakens the fruit, he will not reach the level of top combat power. Since his debut, his heart has never been firm.

The so-called disturbing the sea means doing arms business and slave business. There are many people who do this kind of thing, and he is just the biggest leader among them. This kind of king's courage is really not enough.

Now Noah is a little confused. He doesn't have enough time. It would be nice if he could give him half a day. There is a crushing strength, but it's not a huge difference. Doflamingo can't kill him so quickly. Lieutenant General He will be landing on the island soon. Although this old lady doesn't have many moves, the one who can be sent to hunt down Dover will definitely be stronger than the one being captured. She can't underestimate the fruits of laundering.

If faced with Noah, the enemy of the world, it is very likely that the two of them will join forces. Killing him by force is not an option, so I have to let him go.

A streak of red sword energy flew out, slashing the guy who took advantage of this opportunity to make a sneak attack and bleeding freely. Another sword energy cut all the clowns on the opposite side into rolling gourds.

Get out of here now, otherwise even if the crane is gone, there will probably be only one bald chicken alive here.

Everyone in the Don Quixote family breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were determined to die for their family and the young master, wouldn't it be better to survive? Preparing to retreat, this time it was shown that Torrebol knew how to be a good person. He told Doflamingo about leaving the green hills and not being afraid of running out of firewood and other sea proverbs, and advised the young master not to act in a temporary manner. .

Will Doflamingo have a moment of anger? No, he calmed down after being beaten into a real Joker. It's just that the face of being a young master prevents him from acting as cowardly as his subordinates. Later, when facing Kaido's three disasters, he also showed his ability to bend and stretch. At this time, he was still young and a little bit cautious.

As the elder of the family, Torebol could still not know this, so he immediately gave him a step up. Let Dover walk down comfortably.

Hmph, Noah, today is...

If you push me harder, don't leave. Bawangse warned!

Noah was on fire right now. He almost failed to save someone, and he didn't kill anyone even though he was trying to kill someone. He was just angry.

The Don Quixote family surrounded Doflamingo and retreated with a seemingly calm but panicked mentality. They got on the boat and ran away. This time they were severely taught in Beihai, and they will not do it again in the future. It’s hard to say whether I will go to the new world.

Vergo has been exposed. It is taboo to place undercover agents in the navy. Except for the semi-open ones like the World Government, all those placed by other forces will be hunted to death. What's more, Vergo almost killed the Admiral's adopted son, which was also very brave.

Although Dressrosa's intelligence was destroyed by Vergo, the Rosinandis were fine. This wave of operations that were originally standing in the atmosphere fell into a ditch.

The first generation of Red Hearts was forced to return to the family, which is gratifying. From now on, they can live with their tail between their legs on the sea.

Other family members also had bitter expressions on their faces. They walked together in a defiant manner when they set off, but were beaten to a disgrace and several were seriously injured. Nothing happened to BABY-5. She was far away from the central battlefield, and she was immediately knocked unconscious by the overlord's sex, but she was a little dirty.

Information on this island cannot be concealed. There are too many forces in Beihai who want to see the Don Quixote family's jokes. It is impossible to defeat them, but it is easy to spread gossip privately to disgusting people.

Doflamingo dug out a new flamingo coat and new sunglasses from the boat. After getting on the boat, he sat on the deck and looked at the sea without knowing what he was thinking. One thread after another was flying around his body.

Here on Mignon Island, Noah turned to look at Rosinandi. He was also a Celestial Dragon, so the gap was huge. This guy is nothing but kind.

Mr. Noah, thank you very much for your help, but I am a lieutenant in the navy and I am opposed to you. So please leave quickly. I will not report you with the navy who will come over later.

Rocinante was completely relaxed at this time. Luo has eaten the fruit of the operation and should have a chance to be rescued. Doflamingo was also beaten away, and a large navy force was coming soon. Everything is moving in a good direction, and all of this is thanks to Noah in front of me.

What are you talking about? I'm here to find the fruits of the operation.


Rosinandi was breaking out in a cold sweat at this time. Just after the flamingo left, another enemy of the world came. This is how to do.

Ahem, the fruit of the operation was eaten by Luo and has been protected by the navy. If you came here for the fruit, you may be disappointed.

Noah didn't say anything, just looked at the box behind Rocinante. The more he looked at Rocinante, the more he sweated.

Isn't that child bored in the box? It's good to come out and get some air.

what are you talking about?

Forget it, let's take it away together. I have something I want to talk to you about.

Noah walked over, ignored Rosinandi's resistance, picked up the box, put it into the space, and threw Rosinandi in. Before Lieutenant General He came, he opened the door and left.

The navy who arrived a step later came to the island and saw only sword marks crisscrossing the ground and corpses all over the ground. Nothing else.

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