Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 110 The real sword energy is everywhere

Chapter 110 True sword energy

Yes, there is no one alive on the island. Except for the Don Quixote family who have escaped, there is also the involvement of unknown forces. They are currently investigating. The ship on the outside should belong to the unknown forces. Additional warships have been sent there. Rounding up, well, that’s it.”

Sengoku hung up the phone and felt like his heart was piercing his neck. Rosinandi, are you still alive?

Still alive, even well.

Noah opened the door all the way and returned directly to the Voyager. He was speechless as he looked at more and more warships around him. It's so obvious to the Don Quixote family that if you don't chase me, what does it mean to open fire on my small ship? Do you think I'm easy to bully?

Tiger had to protect Tyzog, who was still in the form of a weakling. He couldn't go to the sea to fight, so he was surrounded instead. This was the first time for Tezog to feel the firepower of the navy. He was a little overwhelmed standing behind Tezog. This was a different kind of battlefield from the economic war he had played before, and the smell of gunpowder smoke was a bit pungent.

The feeling of powerlessness on the battlefield aroused his desire for strength again. He had still slacked off in the previous physical education classes. If he wanted to live comfortably, he must have strength.

Murloc karate, the sea current throws him over his shoulder!

Tiger set off a powerful waterfall to block incoming cannonballs from afar.

Hey, Boss Tiger, can you still hold on?

No problem, this is all a small scene. The pressure was much greater at Mariejoia than it is now.

Now the warships are just staying close to a place not too far away, constantly attacking with cannonballs, consuming the opponent's physical strength. This is a tactic summed up when surrounding and killing masters with relatively weak machine power.

The World Government has ruled the sea for 800 years, and there will always be some tactics aimed at ordinary masters. There are only a few top-level combatants in each era. They cannot be transferred around like small soldiers, so they have to be surrounded and killed by the human sea tactic.

How long do we have to wait?

I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I can sustain this level of attack for a day and a night, hahahahaha.

Tiger laughed loudly. He really didn't care about the scene in front of him. When Noah came back, he could destroy the surrounding fleets by himself.

No need to wait, I'm back.

A space door opened at the bow of the ship.

Leave the rest to me.

Seeing that Noah was back, Tiger stopped and took Taizog to the side with peace of mind, just to watch Noah's performance.

Noah stood on the bow of the ship, thinking together, and the overwhelming majesty of the king was overwhelming in all directions. In an instant, the sea calmed down, and even dropped a little. All the warships approaching were silenced, and the soldiers were stunned. Seeing such a scene, the warships in the distance did not dare to get closer.

Raise your hand and draw your sword. The color of the weapon was entwined, and the sword energy condensed on the sword body. It danced unparalleledly at the surrounding warships. He was outputting the word Hedao like crazy. The crimson sword energy reflected the sea like fire. The 12 nearby small warships and the sea water were all cut open. This is the power released by the top swordsman when he has no scruples.

Sheath the sword.

Let's go.

Tezog, who had not yet come to his senses, opened his mouth wide. This shocking scene was too scary. The warships that were cut apart in the distance slowly separated and floated on the sea. The buoyancy of the seawater prevented the ships from becoming silent so quickly.

None of the remaining warships dared to continue the pursuit. Their awe for the strong and their cherishment of life trumped the orders of the World Government.

The Voyager moved forward at full speed, left here, and headed straight for the windless zone. Just kidding, now I just want to bully the warships here because there are no masters in charge. It will be troublesome when Lieutenant General He arrives. Even if He can't defeat him, he can still be entangled.

Coupled with the roundup by a large number of warships, I'm really afraid that Tezog will be arrested before he officially joins the revolutionary army. After all, he doesn't even have a bounty on his head. How pitiful. However, it is expected that Taizog will have his own bounty order after today. Following the actions of Noah + Tiger and the 6 billion criminals, the bounty will definitely not start low. I am looking forward to it.

Sure enough, after a while, Lieutenant General He came with an elite navy fleet. Looking at the messy sea, his expression showed no sign of joy or anger. As expected, it can be seen from the traces of the battle on Mignon Island that the master with the sword had the upper hand. A master who can defeat the entire Don Quixote family will naturally not be caught by these warships.

It seems that this master still has a good bottom line. He did not cause more casualties, just splitting the boat.

Did you see who took action? Such a master will not appear suddenly.

I saw it. According to the camera bug, it's Noah.

Lieutenant General He raised his eyebrows

Noah, the one from the Revolutionary Army?


'I see, if it's him, it's normal not to hurt soldiers at will, and use the soldiers on the sunken ship to hold me down. I know the navy's intelligence quite well. If Sakaski was here, he might pursue me directly. Bar.

But did the results of the operation even involve the revolutionary army? Let's leave it to the Warring States Period to deal with the headache. Just now, I felt from the phone bug that he seemed to care about someone on the island. Is he an undercover agent? Haha. ’

Everyone listen to the order and go rescue people. The seawater will soon submerge those warships. It's not too late to save people now.


Within the Navy, the attitude towards the Revolutionary Army, Noah and Long is very complicated.

There are those who are determined to get rid of these two people, led by Akainu. As for why, everyone knows that two dozen Mariejoia can also be regarded as two dozen Sakaskis. The two scars on Akainu's body are still vivid in his mind. The hawks cannot even accept the weakness of the doves, let alone a clear resistance force like the Revolutionary Army.

The Dove faction is headed by Aoki, who has extremely complicated senses about Noah. His benevolence back then actually caused huge waves on the sea. Until now, he could only say that Noah was a disruptor of order, but he could not say that Noah's actions were unjust. Is it unjust to free slaves? Is it unjust to destroy the heavenly gold tribute? Zefa, um, turns out to be a dove. However, Zefa is now regarded as a revolutionary army by default and has lost trust among the top brass.

Lieutenant General He was from the same faction as Warring States, he was more sensible and knew how to compromise. She believes that if there is a better choice, it will be okay. The current order of the sea is abnormal, and these high-level officials know it.

If the source is not dealt with well, no matter how much we do, it will be useless. She is waiting for new hope to appear, but when Noah deviates from the right path, she is definitely the one who hates him the most.

Karp, in a special situation, is not among these people. The same goes for Kizaru. Kizaru is in the entertainment industry, and no one can tell what is true or false in the entertainment industry.

Onboard the Voyager.

It's not good!!! Help!!!

Readers in the comment area have provided me with a lot of creativity and ideas, as well as some classic sentences. I have been reading them all and borrowed some of them. Thank you all for your support. I hope you will comment more and provide more opinions.

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