Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1076. Can Teacher Noah hold a knife?

The clouds of war are getting thicker and thicker, and the fierce battle between the three kingdoms is about to reach its climax.

According to the intelligence, Sand Hidden Village is already in decline, and the initiator of the Third Ninja War has slowly become unable to succeed.

After all, as the first one to attack the Fire Country, Tou Tiewa also suffered the most severe blow.

Just relying on the two old helpers Ebizo and Chiyo are really no match for Konoha.

Luo Sha and Ye Cang are still unable to support the overall situation, and their different political leanings add to the trouble.

The sudden disappearance of the strongest Kazekage caused a lot of conflicts to break out in this already difficult village.

In the end, it was the only thing Chiyo could do to start a war and divert internal conflicts by grabbing the shit basin with one hand.

There were old and new grudges, the death of his son and daughter-in-law in the war, the disappearance of his grandson, the failure of the first two wars, and White Fang's suicide were all triggers.

In the ninja world where power belongs to individuals, the existence of a super strong person has a great impact on the war.

As the great enemy of Hidden Sand Village, White Fang's long-term psychological suppression is no joke.

Chuunin promotion to Jonin must be directly promoted by the Kage of each ninja village, comprehensively considering all aspects of their abilities (including combat abilities such as ninja phantoms, intelligence collection and analysis abilities, leadership abilities, mission experience, loyalty, etc.), reaching Only those with standards will be promoted.

It is the highest level of ninja in the ninja village except for the shadow. It can even recruit apprentices and even establish its own sect.

Jonin is considered the top resource in the entire ninja world, and the death of one of them is usually a very important event.

In the original work, it is described that White Fang can kill as much as he wants in the Kingdom of Wind. Of course, it is not like chopping up melons and vegetables. At least he has a full sense of threat.

Then it would be a huge disaster for the entire village.

For example, Namikaze Minato in the original work can serve as the Hokage. His record of instantly killing 50 ninjas is very important, and his fame is achieved through killing.

There were at least about 10 jounin here, and the speed of death completely frightened Iwagakure.

In the era when there were no dancing demons in the entire ninja world, this was an extremely explosive operation, and it was also the beginning of the flying thunder god becoming the enemy's nightmare again.

Even in the age of demons, there were only a few who could kill 50 ninjas in the wild at one time.

After all, the ninja's mobility and sensitivity are still very strong, and he will not give the enemy such a chance.

Talking back to Sand Hidden Village, when a ninja with strong restraint like White Fang dies, it is still a good choice to start a war in a complicated internal situation.

As long as some external resources can be occupied, domestic hidden dangers can be quickly quelled, and the disobedient group can be directly eliminated.

As people get older, their hearts become more ruthless, which is the ruthlessness of the desert flower that was once the Country of Wind.

I originally thought that with the help of the power of other countries, we could severely damage the Fire Country together.

As a result, Konoha showed extremely strong resilience, and talented ninjas emerged one after another.

That golden flash is really a little bit perverted. He showed his peerless style on the Leiyin Village front.

The battlefield of Kirigakure Village was stopped by the Uchiha clan, and the Seven Swordsmen were directly defeated by a short-lived peerless strongman.

In the end, the two elders decided to slowly shrink their troops after weighing the current battle situation, and then make a big move.

For Konoha, the refueling tactic is like delivering food. When the golden flash or the instantaneous water comes to their front, it will be another massacre.

At this time, the preparation for a war that spanned several months began, and the place they finally targeted was Konoha Village.

As long as you make a fatal threat, you won't face a high price of defeat even if you lose the war.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is a very sensible person.

As the forces of the Kingdom of Wind shrank, the encounter between Iwagakure and Konoha inside the Kingdom of Rain became more brutal.

Noah, who was watching the current changes in the battlefield, had a premonition that the Suna Ninja's retreat was in preparation for the famous Battle of Mount Kikyo.

The escalation of the battle between Iwagakure and Konoha may also contribute to the occurrence of the Battle of Kannabi Bridge.

In other words, the blackening of the two Sharingan heroes and Obito will happen.

Obito also met Yahiko after becoming Uchiha Madara's representative, and then came the plot of Nagato awakening and going berserk.

The entire Third Ninja World War affected the entire world. Any change in one battlefield would cause fluctuations in the other three battlefields.

The balance within the Kingdom of Rain is about to be broken.

In addition to stepping up efforts to build the Akatsuki organization, Noah also frequently settled in Yuyin Village.

Without arousing the other party's alert, they began to exert their efforts continuously, trying to create more connections between Hanzo and the Akatsuki organization in the external image.

As well as preparing to meet Hanzo for the second time.

No matter how Danzo in Konoha Village provoked him, Noah always had the advantage of being able to meet in person.

As for the eyeing Uchiha Madara, he had to find another way to communicate. The pink-eye family was not a group that listened well to others.

So we still have to start from two aspects: Hashirama and Peace.

Stabilize Hanzo in the Land of Rain, then drag Madara in the underground space, and finally face Danzo's methods head-on.

This is how Noah responded to the three crises, the most difficult of which should be Madara.

His own combat power is still not enough to threaten the old man chasing dreams at this time.

Nagato, hurry up! Don't be stiff in the pupil technique, you only have one chance!

In a corner of the Land of Rain, Nagato was undergoing special training.

In order to face Hanzo's threat, the young man took Noah's advice seriously and started special training in hell.

Of course, this is what he thinks, but it is not enough in the eyes of someone who likes to train his disciples.

At present, only Nagato can quickly increase his combat power to a new level, so he has to toss this guy in order to get another trump card in his hand.

Don't change your expression. The Samsara Eye contains the power of all things, so it can be released naturally.

After the release is completed, you need to hit the target, don't stay where you are!

Move faster! Even if I'm not a ninja, I can see your movement trajectory!

In the end, Nagato collapsed to the ground, feeling like he was going blind.

Xiao Nan quickly stepped forward to apply the medicine to her friend. Looking at her red and swollen eyes, she said with some dissatisfaction.

Teacher, Nagato's samsara eye has just begun to develop. Even if he gets those directions, he should still see them normally.

And can anyone really escape your sight?

It turned out that when Noah proposed to lead Nagato for special training, they still hesitated for a moment. After all, the exaggerated cracks on the teacher's body were always there, and even walking felt difficult.

And the scholarly temperament that is completely different from that of a ninja makes people doubt whether this man can hold a knife or something.

Noah laughed at the suspicion of these three people, and walked into the dense forest carrying a dusty iron rod.

With his back to the three of them, he did nothing but released a little bit of murderous intent.

Because if the momentum is too much, the body will not be able to bear it.

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