Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 108 Murderous intention arises

The flamingo was knocked 300 meters away by this angry punch, and the family members behind him were also blown away by the shock wave.

Noah finally arrived.

The Voyager originally arrived when Rosinandi was about to steal the fruit, but was discovered by an observation ship on the periphery and immediately called to discover the situation. Several more warships from the World Government immediately arrived. Regarding the surgical fruit, the World Government's The level of care is so high that any surprises are wiped out.

Because of this, some time was wasted. When he saw the birdcage on the small island in the distance, Noah knew that it might be too late. He handed the place over to Tiger and Tezog, and he accelerated all the way towards Mignon Island.

After seeing and hearing the color, I sensed the situation on the island and my heart sank. The pirate group is littered with corpses, and there are only a few living people concentrated in one place. The one person who is slowly losing his vitality should be Rosinandi.

‘Damn it, I’ve changed so many futures, why is Rosinandi still dying here? Speed ​​up, there should be hope. ’

Armed colors covered his arms, and he punched with all his strength, shattering the birdcage. Dover's strength at this time was still far from what it would be in the future. Then he rushed straight in front of Dover, and the intensity of his Overlord color suddenly increased, catching him off guard. He then punched him away, all in one go. This was a display of quasi-top combat power.

After beating Doflamingo away, Noah immediately turned around to check Rosinand's condition. He was shot 9 times, lost a lot of blood, and suffered a lot of bruises and internal injuries from Vergo's beating.


so far so good. If this happened in his previous life, he would be ready to have a party. In the world of One Piece, although he was still seriously injured, he could still be saved. Taking out a shot of the hormone developed by Ivankov from space and injecting it, Rosinandi's mental state improved a lot.

He also used Menmen fruit to open 9 small doors on his body, allowing the bullets to fall out on their own. Then came the simple stitching, which Doflamingo should actually be better at, but unfortunately he wouldn't save a family traitor. Noah had to use his crooked stitches to sew it up. Then he was fed some special medicines developed by the revolutionary army, and everything was done.

It seems like a lot of operations, but it actually takes less than 30 seconds to complete. Rosinandi had already lost too much blood before. Facing Doflamingo's gun, he had already recalled his life in his mind, saying goodbye to his parents and adoptive father in his memory.

As a result, a strong wind blew by, and when he reacted, he saw a figure beating Dover away first, and then rescuing himself. It seems that I don’t have to die anymore.

As the injury came under control, the double image in front of him slowly dissipated. This person looked so familiar. He was the one that his adoptive father hated the most - Noah!

Ahem, why do you want to save me?

Yes, I also want to know why you want to save him. He is an undercover agent of the Navy.

Doflamingo came back to kill again, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Noah in a twisted manner, without even the iconic baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

If you want to save someone, just do it. Why do you have so many problems with your bubble head? Oh, your bubble is gone.

When it comes to being venomous, educated people are the best at cursing.

Dover decided that the guy in front of him had become his lifelong enemy. These words reminded him of the humiliation of being rejected when he held up his father's head and wanted to return to Mary Joa.

String Fruit. Super Strike Whip. This is the ultimate move. It seems that he hates Noah.

Doflamingo stretched his palm back and sprayed dozens of almost transparent thin threads from his palm, and then twisted these threads together to form a thick thread like hair. Then let this line column stretch as far back as possible, then stretch it back and hit the front. An ordinary building will be split into two parts if hit by this move.

Even Noah had to be careful when facing this kind of move, not to mention that there were Rosinandi and Luo lying behind him.

He took out the word Wado, drew his sword out of its sheath, and stood in front of him, with his arms wrapped around him. He faced the attack head-on, slashed down with his sword, and directly broke the blow, sending silk threads flying all over the sky.


After saying that, before Doflamingo could react, he thrust forward, and a small space door appeared at the tip of the sword, extending the space beyond the opponent's heart, and instantly pierced the pink coat.

Doflamingo felt a throbbing pain in his heart, and immediately retreated. The general dodged the move, only opening a small wound, and a little blood leaked out.

It seems that this trick is not effective against someone with some strength~

You dare to test your moves on me during the battle. How despised are you, you bastard!

Doflamingo rushed to him angrily, planning to fight Noah. But a close combat between an esper whose main focus is on fruit abilities and a swordsman who is about to become a great swordsman? In just a few minutes, Dover regretted it. His body was shaved deep and shallow, and even his pink flamingo coat was shaved off.

It was better to retreat. After losing his mind for a while, it was difficult to withdraw. After suffering many wounds with deep bones, a completely shattered pink coat, and sunglasses, Doflamingo finally withdrew from the sword circle. It's just that his appearance has changed, from a fashionable young man to a simple and unpretentious big brother.

Doflamingo, who has withdrawn from close combat, plans to use his fruit power to save face. As the young master of the Don Quixote family, he cannot fail in such a humiliating way.

Then I saw Noah on the opposite side starting to wrap around the Overlord color. That kind of Overlord color with abnormal intensity. Wrapping it around the sword was too much!

He was still sweating, but after all, Dover was a young overlord with a domineering spirit, and of course he would not give up. The abilities of various thread fruits are released, and they want to compete with Noah.

Unfortunately, Doflamingo has not yet awakened the Thread Fruit at this time, and the power of his current moves is really not impressive enough. They were all destroyed by a flying slash mixed with overlord's domineering aura.

The broken threads on the ground seemed to be in Dover's heart at this moment, the pride of the Tianlong people and the pride of the North Sea Overlord were cut through with a sword. Is today the day of death? Come on then.

At this moment, Noah was indeed murderous. He had not killed a single Celestial Dragon in Mariejoia before, so he could make up for it today. He wanted to try what would happen if he ended Doflamingo here.

It is not a good thing to keep this scourge. Dressrosa will suffer miserably from him later, and the little toy people will be tortured by memories and pain. The guy who plays with the fate of everyone should die here.

The Don Quixote family is about to collapse in the face of Noah's murderous intent. The people who have been dominating the North Sea and wantonly plundering the lives of others also feel that their lives are about to be judged.

Just when Doflamingo was ready to fight to the death.

Boom, boom, boom.

Currently, three updates a day is the limit. When my hand speed improves later, I will take the initiative to add more updates.

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